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  1. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Wiggum15 in Whats wrong with MIA and Broken units   
    Hi !

    A general problem we have in CMx2 is that even after you are able to force enemy troops to retreat from a position they will just run back a few hundred meters or to the map edge, there they stay most of the time till the end of the battle if you dont kill them (which is easy because they mostly just lay in the open).
    Units that have "broken" morale status for multiple turns and are x meter away from the map edge and have no friendly HQ unit near them should be removed from the map and counted as MIA (routed) in the AAR !
    That would be more realistic and remove the "hey we are demoralized lets just lay in the open for the the last ten turns" units that you see everytime after reviewing the map.
  2. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to womble in Supplies in Jeeps, Trucks, Etc.   
    As MOS says, it's important to note that some vehicles, come with their own driver, and others, mostly jeeps and kubels and the like, are driven by the teams that own the wheels. So sometimes you'll dismount the HQ or MG team or whatever, and the vehicle will still have a driver mounted, other times there won't be. If there's a driver left on board he'll show as a yellow spot on the left side of the "vehicle spaces" display, and if you hit "Dismount" will actually get out and crawl in the mud like a proper soldier If the inventory in the vehicle is showing when there is no driver on board, then it's a bug and I certainly can't explain it.
    As to the ammo count thing: when you grab an AT rocket, it's assumed you're going to grab a bomb with it, yes. Which is annoying if your team just wants all the ammo and they can't have it without taking an extra tube.
    Maybe one day we'll get a proper inventory system rather than the half-assed, bolted-on, afterthought kludge we're stuck with right now. I know inventory management isn't what the game is supposed to be about, but I think there's room for something rather more complete and complex in this niche of detail-obsessed geekery.
  3. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to waclaw in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    and I repeat it again - I want to see improved in the new CMB: - Textures of snow - I do not want to look at a copy transferred from CMFI - Sounds (separate ambient for winter) - New volumetric effects - Particle effects - New UI - I do not want to look at is not scratched tank - air bomb hit   fixes, which I'm waiting for 8 years.
  4. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Sublime in Future Combat Mission games   
    Yes the campaigns in Poland, France, etc were stunning successes, especially seen in the light of the times where four years and millions of dead did nothing essentially. That said walkover completely belies the truth of the matter. Poland alone cost the Wehrmacht around 50,000 KIA which is 8k short of total US dead for Vietnam and that campaign was a month long. Norway was a disaster for the German navy and German troops in the far north (Narvik iirc) were almost ordered to turn themselves in to Sweden for internment after allied landings in the area. Hitler was talked out of it by the general staff and the German regiment in question fought a skilled delaying action but only was saved by the victory in France.
  5. Upvote
    Bulletpoint got a reaction from Desertor in M8 the Killer   
    I understand he is a guy who likes to share information that's not always correct, but I never got the impression that it was out of malice. I have to say that I never saw him insult or attack any other user on this forum, despite some pretty toxic comments thrown his way. I know this is really none of my business, so don't start a bar fight. Just thought I would add my two cents.
  6. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Duckman in Future Combat Mission games   
    Like others have said, it was a lot more even tactically than operationally or strategically (not unlike Normandy or Bagration in 1944, you might say).

    Recent research, summarised by Steven Zaloga in his Osprey books, paints a somewhat better picture of the French army. The French armoured cavalry divisions fought a successful delaying action against the panzers in Belgium, for example.

    However it has somewhat understandably been overshadowed by the cataclysmic defeat at Sedan (which pitted Germany's best against French reserve troops) and the events that followed. The BEF had some tactical successes too, although it didn't matter in the end of course.
  7. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to RockinHarry in Future Combat Mission games   
    If at all, it was rather an operational walkover, but on CM tactical scale, I could imagine many interesting engagements between 2 worthy opponents, that I wouldn´t suppose one sided. Not to forget dutch, belgian and BEF forces!
  8. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Wiggum15 in Future Combat Mission games   
    Thats not really true, the french army (on paper) was at least as good as the german army, there were countless "CM scale" encounters during the 1940 campaign were both side met at equal terms and many which saw the French temporary defeating German troops.
    I would recommend you the book "Blitzkrieg-Legende" by Karl-Heinz Frieser if you are interested in this topic.
    Operational the French forces got crushed by the Wehrmacht but that does not mean much for the CM size of engagements.
  9. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I will try to reduce your post in the quote to its core...
     Here we go again, the typical attitude of this forum towards users who focus on (or point out) the issues of CMx2...
    a ) tell them to play another game and shut up
    b ) tell them they are idiots who talk nonsense
    c ) bash them and/or call them names
    ...as always.

