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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. 3 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    The gap between the gun shield and the barrel is very small, and must have limited the elevation to just a couple of inches.

    Although from what I've just read it was meant to have a fairly wide range of elevation. So perhaps it's very low trajectory is down to it's short barrel. Either way it's a fiddly little bugger to fight with.

    "Swear box, Noddle Head."

  2. 1 hour ago, mjkerner said:

    I exploded the scenarios from the campaign a long time ago, and forgot that the de-compiler numbers them starting with "0", so I was actually testing on Battle 8. Still can't figure out where I saw the stats for minimum/maximum ranges on these guns.

    Yes, me too. I was thinking of "Not so fast, Fritz". The final mission where the Germans are defending. It is interesting to zoom in on one of these guns and look at their design. The gap between the gun shield and the barrel is very small, and must have limited the elevation to just a couple of inches.

  3. I actually fired this up as a stand-alone battle yesterday, so I am familiar with the map. And although the FO in the church can see right across the battlefield I think 300 meters was about the longest I could set an indirect mission without the infantry guns losing LOF (Keine Schusslinie). So I will just be using them in the direct fire role if the need arises.  

  4. 5 hours ago, Erwin said:

    Noticed that on-map 75mm inf guns cannot be used for indirect fire in the setup phase if the spotter has no LOS to the target - unlike all offmap artillery which can be set to fire anywhere on the map regardless of spotter LOS.  Anyone know if that deliberate or a bug?

    It is not a bug. Where they can fire is governed by whether or not they are able to fire over blocking terrain.

  5. 6 hours ago, Zloba said:

    Currently i'm trying small scenarios to enjoy the game without recording anything. But i'm looking forward to play the advanced training campaign and report with my story from there.

    I needed a change as the work on my last video took huge amount of time. I think i spent more time shooting and editing the video than playing the game actually. I need to balance that.

    I'm thinking about splitting the stories to multiple shorter videos, something like episodes.

    The most important thing is to enjoy yourself. Whether it is playing the game or making videos. And the episode approach to videos is something that a lot of people do.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bubba883XL said:

    Lmao, i tried to look for some "real" German music but YouTube quickly becoming a place for nothing like that. 

    If you want music that you can make mods from for the game i.e. "music intro", "music splash", " music end of battle" then you are better off without youtube. I just download the stuff that the troops would have been listening to at the time, and convert them to wav files. Obviously, most people stick to "Hollywood" or modern stuff. But I don't see the point of playing an historically accurate game with non-historical music.

  7. 5 hours ago, 3j2m7 said:

    ...yes the Bedford is higher but the chevy is stockier and smaller, that does not prevent it from being a good truck that the canadians used,

    It wasn't a criticism of the truck or your mod. It's long running joke around these parts that Paddy aka my granddad spent he entire war driving around in a Bedford full of Guinness.

  8. 1 hour ago, Erwin said:

    One can choose whether to keep your forces together or split them (to attack in two directions in a subsequent mission).  I have played both options.  The problem is that when I chose to keep the force together only two of the 5x PzV's and two of the 5x PzIV's turned up in subsequent missions.  

    Maybe a bug/problem with script?  Or perhaps an update has screwed it up.  Let me know what you find.  

    Will do. 

  9. I've played the campaign three or four times and yet to win it. But by co-incidence I fired up it earlier today, and look forward to losing it again.

    As for the script taking some of your force away. I think there is a branch at Mission 2 which results in your force being split, but thankfully I have forgotten why so it will come as a surprise in a day or so.

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