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    PhilM reacted to Michael Emrys in Tank tactics: why the regression?   
    Sourpuss. You're just jealous that you don't have one.

  2. Like
    PhilM reacted to Mord in Tank tactics: why the regression?   
    At those odds he was bound to have one...
  3. Like
    PhilM reacted to Glubokii Boy in The patch?   
    Why not do a bit of everything... (if you are allowed to comment on BFCs part)
    We apprisiate the work you are doing and the QB-maps, scenarios and various testing...But...It's not like it's going to take forever to make some simple statements regarding the current state of the patch....
    Surely you guys are discussing this  quite alot internally and more people then Steve are 'up to date' on the current state of things. 
    With his promission...maybe others could be allowed to post information on this forum.
    You don't have to read through the entire thread here for example...It can hardly be news for anyone connected to BFC that a number of people are kindely asking for some updated information regarding the state of this patch...
    A simple statement like these...
    "The patch is making very good progress...The latest version have been in testing now for a number of weeks and as of yet no problems have been reported...Some more testing are needed but if no new issius comes up we are pretty happy with the way the game engine works now. All things going well we are hoping for a release at the begining of maj...But no promosies !"
    "Unfortunatelly we are still struggeling with a few issius with this new patch. An easy fix does not seem to be possible. We appologize for the delay but we are working as hard as we can to fix these issius. It's impossible right now to give a predicted release date because of these issius."
    Something like this would not take any more time to post then the quote above....And would atleast give us a 'hint' to if this patch is pretty much ready or not...
    I'm pretty sure that 99 percent of the people on these forums would not accuse you of neglecting your primary task if you 'sacrificed' an hour of your time every now and then to share some information....
    Working on the game is GOOD !  But does it really have to be this 'black and white' (or how to best describe it...)
    Work or not work...share information or not share information....
    It seems a bit strange honestly...
  4. Like
    PhilM got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Excuse me BF team but i really need to give you some money!!   
    You can, as already pointed out ... but if you did that to ME you'd miss a lot of good stuff.
    He was only joking ... unless perhaps I've missed that you were too, in which case embarrassed  apologies ...
  5. Like
    PhilM reacted to Warts 'n' all in Happy New Year's Day! 2018 look ahead   
    No probs Dan, my Limey humour isn't to everyone's taste.
  6. Like
    PhilM reacted to danfrodo in Happy New Year's Day! 2018 look ahead   
    Goodness, my apologies if I misunderstood this.  I am very sorry about that and to have sullied you in any way.  I was surprised to see someone call for lefties to be killed here and perhaps over-reacted since I didn't understand it.  Some of us in the US are a bit sensitive these days when, for example, man that can actually start nuclear war tweets about actually starting nuclear war. 
    I'll leave it and that and return more to listening to the forum than talking. 
  7. Upvote
    PhilM reacted to JonS in Preview of the first Battle Pack   
    I’ve written elsewhere that I think ‘balance’ – let alone ‘well balanced’ – is an impractical and illusory design objective, and so I don’t really consider it as a specific design criteria anymore. What I’m more interested in is creating plausible, interesting, and asymmetric challenges. By that I mean that the ‘story’ behind the objectives that each side is going for makes sense, and that given some skill and luck either side can achieve its own objectives. The objectives are asymmetric in that while Side A might be principally trying to secure a bridge, Side B may not care about the bridge at all and could instead be going for the church, or trying to move all forces off map, or something else. That sets up an interesting dynamic tension in that in order to win you need to achieve what you’ve been told to do, but also prevent the enemy doing what they’ve been told to do … but that probably isn’t simply the opposite of your goals. So you need to figure out what they are trying to do, and hinder that as much as possible without compromising the achievement of your own objectives.   Ticklish.   Well, that’s the idea, anyway   I believe it also adds to replayability because now the player's goals are more clearly tied to the relative balance of points at the end of the game. Since the number of ways points can be accumulated - and therefore generate different end-game totals – is quite large, then the number of distinctly different viable approaches that each side can take is similarly large.   So, yeah; all the scenarios are playable and in principle achievable from either side, but actually winning will depend on your skill. As it should.
  8. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in AI Tanks Select Target By Threat Level Or?   
    I can recall quite a few instances of facing down a lone panther with my two Shermans, one of them a Firefly ... guess which of mine the Panther targets first?
    Yep, always plinks the Firefly first - even when, from a front on aspect, it shouldn't be *that* obvious which is which - leaving the 75mm armed Sherman to be finished off next at leisure.
    Definite threat priortisation taking place in my experience ....
  9. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from JonS in Brief overview of where CM is headed   
    I read this as a - very good! - double entendre with regard to what is being hidden ...
  10. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from Squeaker in CM Helper loading problem   
    Or, there is this wording in the Help system ...
    Occasionally, if you have a crash of your computer, it will leave CMH in a state where it can't run anymore.
    To recover from this, you need to do one of two things.  Either:
    a.  Run CMH from a command prompt with the reset-state option
     DOS>  cmh.exe reset-state
     OSX>  ./cmh.app reset-state
    b. Delete CMH's AppState.txt file
    At the top of the log window (Options->Show Log Window) CMH tells you where the log file is stored - the AppState.txt file is in the same place.   If you can't access the log file, you will need to search your disk for AppState.txt.