    But why did they not announce new winter-condition features already ?
    If they are currently working on them and dont know how they will end up they could at least write something like:
    "We are currently working on..."
    "We plan to include..."

    That they say nothing about it tells me they will just port over CMFI "snow" and give it new textures. We all know BFC has other, more important work to do...
  10. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Putting everyone who is not happy with everything BFC does on your Ignore list just shows how much of a (so called) "Fanboy" you and some others here are.
    "Near constant whining and no valuable input", should i laugh ?
    The only "valuable input" for you is if someone cheers BFC like a little cheerleader !
    There is a technical bug report thread -> Hell no thats not a bug/issue, buy a new PC and shut up !
    Someone points out a spotting issue -> Stop complaining the spotting model is to complex for you to understand, thats all !
    A guy points out the lack of progress of the CMx2 Engine games -> Vote him down, and tell him how he is just constantly whining !
    Someone request a new feature -> Shut up dude, BFC has "other work" to do !
    ...just pathetic !
    Maybe iam to negative towards BFC and CMx2, but some of you alre clearly way to positive about every aspect of CMx2 and BFC as a company !
    So i just try to balance things a bit...
  11. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Lacroix in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    no i ll continue to piss them off ,legaly. I do not mind sneak peak reviews, nor did i say that i wont buy this game. all i said was: not good as it could be (realistically good,not pure imagination). we are starting to see a pattern: create 2 or 5 new vehicles ,add new formations (same weapons,maybe some minor changes) , make 100 maps out of which at least 50 are complete crap. (digression: some maps from RT are ported to BS..) call it a new game and charge 55 dollars. shadows,shaders,sounds,animations all same,its just a reskin. i know,cm is best game in this genre and beyond, but facts are facts. i cannot be bfc fanatic. one guy saying this is nothing, but 400 people saying it would definatelly change something. and i think its rightful demand. Bring more ,bring more features,do not make reskins all the time. i can live with cm's state for now ,but naturally i want better productS
    edit: also, patches or fixes , shouldnt be seen as ' favor'. they are there because game wasnt polished enough.they know that if they make crappy buggy game and give no patches,they ll be gone.its a natural process,repairing your body
  12. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Thats actually true.
    Everytime i play CMx2 i think about how much better it could be if the developers had choosen another engine that wouldn't get the game stuck into a "dead end" from which there is no escape.
    CM needs three things, a more flexible engine (that means new features can be included easier and there arent that many "dead ends"), a ArmA like editor and a more appealing user interface.
    There are so many shortcomings and problems with the CMx2 games but its still the best 3D tactical wargame out there and really fun to play most of the time...
  13. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    ...you mean features that already were in CMx1 and suddenly disappeared in CMx2 ?
  14. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Constructive ?
    Is BFC giving away the game for free ?
    No, they sell it full price and i pay full price. With that i also get the right to complain.

    What should i say "constructive" ?
    - BFC, what about a new UI ? -> Will never ever happen to CMx2
    - BFC i think you should include new terrain and graphic features for snow in the bulge game, what about that ? -> Will not happen with the current engine or is "to much work"...

    Im just not one of those guys who (in absence of any official BFC employee in this forum) gives excuses for really everything thats wrong with the game (since 7+ years...)
    Oh and yes i have many positive things to say about CMx2, otherwise i would not use my money to buy it.
  15. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I think Tank Hunter is correct, there will be no "major" changes and no new terrain or graphic features in the Bulge game.
    The speed at which new features get included into CMx2 is very slowww...

