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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. ////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SPOILER ALERT ////////////////////////// Including some house rules when playing vs the AI. Orders for Phase One of the attack: 4th Company: Secure Fort De La Vigie and Hill 137. 5th Company: Secure Flat Top hill. 6th Company: Reserve, advance west following 5th Company. The Company HQ teams are given a temporary Pause and plot out the axis of advance for the company. When vehicles are present I like to use the green reverse waypoint lines of a Paused vehicle to display the axis. The reverse line stands out among all the Quick, Fast, Hunt & Move lines the fire teams will be plotting. 4th Company axis of advance around and up to Fort De La Vigie 5th Company axis of advance to the area of Flat Top Hill The platoon HQ teams all display 50 meter 360o Target Arcs (automatic C2 voice range). The platoons will advance along the general area of the plotted company axis of advance. The fire teams must be in C2 with the platoon HQ to be given orders. So they will generally be within the 50 meter (100 meters across) Target Arc displayed by the HQ team. Kind of a command radius. This results in the platoon HQ team doing some running around yelling orders at the fire teams. As an example below is 1st Platoon, 5th Company advancing along the company axis in the direction of Flat Top Hill.
  2. +1 Nice example!! I don't know how you could explain it all. Not that it wouldn't be nice, but I just don't know how it would be possible and practical. Makes my head hurt just thinking about putting it all into some kind of document. By the way is that also an outhouse flavor object in the action spot? Another recent thread said flavor objects can provide certain amounts of cover. So I guess the outhouse would need to be included with all the other variables .
  3. /////////////// SPOILER ALERT //////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// SPOILER ALERT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// The Tactical Operations Center (TOC) which consists of the 2nd Battalion HQ team, XO team and Bn. naval gunfire Observer (FO) team. The XO was designated Target Reference Point Coordination Officer (TRPCO) for the TOC. It was decided to leave one TRP on all forts except Fort De L 'Eminence. Because of the size of Fort Eminence it got two TRPs. The other TRPs were placed to support the scheme of maneuver of the three companies. Generally on reverse slopes and where defenses might be located. The XO (operations officer) acting as TRPCO is placed on a permanent Pause. A waypoint from the TRPCO is placed on every TRP. A 50 meter 360o Target Arc is then placed on the TRP waypoints. During the mission when the operations officer is selected he dutifully reveals the location of the TRPs along with there effective radius (50 meters). The Battalion Naval Gunfire Observer is designated as the liaison for all naval gunfire from the USS Augusta (203mm). A harassment fire mission set to maximum will last for approximately 18 minutes. According to the support panel it will take about 4 minutes per adjustment. Resulting in about 4 minutes of fire per fort. Fort De La Vigie is targeted during setup with a 10 minute delay. The XO was also tasked with keeping track of danger close areas for the infantry. The following formula was used to determine danger close in the game (RL is much different). Area of the fire mission divided by 2 + X = Danger Close. X is the mm of the asset: 0mm to 70mm X is 15M. 71mm to 107mm X is 25M. 108mm & above X = 35M. I have never used this formula with naval gunfire before so it will be interesting to see how it works out. The XO does the math and plots the result on the map using a 360o Armor Target Arc plotted on the center of the naval gunfire plot (both on the TRP in the fort).
  4. Ahh, correct. Just hit E. No shifting needed .
  5. SHIFT E. Will display the elevations, both in the Map and when in AI orders.
  6. No, he was moving around scratching his butt and stuff like they normally do . Just kind of looks that way because of when I took the screenshot.
  7. Just a heads up. The BFC patch page has the patch listed as CMSF2 Engine 4 (v2.0) I think it should probably read (v2.01) After installation the bottom right corner of the load screen does display v2.01
  8. 2 Bn / 1 Regt / FSSF prepares to cross the line of departure.
  9. +1 Be honest .......................... you were already a few deep into the New Year's Eve booze when you typed that .............
  10. Now that's an idea ..................... high speed chase of a stolen supply truck............ I was about to ask you to take a look at it. I'll send you a message.
  11. Yes. It works in CMSF2 also. It was made by @LongLeftFlank. Ramadi Buildings mod Store fronts, closed with graffiti. The Mosque look.
  12. Thanks for showing an interest. This is a WIP fictional red vs red AI only scenario of a Coup d’etat set on a 1072 meter by 592 meter urban map. The map is a modified version of @LongLeftFlank Ramadi-Government-Center map. The scenario has a variable end time. The optimal scenario length is two hours however it can be played to three hours. If the scenario is played longer than two hours the AI is awarded an extra 200 Victory Points. The player leads an early morning (0400hrs) Coup d’etat. The player starts with a small force and attempts to recruit additional units while weakening the regime until ultimately the balance of power flips allowing the player to take control of the city. To achieve this "flip of power" the player can choose a combination of methods: ambushes, street fighting, bribery, assassination, IEDs, VBIEDs, mercenary units, HUMINT, TSE, foreign assistance (in the form of Intelligence, operatives, money, supplies, & SF unit) and radio propaganda. Wise tactical employment of infantry units in a MOUT environment will also be necessary. If the player fails in the coup attempt his coup leader HQ team can flee to the US consulate (which contains an exit zone). The scenario would still be lost but making it to the consulate might be the difference between a major defeat and a tactical defeat depending on the situation etc. Waiting on the CMSF2 patch and beta testing. In a week or two I'll start a forum thread on it like I did with CMBS Tactical Operations Center (TOC). Below is a screenshot of an IED as viewed by US Marines from the roof of the US consulate (looking northeast).
