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Everything posted by iMolestCats

  1. Have to agree, not very helpful at all. It now takes longer then it should to determine weather the squad is combat effective or not.
  2. Just started DL. 5 minutes left. Damn i love fiber optic.
  3. Ohhh a hint! Guys do you see this! We've moved the release level from soon to "VERY SOON"!!
  4. You know you are a day late for an April Fools joke? Right?! Im sorry bud but you just wasted alot of money.
  5. >Getting so pumped for the release ill take any sort of guess and make it true. I'm desperate man!
  6. Can't contain monkeys any longer, release the Refresh Monkeys!!
  7. The online is where the game shines. Just paced fast enough to keep the action going while not being too mucb of a click fest. Also i have access to the Red Dragon beta and its really cool and tons of fun. But alas, nothing like CM in any sort of way. Just something different.
  8. And by run i mean catching cats.
  9. Sweet, perfect timing. Just got back from a run, now i can cool off while watching some Red Thunder gameplay.
  10. You're joking right? Of course russia wants the ukraine to be divided, they manufactured almost all of the pro-russian riots after their puppet was thrown out of office. As you will probably be suprised to learn that most of the protesters were mostly russian citizens. They want their bases protected by all mean necessary so they manufactre protestes and go in under the guise of protecting the local populatin. Heh, oldest trick in the book Also are trying to say that the US paid for the so-called "coup"?
  11. The riots in the ukraine were not about political ideologies they were about freedom. After the president put into place a set of protest laws (which did not pass through parliment in the correct manner and basiclly made protesting illegal) all hell broke loose. People from all different corners of ukraine rioted against the government, including the people in euromaiden. All of these people gathered together (young and old) to fight back against a dictator and the corrupt Berkut Riot police. As the riots spread from city to city, the president ordered use of live ammunition where then snipers fired into the crowds killing hundreds of people trying to take back their natural right to freedom. Costard you claim that these protesters fired on the police first but that is simply not true, only after the massacre of that unfolded began did the protesters finally arm themselves with pellet guns, handguns and a few hunting rifles. The "president" got desperate and ordered his Berkut thugs to arm themselves with AKs, and to begin firing into the crowds.
  12. Micheal, it was 1:08AM when you posted that, way past the bedtime the nursing home allows you to stay up! At least when the "Zombie Apocalypse" hits we will have radiation infected hillbillies to fight off the swarm of "Rad Zoms". Don't see your Uranium Enrichment plant anywhere!
  13. The only thing worth mentioning about Symsoina is the cocaine. Probably shouldn't have told you that, wouldn't want you to come down here looking for your next "hit". Must be hard living in Acorn, Ohio, full of nuts, but i guess you can relate to most of em'.
  14. What's up with you and sod? Bad Childhood memories on the football/soccer field?
  15. Ah ok. I think Putin has gone an to far to back out of this without seeing some serious repercussions. I see some possible engagements between the local Ukrainian garrisons and the Russian troops with a chance of full scale war between Ukraine and Russia. This all reminds me of Hitler's invasion of the Sudetenland, going in under the guise of helping German ethnics, but now it's Russia Invading the Crimea to help the Pro-Russians. You just see the similarities. Man what a mess all of this is.
  16. Denied what? The fact that they are invading Crimea? Because it's pretty obvious to the rest of the world.
  17. Morskaya Pehota, pretty tough dudes right there.
  18. Oh man, that was hilarious superwoz! Thanks for the humor!
  19. Come on guys it really isn't that hard! Check out those arms...
  20. Couldn't get a decent price on Island of Fire so i ordered "Besieged: The Epic Battle for Cholm" and Pre-ordered "Death of a Leaping Horseman". I seriously cannot wait for "Besieged" to get here looks like a fantastic book, also went ahead and got the signed edition.
  21. I don't like the sound of that AT ALL. This sounds like.... like... getting... Neutered!
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