    Dont expect anything "major" new in the Bulge game. It could be just a Normandy module but BFC decided to release it as a standalone.
  16. Downvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to JonS in M8 the Killer   
    For those playing along at home; after being called out on repeating previously-shown-to-be-wrong information, Kettler has now moved on to
    i) a weird MilHist version of the Gish Gallop
    ii) various forms of "woe is me, it's all just sooooo unfair"
    iii) flooding the board with irrelevant, quickly googled, links
    iv) vigorously contesting points nobody has made
    all of which, like the repetition thing, we've seen dozens of times before.
    Would anyone like to place a bet as to which of his 'tactics' will be trotted out next?
  17. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to delliejonut in M8 the Killer   
    I read through the linked threads, for the most part. I don't think you're at all wrong in critiquing John when you feel that he has said something untrue. Everyone should be open to critique- it's necessary and healthy.
    However, critique is not my problem. Caustic behavior towards other individuals is. If someone posting a rebuttal does so negatively then logic is displaced, and there can be no genuine discussion. At that point, because of negativity bias, all discussion will become paranoid, defensive, and aggressive. 
    I know you guys have a history I don't fully understand, but both parties are valid, even if one side is sometimes incorrect. I'm not asking you to stop fact checking or become apathetic. Just try to pretend that other people on the forums are actually people. 
  18. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to LukeFF in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    And, that said, I am one of those who's tried and then discarded Aris's mods. I frankly find his style of weathering to be way overdone, and I don't want to constantly check the forums to see if he's released something new or to find out why a certain mod doesn't work with another one. And yes, I do find the stock textures to be just fine. 
  19. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to c3k in How bad is the AI without triggers ?   
    Without triggers the designer has to use timers. It was far better on defense, with timed reinforcements moving up, than on attack.
  20. Downvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to sburke in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    What they are just lazy? Have coke bottom glasses and can't see the textures anyway? Are just lousy artists? Even the modders have said BF does good work, but the modders have more time on their own schedule to do the way they personally like (which not everyone agrees is better - even Aris work is too degraded in some folks view from the state of vehicles as they appear in period pics).
    For a guy who produces pretty much nothing but complaints, you have a lot of opinions about how poor the work is of others. In my company we'd be quietly escorting you out the door without a golden parachute.
  21. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to umlaut in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    + 1 from me.
    BFC usually only reveal stuff when they are ready. That is why some of us get a bit worried when the screenshots show nothing new. Because we then fear that the Bulge game will in fact have no new snow graphics.
    Hopefully these pics are just a deviation from the standard procedure and actually only show us that there is really nothing ready for us to see - yet. If so, this debate has probably confirmed to BFC that their usual "no-news-at-all-until-were-absolutely-ready" policy was the correct way to go.
    Now feel free to call me a whiner, ingrate or whatever.
  22. Upvote
    Bulletpoint got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in AFVs overrunning   
    It would just work like this: If a tank moves into the actual square containing enemy infantry, the troops should evade (a bit like the way they fall back while under fire). So you could still assault tanks, as there would be nothing to stop you from moving your infantry into the square of the enemy tank. And in any case, you don't need to get that close to assault anyway.
    Could it be exploited by gamey bastards? I don't think so.
    Deliberately trying to rush enemy infantry would be a huge gamble, as the tank would still be a prime target on the approach, a single soldier with a panzerfaust or bazooka would ruin your day. So you could only do it in case you were 100% sure there was no AT present, in which case your tank would have taken the position anyway.
    And even if there are no dedicated AT weapons, you still don't know if there might be another enemy team or single soldier lurking unseen nearby, ready to throw grenades/assault as the tank passes him by. I don't think anyone would exploit this.
  23. Upvote
    Bulletpoint reacted to JoMac in Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo   
    Take that "Chit" elsewhere...
  24. Upvote
    Bulletpoint got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Total beginner - first tips?   
    Since you're a complete beginner, I recommend leaving Courage and Fortitude aside for now and trying the Road to Montebourg. (which is also difficult at times, but less than C&F). Also, Montebourg is just better designed and more fun, I think. It shows that the whole campaign was designed by one person, rather than being cobbled together from the maps of various designers like C&F. Also, the Montebourg campaign briefing texts are calm and serious, which sets a good amosphere, rather than being a bit "trying too hard to be cool" like the C&F ones.
    You could also try to do some of the single missions, especially the smaller ones to begin with. Platoon Patrol for example.
  25. Upvote
    Bulletpoint got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Total beginner - first tips?   
    Some of the maps included with the game are brilliant to the point of genius, some look and feel like they were designed by a child. When you're ready to step up the scale a bit, but still looking for a manageable mission, I recommend "Busting the Bocage". It's not part of the base game, as far as I remember, but it can be downloaded for free at the repository.
    It gives you a nicely designed map, and you get Shermans with the dozer blade attachment to breach hedgerows, as well as plenty of troops and artillery support. It's not very difficult, but should be a nice challenge for a beginner with a bit more experience.
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