  13. During a coup d'etat two opposing fire teams make contact in the narrow Casbah like streets of the old city, resulting in.........Ambush!!!!!
  14. An attempt to speed past and evade a checkpoint while operating a vehicle with an illegally modified suspension system. Dispatch, ............ this is checkpoint two...................request the fire department and tow truck this location, ........over.
  15. I also use the clock in the upper right hand corner when I'm working in the scenario editor. I keep a Word document with both the sequential scenario time and the game clock time next to each other on the left. Then some other information. See below. (I xxx out some information since it was taken from a published scenario) The two columns on the left help me to understand and remember the times. Good luck!! Seq. Clock Can [R] Time Time Trig. # Event 00:00:00 1300hrs N Defector team at North Outpost needs transport to HLZ. 00:01:00 1301hrs N Incident – Pre-bombardment of xxxxxxxxxxxx. 00:05:00 1305hrs N R1 Separatist BRDM from 1st Platoon [A2] begin movement from Uhniv village to xxxxxxxxxx. 00:06:00 1306hrs N Separatists Group unit [A6] xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  16. Sandbag wall inside a building. Admittedly this was accomplished in the editor while designing a scenario. A player can't do this during a game. I agree it would be cool to have fortified buildings.
  17. Give the halftrack the Open Up order under Special Commands. They should then shoot the HMG. Be advised halftrack gunners draw a lot of return fire. The more distance between the halftrack and its target the better. My SOP is to generally unload passengers from a vehicle before using it for fire support. Or return fire may get the vehicle and passengers.
  18. Hey coach, I had some old screenshots that went with my original test and notes. Looks like I did the testing in CMFI. The screenshots are included below with a re-posting of the SOP. If anything specific is tripping you up, (Example: how do I make a 360o Target Arc etc.) just ask. Somebody here will have the answer. When the below SOP is used for a spotter I put the spotter on Hide when not actively spotting/adjusting marking rounds. 1. Give team a circular Target Arc about the size of the building. 2. Slow team into the building & then to the desired floor. 3. Give desired floor waypoint a Target Arc out the reverse wall.1 4. 2nd turn give the team a permanent Pause3 order. 5. Give team a 32m, or smaller, 360oTarget Arc2 and consider Hide. 6. If/when ready to engage cancel Target Arc Pause & Hide. Notes: 1)The team will have LOS out the forward wall of the building from the reverse wall. This will also keep the team from entering a balcony on forward wall. 2)A 360oTarget Arc is used to prevent the OpFor from approaching outside a wedge arc & does not affect observation. 3)Pause keeps team from moving to forward wall & entering balconies.
  19. I think this is a know bug. Below is a work around for it. If your first BLAST command turns into a QUICK move on placement, select the waypoint and hit the BLAST command again. It should change and stay a BLAST command.
  20. I have this scenario downloaded and am doing IPB. Might be a little while before I have much playing time due to Christmas etc. But I will post screenshots when able to do so.
  21. +1 Very, very cool and useful. IIRC some people tried to make flat roof buildings in CMFI (for a North Africa look) and were not able to make it work. I wonder if your method would also work in CMFI. After the holidays, when you have time, I hope you upload your texture and flat roof mod to CMMODS III. Well done.
  22. Balconies have made me curse out loud while playing . In most cases I just avoid rooms that have balconies. However there was one scenario in CMSF1 (I don't remember the name. I had a US Stryker unit) where more than 50% of the buildings had balconies. As a result I developed the below reverse wall SOP which I update as I learn new things. I use it anytime I want troops to stay away from one side of a room. Especially useful for balcony avoidance and for spotters which, IMO, is about the only reason to place a team in a room with a balcony. When the below SOP is used for a spotter I put the spotter on Hide when not actively spotting/adjusting marking rounds. 1. Give team a circular Target Arc about the size of the building. 2. Slow team into the building & then to the desired floor. 3. Give desired floor waypoint a Target Arc out the reverse wall.1 4. 2nd turn give the team a permanent Pause3 order. 5. Give team a 32m, or smaller, 360oTarget Arc2 and consider Hide. 6. If/when ready to engage cancel Target Arc Pause & Hide. Notes: 1)The team will have LOS out the forward wall of the building from the reverse wall. This will also keep the team from entering a balcony on forward wall. 2)A 360oTarget Arc is used to prevent the OpFor from approaching outside a wedge arc & does not affect observation. 3)Pause keeps team from moving to forward wall & entering balconies.
  23. In the game it is possible for a surrendering troop to change their mind. This basically happens when the ratio of BluFor vs RedFor presence in the area of the surrendering troop changes. It is also possible to rescue friendly troops who are surrendering. I don't follow the reference about police officers. I don't think you're saying RL police throw down their guns like the in game pixeltroopen? I'm just not sure what the "throw-down" means.........
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