    Under Windows it is usually in a place like:  
    Under OSX it is usually in a place like:  
    /Users/username/Library/Application Support/GreenAsJade/CMHelper/
  11. Upvote
    PhilM reacted to LukeFF in Brief overview of where CM is headed   
    The Hide command is working as intended.
  12. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from dutchman55555 in CM Helper loading problem   
    Or, there is this wording in the Help system ...
    Occasionally, if you have a crash of your computer, it will leave CMH in a state where it can't run anymore.
    To recover from this, you need to do one of two things.  Either:
    a.  Run CMH from a command prompt with the reset-state option
     DOS>  cmh.exe reset-state
     OSX>  ./cmh.app reset-state
    b. Delete CMH's AppState.txt file
    At the top of the log window (Options->Show Log Window) CMH tells you where the log file is stored - the AppState.txt file is in the same place.   If you can't access the log file, you will need to search your disk for AppState.txt.
    Under Windows it is usually in a place like:  
    Under OSX it is usually in a place like:  
    /Users/username/Library/Application Support/GreenAsJade/CMHelper/
  13. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from dutchman55555 in CM Helper loading problem   
    Or, this is the link to the place to report bugs / issues, from CMH's Help / report a bug menu entry  ...
    Paste in your error text and describe the problem ...
  14. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from Fizou in Brief overview of where CM is headed   
    Yep, I'm looking forward to the new stuff too! For me, Gothic Line in particular, I like CMFI stuff ... just odd I guess!
  15. Upvote
    PhilM reacted to LukeFF in Brief overview of where CM is headed   
    Click on your username at the top of the screen; you'll then see an option called Manage Ignore Prefs. 
  16. Upvote
    PhilM reacted to bobo in Brief overview of where CM is headed   
    Is there an ignore feature on this site? Works great on other forums...
  17. Upvote
    PhilM reacted to Bootie in The Scenario Depot III   
    Hello Gentlemen
    I bring you exciting news of the new Scenario Depot III which has been funded by The Few Good Men.  As we all know The Scenario Depot II was the go to place for Scenario downloads with its most successful period being from the mid-90's to the early 00's for the CMX1 series of games.  Unfortunately it was never updated to encompass the CMX2 series of games but all that is about to change.  I introduce to you The Scenario Depot III.

    The new site is a community wide project and despite being hosted on The Few Good Men servers membership of The FGM is not required.  We have reached a stage where the site is pretty much finished and all that remains to be tested now is its load bearing capabilities.  
    The Scenario Depot III is the place to upload your completed play tested scenarios for the enjoyment of the CMx2 community and I'm asking if you scenario designers out there would do me the honour of starting to upload your scenarios to the database as a stress test exercise.  If all goes well The Scenario Depot III will be up and running henceforth.
    The site is available HERE
    Please read 'The About The Scenario Depot III' section and then go to 'Upload A File' to go through the simple process of getting your scenario into our database awaiting front page post upload. 
    I would like to thank Gary Krockover the original designer of The Scenario Depot II and The Proving Grounds for his permission to launch the next era of the sites catering for the new games released by Battlefront in the CMX2 series.
    The site covers all CMX2 games [Afghanistan, Shock Force, Battles for Normandy, Fortress Italy, Red Thunder , Black Sea] and has areas waiting to be opened for the Bulge games forthcoming release.
    As well as scenarios and campaigns the site also offers the capability of uploading user designed maps for players to download.
    At present we have just the one map uploaded so please pop over and start adding your content and if you wish to donate towards the endeavour there is a link at the bottom of the right hand column for you generous folk out there.  Donations will go towards the programmes required to get The Proving Grounds up and running which is phase 2 of the project.  I look forward to seeing your work being submitted.
    Thanks for reading.
  18. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Black Sea v1.03 released!   
    And this was the only thing you could think of to say?
    If it's so important to you, why didn't you download and apply the patch and check, rather than just asking ...
  19. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from LukeFF in Black Sea v1.03 released!   
    And this was the only thing you could think of to say?
    If it's so important to you, why didn't you download and apply the patch and check, rather than just asking ...
  20. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from agusto in If you could change one thing   
    You'd be excellent as a highly paid consultant: asked to come up with one solution, you suggest three things we already know ...
  21. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from LUCASWILLEN05 in If you could change one thing   
    You'd be excellent as a highly paid consultant: asked to come up with one solution, you suggest three things we already know ...
  22. Upvote
    PhilM got a reaction from Vinnart in The CM Theater is open! Post cinematic CMFI vids here.   
    The vid does look very nice, but this (above) was my reaction too. Whenever I use Carriers and they come under fire - I try not to let them! - they have all of the protection for their inhabitants of tissue paper. Here, the carriers and their inhabitants seem to clear out successive sets of foxholes without taking any (?) casualties themselves. I began to think that there must be an enemy AI setting of "Dummy" that I've been missing all this time ... 
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