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  1. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Baneman in How would you describe each Combat Mission in few words?   
    Tough question - Kohlenkau's description of CMRT is accurate ... unless you end up in forests/woods when major SMG armed Russians make things ...interesting.
    I haven't had CMFI+GL myself long enough to judge properly, but it gives a taste of non-uber equipment ( funny Italian stuff, PzIII's etc. + learn to cope without Pzschrecks and/or fight Tigers ) and the joy (?) of fighting with a less than stellar TO&E of the Italians ( who can pull out some decent resistance nevertheless if you treat them more carefully ).
    IMO, Market Garden adds more firepower to the Allied formations otherwise not very different, but it's hard to tell since CMBN is the one product I've kept up to date the longest.
    CMFI can be more puzzlelike ( esp. if you're playing the Italians or have an Italian component ), but feels very different. More care needed perhaps.
    CMRT is all about shock and awe ( to borrow the modern term ) - the Russians want to move in fast and blazing to keep the opposition off balance. If the German player can slow them down, it can go very very badly for them.
  2. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to niall78 in How would you describe each Combat Mission in few words?   
    I'm a Eastern Front grog but I have to say I'm back playing CMFI and GL lately and think it is probably the best family balance wise.
  3. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to kohlenklau in How would you describe each Combat Mission in few words?   
    sounds like wine tasting! "..crisp, with hints of cherry and black oak..."
    CMRT lots of tanks, big maps, long LOS, summer now but winter with module
    CMFI mountains, has snow if wanted, interesting forces, not like CMRT or CMBN.
    Just buy them all.
  4. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to womble in The Sherman Compared   
    That's interesting/odd. Usually people complain about their TCs being too tolerant of incoming smallarms fire... Were the PzIV particularly low experience or morale? But if the Shermans were unbuttoned, they might well have the spotting advantage over buttoned IVs, so the oddness starts to shift towards, "Why were the IV TCs so chicken?"
  5. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to JonS in Map-Making Quick Questions - Quick Answers   
  6. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to womble in Accuracy of Walls, Doors, and Windows in Buildings   
    Did a bit of a test to see. A British MG platoon with both its MMGs dismounted and other elements used to man the UC-carried MGs inflicted casualties at about 3x the rate on individual "houses" compared to individual "churches". The targets were 3-storey with an unsplit squad of Grenadiers on each storey. The Grenadiers were Elite, Fanatics with +2 leaders. The MG platoon was Regular Fanatics. The shooters never saw a single German; this was all area fire. While the Germans were "Hide"ing, they didn't take any casualties. As soon as they "unhid", they started taking them, in both building types.

