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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. 5 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    Use the 25-pounders to lay a smoke screen on the right side (Linear). The smoke will drift across his key defenses. *SPOILERS* Right across his PAK-75. You need the spotter imbedded with the infantry. The 25 Pounder light and long barrage so that you have the opportunity to adjust fire. Adjust fire right in front of the vision slits. It is an attrition battle can't be helped. The Churchills use the roads in the back only. 

    I think you are getting confused. The British are defending in this mission. And it doesn't include a PAK 75 or any Churchills.

  2. 2 hours ago, Hister said:

    Ah, I see - I am not of Anglosaxon stock so I don't know these two best to be avoided individuals. 

    OK, will see what that hardcover might be in Hansel (buildings?) and avoid Gretel. 

    Good luck with the mission. It is tough, but winnable.

    The 19th century Humperdinck was German and composed an opera entitled "Hansel and Gretel" in 1893.

    The second one was "Anglo-Saxon" born into a military family in India. His real name was Arnold George Dorsey, it was an old mate who suggested the Humperdinck name change in the 1960's. 

  3. @skelley I would suggest that you go to your local park in street wear. Walk straight ahead for 200 metres and time yourself. Then do the same thing again in boots and carrying some heavy objects (rifle, hand grenades, ammo pouches, entrenching tool are optional), whilst all the time looking to the left, right, and rear, and without making a sound. Not only will it take much longer, it will also be much more knackering.

    In the meantime I'm off to celebrate the 27th with some Prez.

  4. 18 hours ago, Rinaldi said:


    Uh oh! Would you happen to remember the details Warts? I'm planning a replay of this soon, so I'm hoping I can unpack and patch it personally for myself.

    One problem I definitely remember I found that in Mission 2 which is meant to feature a full platoon of Infantry you are light in numbers because they come in a truck, and you can't fit a whole platoon in one truck. So you are either missing your 2-inch mortar, your PIAT or some pixeltommies.

    And I encountered the same problem again in some of the later missions as well. Although I think there was a thread some years back where the designer did say that he hadn't encountered the fault during testing. So perhaps I got a dodgy download.

  5. 9 hours ago, AlexUK said:

    Thanks for the tips (about the beer too! The best beer I have ever tasted). 

    Happy to help. One of the little quirks about Belgium is the linguistic divide between Flemish and French. And the area of the 1815 campaign sits right on it. So Big Nose's HQ was in Flemish Waterloo, but the Allied front line was to the south of the divide in Mont St. Jean. 

    Whether the crewmen of a Daimler Dingo could speak either is open to question.

  6. 1 hour ago, AlexUK said:

    In that case I think I may. 

    Any reading recommendation before I go? 

    Single volume - Waterloo New Perspectives by David Hamilton-Williams

    Two volume - 1815 The Waterloo Campaign by Peter Hofschroer (It gives a lot more detail on the Hanovarians, Brunswickers, Dutch and Prussians than most histories.)

    Although the most essential reading is a Good Beer Guide to Belgium by Tim Webb.

  7. 14 hours ago, AlexUK said:

    I was thinking about going for a visit! 

    A trip to the battlefield is well worth it. You can either book trips online, or if you you are staying in Brussels go to Tourist Information or ask at your hotel. I prefer to do my own thing, so just jump on a local train down to Braine-L'Alleud armed with a very old plan of the battle.

  8. 3 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

     He also made sure the British, who bore the brunt of the fighting in Western Europe, came out of the war completly impoverished, so the US could take over their position as world leader.... I very much think so. A man like Truman would have done a lot better. ....  Same as Chamberlain would have done a lot better than Churchill, despite the bad press the left still gives him. 

    Us Limeys couldn't have fought the war without Roosevelt's contribution because WW1 coupled with going back on the "Gold Standard" in the early 1920s had left us "impoverished". Without FDR Mad Addy would have pissed all over us.

    As for "I very much think so" well you need to think a bit harder don't you son?

    In what way would Truman "have done a lot better"? Where's your evidence? 

    As for Birmingham Neville, he was a big a plonker as his dad. If it hadn't have been for Attlee and Greenwood defeating his and Halifax's plans to shaft Churchill after Dunkirk, we would have thrown in the towel.

    And that is coming from someone who thinks that both Winnie and Frank were a tad right wing. 

  9. You're right the Driver's head is poking up a bit higher than the Commander's. I'd never noticed before. I was probably too busy trying to work out which building represented the pub I went in for lunch the first time I visited the battlefield. To be honest it was a bit of a tourist trap, the next time I went I drank in a pub with the locals in Plancenoit instead.

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