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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. I think we have had topics similar to this before reference OpFor ammo dumps invisible to the player. Here is another. On Iron and Elite skill levels ammo dumps are enabled in the game. However, in single player an OpFor ammo dump is both invisible and indestructible to the player. Both flame and direct fire HE have no affect. You can even drive through the middle of an OpFor ammo dump and never know it was there. The exact location of the ammo dump can be area targeted and the invisible ammo is not affected. Ammo dumps are a very cool feature of the game. They can even be placed inside buildings. They have great potential to make scenarios more interesting. Especially scenarios involving insurgents / partisans. A player sends troops into a village searching for evidence of insurgents / partisans. An OpFor ammo dump is discovered in a building. Orders are issued to destroy the ammo cache. The building is damaged and the ammo dump, inside the building, explodes and bursts into flames sending a column of smoke through the building roof. Very cool to see in hotseat. However it is not possible in a single player scenario. Destroying OpFor ammo dumps could also work in conventional scenarios. One of the objectives is an OpFor supply point. Breakthrough the enemy lines find the supply dumps and light them up. You will be rewarded with explosions, fire, columns of smoke and Victory Points. Cool. The below screenshots were taken in hotseat mode where ammo dumps are visible to the player and destructible. The screenshots are an example of what is NOT currently possible when playing a scenario. Please make OpFor ammo dumps visible to the player in scenarios so we can hunt for them and blow them up.
  2. Due to some interest in the "Remove some helmets" mod the mod was released prior to the actual scenario. The scenario is waiting on Fire & Rubble. There is a tagged version for the scenario Alarmeinheiten and a no tag version. The announcement is linked below. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/135876-tsd-iii-tpg-ii-the-cm-mod-warehouse-update-area/?do=findComment&comment=1821546 And the actual link for it at CMMODS IV: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/cmbn-infantry/mos-remove-some-german-helmets-mod-for-cm-ww2-titles/ Thanks @Bootie!!!
  3. IMO opinion Fauda may be the best Netflix series I've seen. Off hand I can't think of a better one. We saw Narcos & Ozark which are good shows. Maybe Narcos: Mexican series is something different? I'll have to look into that. I'll also look into triple zero. We saw the first episode of Black Crows. Not really getting into it so far. Will probably try to watch a few more episodes to give it a chance.
  4. Yes, for Oplan 5029!! Thanks for your posts on China. I read every word and found them very interesting. I hope you stick around and post more often.
  5. One. Because the OpFor overwatch observed the smoke from his shot and in returned plastered his position with HE.
  6. +1 You're welcome. It is a very good show. We finished the last season (season#3). Now have to wait for #4 to be made.
  7. +1 Cool video. The sound of the small arms fire and US voices were very good.
  8. Yep. The tank commander, sitting the highest, gets the spot and yells "Panzer". The gunner, sitting lower, probably does not have line of fire. I mentioned the status block "spotting" since that is kind of the default mode for them. If they're not driving, firing etc. they are spotting. If the gunner had LOF he would have at least gone to aiming (I think). Then after that hopefully to firing. Since the gunner never aimed but the tank had a confirmed contact I suspect the gunner had no LOF while the TC had LOS. Or I could be wrong ...........
  9. @weapon2010 hard to say. My first guess would be the Tiger commander sitting higher up can see the Sherman since the Tiger does have a confirmed contact marker. Maybe the gunner, sitting lower, does not have line of fire? I notice in the status block the gunner stays at spotting, never going to aiming.
  10. Sounds like Japan is taking steps to move some manufacturing out of China due to the virus. Probably a good idea not to have all / most of the eggs in one basket. Japan has earmarked $2.2 billion of its record economic stimulus package to help its manufacturers shift production out of China as the coronavirus disrupts supply chains between the major trading partners. “There will be something of a shift,” said Shinichi Seki, an economist at the Japan Research Institute, adding that some Japanese companies manufacturing goods in China for export were already considering moving out. “Having this in the budget will definitely provide an impetus.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-08/japan-to-fund-firms-to-shift-production-out-of-china
  11. Meanwhile at 2. Battalion Command Post. Panzerfaust!! ..........quick....... where is the panzerfaust?!?! It was leaning against the SitMap earlier!! Find it!! That's an Order!!! Please forgive me for leaving the floating icons turned on. It was a stressful few minutes ................
  12. Ha! I thought that one guy looked familiar. Its @Shorker. I did the same thing but it was a German Panther. I gave all my models to a nephew and younger cousin when I left home for the Army.
  13. They look better in their original (1941?) paint job of panzer grey instead of charcoal grey.......................
  14. A Schwimmwagen!!!! Lets see it swim!!
  15. One made it to a building. I think he is still there. He'll eventually get hungry and come out.............
  16. +1. Very cool. The Mord makes a breakthrough in modding!! I think (not sure) to tag somebody the name has to be in that funky looking blue. So just in case I'll tag them again so they don't miss it. @Zveroboy1 , @mjkerner & @Sequoia check out the very first post of this thread. If I just tagged you for the second time my apologies.
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