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Everything posted by iMolestCats

  1. Im willing to bet the back story will be a civil war between the East and West Ukraine, as Gunhappy says the east is basically 100% Russian ethnicity. And it's actually a completely plausible scenario with the recent riots in kyiv and other western cities, and protesters wanting a complete resignation of the current government. BFC can just change it to the Ukrainian Pres sending in the military to crush the riots (Which he almost did, not to mention the startling reports from the city of Chernigov, i.e. tanks being marshaled, and complete shut off of internet in the city. The city was also the scene of some brutal fighting between protesters and berkut special police.) and a civil war erupting as result, with Russia then stepping in to help crush the west, leads to NATO intervening, and so on. So not a completely unbelievable story.
  2. I would love to get some of Jason's books these look very good. I just got my paycheck today and i'm really tempted to get one of his books plus a few other east front books! Such hard decisions!
  3. If you're not a psychopath what does that make me? Misunderstood? But really, i am interested to know what happens when my Pixeltruppen get "Flamed".
  4. I actually just ordered Steven Zaloga's Red Thurst, i'll have to check out this one too. I have "The Last Battle" and have been dying to start reading it but i first need to finish "The Guns at Last Light" by Rick Atkinson.
  5. Well, now that we are getting back to the good ole Eastern Front, i'm in need of some literature. Being a non-Eastern Front grog i probably need to get a few east front books. Anything that you guys would recommend? Anything will be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hey Sunray! "Red Armor" and "Weapons and Tactics of the Soviet Army" look fantastic, but those prices make me cringe! I think if i set aside some money i'll order them but as of now i think i can wait! Red Army was also on my list of books i was looking at and was probably gonna buy. It looks like a great book. Thank you for drawing my attention to the US Field Manuel, that will be great! Thanks again for giving me a heads up on these books!
  7. Looking for something on soviet military tactics/operational manual? I've looked at a few books but most of them are just tactics described in a story (not to say that's a bad thing just looking for something a little different), i'm looking for something of an overview of tactics and strategy during the late 1980's. Here's one book i'm interested in: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0891413456/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A1IOWAVIYW6WHC Also are there any other books you would recommend for just modern day military tactics/operational guide?
  8. I almost broke down in tears while in class today after seeing this announcement! Fantastic work guys. About to place my pre-order, truly just glorious day!
  9. That was actually one of my choices, but the nearest dealer is 75 miles away and there is a chance they might not even have the knife so I ended up going with the 375 Adamas. Yummy paracord. http://www.benchmade.com/products/375
  10. I have a friend named the rabbit molester. Are you sure you don't want me to give him a call? It's no biggie.
  11. Declawed, yes. But disarmed? Haha no! I recently got a new benchmade knife, the molester is as deadly as ever!
  12. Better watch out... the cat molester might get ya.
  13. Im not even a cat but really, don't get me started on hairballs..
  14. The stuff is so good i don't even want to get off! Moar, give me moar!!!
  15. Oh man that chicken wing on both of those guys is terrible and it's sad to see a mosin cut up like that. Also if looking for an AK platform in America, Arsenal AKs are the way to go. Super top quality. Planning to get an Ak74 sooner or later.
  16. Thank you so much Steve and the team! 2014 is going to be an amazing year! Great to spending it with tons of new BFC games!
  17. So i tried troubleshooting and got this: Note this was on the 2.10.1 version. I have Windows 7 Home Premium.
  18. Ive already ruled that out. I completely uninstalled MSE then installed H2HH again, but still would not run.
  19. Im not really sure why it stopped working, back on the 26th i restarted my computer and when it got to the desktop i would click the H2HH application nothing would happen. I opened 'Task Manager' and went to processes and can see that H2HH runs for about a second then disappears.
  20. Yes, i am using 2.10.1 on PC. I cant figure this out at all. :confused:
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