    Another test with Conscript grenadiers as the target dummies didn't change the casualty rate noticeably, nor did it mean the Tommy machinegunners saw anything more of them; still not spotted at a range of 200-250m after minutes of hammering away.
  7. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to GhostRider3/3 in German Campaign in Market Garden   
    I actually found the missions more difficult.
    After the first mission.. which I could only achieve a tactical victory  the next 3 were complete defeats.
    Maybe you can explain your method, because I found the German campaign to ridiculous.  The Kreigsmarine, low ammo, no support with 1 company attacking Crack troops that happen to be able to have kill zones on all points of the map.. I did that mission 8 times, every single time complete defeat, too many casualties.  Its obviously correct to make them green, vs Crack Veteran troops but they are virtually in my experience at least worthless.  Attack from the left, 3 points where the US forces see you and suppress the advance.  Right flank same thing although the Germans can be attacked by 3-5 buildings.  Center... out of the question,  Using smoke was a joke as it goes back up the hill in your face, so you cant even cover your advance...
    The Ambush mission I found to be a joke as well as the map is perfectly created for advancing armor, there are extremely few points to even put the 88 Flak gun, and the AI usually goes in the wood on the far right flank where the lightly armed Germans are overrun quickly by the mass infantry... which can spot your hiding defending troops pretty effectively from both sides of the map.. I have played that about 5 times and at the most I can get 2 Sherman tanks and a few of the AC.. no thanks to the 88 which is large and gets suppressed easily and then destroyed.  so you effectively have to use infantry and by that time they are mostly pinned down, suppressed or already annihilated, as the designer created the AI wonderfully to advance the scouts and infantry ahead of the tanks making sure that any Panzer Shrek teams, and infantry would be dealt with by the time the tanks roll.
    Great maps, I like the use of the interesting equipment but if anyone has any pointers on how to actually make it thru the campaign at least maps 2-4 that would be great.  I feel they should have been stand alone missions and not a campaign. If the missions were so important as to affect the entire campaign in which the allied forces would make it over the Rhine I would have expected different scenarios.  I guess I feel that the German campaign was designed with only maybe a couple ways of winning, the maps themselves do not offer much for the player to do as it seems possibly there are only one way to achieve victory.  I guess when I create maps, they offer the player multiple ways to achieve their goals.  I feel like the German campaign was like going thru a tunnel, while on the other end is the enemy.. not that many choices on how to win.  Like the German defense of the bridge,  The right side of the bridge gets completely overwhelmed in infantry at the end, and by the time you get reinforcements they can not cross the bridge because its already being attacked on the left.. Right side gets overwhelmed and again no time mission ends and you get what you get. 
    Thanks for posting any hints, although I am a veteran player, I don't mind being critiqued.  I guess I perhaps do not enjoy such linear maps where there is only one way to successfully achieve a victory.
  8. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Vanir Ausf B in 57mm Zis-2 is a SOB   
    The next patch should make HE a little more effective.
  9. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Artofwar in Mark Mines Command & The 28th Fights Back   
    Ok I figured it out the engineers do not search for mines using the mark mind command they have to sit in one hex for hours and hours then they see the mines then they can mark them. "This command enables engineer units to detect and ....." This is completely bogus statement in the 3.0 manual it does not allow them to detect mines 
  10. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Skwabie in Suggestion: "cowering" for exposed vehicle crews and passengers   
    I think we've had this problem for quite some time: halftrack and AFV crews getting killed by bullets, because they're unwilling (for AFV commander and HT gunner) or unable (HT passenger) to duck their heads under hails of bullets.

    I propose we introduce a suppression mechanism for exposed vehicle crews similar to infantry, but instead of reducing them to the state of "cower", vehicle crews will be prompted to "sit back" into their buttoned positions when under suppression. When the hails of bullets have stopped, they pop back up by themselves, with no player intervention: just like with cowered infantry.

    AFV commanders do button themselves up currently, but it is way too late. It looks like the game engine do not exert the same level of suppression to AFV crews compared to out-in-the-open infantry, as their suppression level only goes up when hit by a large enough cannon round. But for an unbuttoned TC or gunner, they should be treated like exposed infantry.

    And yes we can already do this for HT gunner and AFV commander with manual control, but apparently it is not in a timely fashion when a turn is in progress, and it is tedious when there're lots of vehicles under your command.

    For HT passenger, the space in the back of HT is cramped, so it would be uncomfortable for the riders to always hunch down. But they should... under bullet fire. When the bullet fire stops, they pop back up to stretch their limbs, which makes sense.

    And maybe it can even be copied to tank riders in CMRT. At least hunching down reduces their target cross section when getting shot.

    The details need to be hashed out for sure. Most obvious one: suppression level usually applies to an entire squad, but how to apply it only to the commander/gunner. Maybe the game engine can assume a split squad between him and the rest of the crew when an unbutton command is given... or something like that. It certainly requires some effort to implement this but I really hope BF can consider it for the next engine upgrade.
  11. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Bulletpoint in 88 ammo loads   
    Maybe to represent that many of the rounds might already have been fired off against aircraft? The 88 was originally meant as an AA-gun.
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