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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. It's really amazing how little is actually known of this battle in the West. No one talks about it and there is scant mention of it in most discussions about the Eastern Front. Thank you for your comments!
  2. hahaha - We no longer need to be encouraged, we are winning and are eager to keep doing so!
  3. Looking at your list of things you want to improve on, I'd say my list would be about the same. I rarely buy artillery any more because I find it frustrating use effectively, unless I am attacking prepared positions. To use it in meeting engagement or even defensively is something that drives me mad. I compensate with direct fire firepower. Often effectively, but that's maybe because I've gotten better at compensating for my handicaps than good tactics. And the LOS/LOF stuff, while most times I am not having issues, I have stumbled upon the very problem you describe now and then and wonder WTF??? So this will be a very helpful thing you both are doing.
  4. Sorry! Ok I'm not sorry, just not gloating. This is also the first time I've seen one of my UAVs shot down. Well done! Nasty piece of business that Tunguska...
  5. What difficulty level will you be using for this? I know that it's not an issue for from the standpoint of fog of war as you both will share info, but it might impact lessons learned based on the levels that affect artillery delivery times, etc. I'm not advocating anything specific, just raising it as a consideration.
  6. Great concept. Ian is giving me a nice pounding in my game with him so I hope learn new stuff too.
  7. Do you doubt the valour of our men? The strength of our steel? The love of our country?
  8. Omg, I love the colour tint. Really nice, Heinrich!
  9. Thanks! I'm going to post my new map format; ...it's about 3x the graphics work and 5 times the time, so I hope folks will like this over my old style!
  10. hehe I love using minefields. Sorry you had trouble, but they can be a truly irritating surprise to an opponent. Good screenshot!
  11. Thanks for the effort and screenshots. Iron as described in the manual definitely seemed to much hassle to be worth it. I may yet try it. And it will be entirely your fault!
  12. Haha well I asked Steve to clarify my permission to post this stuff. I don't want any trouble - so to be clear: the 10 cents logo is just there for nostalgia and consistency with the genre, not because I'm making any money by any means.
  13. I'll do one though I'm nervous taking on the U.S.!
  14. And here is proof. Wow, just fantastic maps!
  15. Kieme I downloaded the maps and looked at them without any mods. Even like that, they are some of the nicest and most convincing maps I've seen. Very nicely done. I'm going to try one thing that has me curious - whether the over/underpasses are functional. Not because of anything you've done but because I thought, but might be wrong, that there was a thing in any of the CM games where a vehicle on a bridge over land will end up "sinking" through it.
  16. These look really nice. Thank you for making them!
  17. Kieme, your maps look spectacular! I'm very interested in them, but I wanted to ask, if I don't wish to use any mods, will things lose functionality or have problems, or will it merely be cosmetic in impact?
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