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Everything posted by Maarten

  1. Well, I guess it's time to visit the optometrist.
  2. So how long has this command been here? Is it new or have I just been blind all those years?
  3. Baby's First Little Tank. What kind of vehicle is it?
  4. Probably not beyond the size of the magazine. I wonder if the issuing of both drum and box magazines is modeled. Probably to insignificant to do so though.
  5. So there will be an option to pay in food?
  6. The industrial output could increase, because it never ran at 100% capacity in the first place. I think it wasn't until 1942 that the German started kicking it into high gear.
  7. I think it's CMBN. edit: Mord got to it before me. Damn me for not hitting "post" directly after writing
  8. The biggest impact is that 64 bit programs can use more memory. 32 Bit ones are limited to some 4 GB where 64 bit ones can in theory use some... erm... what's 2 to the pwoer of 64 again? That in bytes. Which is lots. This is why Steve mentioned having to move to 64 bits before being able to do the proper playback and such. This in turn translates to a bigger possible game (bigger maps, more units), provided the rest of the hardware keeps up of course. Downside is that 64 bit programs will simply not run on 32 bit computers, although vice versa is generally not a problem. There are still a ton of 32 bit systems out there. I'd wager they make for the majority of PC's. So it won't be an easy decision. Other downside is that a bigger game leads to more whining from us for more features. An at first not so obvious effect would be that 64 bit architecture can be more precise with floating point numbers which could lead to a more precise, though not necessarily better, similation. For a quick intro on floating point numbers have a look at:
  9. We have a university in Tilburg that was supposed to be named Katholieke Universiteit Tilburg (Catholic University of Tilburg). They quickly changed "Tilburg" to "Brabant" once they saw the acronym - a not-so-nice slangword for the female genitalia.
  10. Were they captured on the East front? I always figured they got them in Africa. Shows what I know, I guess.
  11. They got very few bazookas, IIRC. Around a 1000. Not sure on the actual number.
  12. I was going to suggest you saw depends in the supermarket or in a TV ad, but that is not the case, is it?
  13. Though in a pinch you could use a bazooka as a breathing tube.
  14. They do? That's pretty cool. Hadn't expected that though maybe I should've.
  15. I am with Regiment here. Seems to me the lensflare is drawn as (one of) the last things on the screen. Which means it gets drawn on top of everything that's already on it and also explains why the sun isn't visible outside warmovie mode as there is no lensflare.
  16. Do you mean load-restrictions as in weight-restrictions? I.e. no driving lots of Elefants across. I am not aware of there being any restrictions of that nature on any of the bridges. Or as in loading the map?
  17. It's a pretty universal thing in cities. Sidewalks, kerbs, trottoirs. It's simulated in CM mainly by placing the roads on pavement tiles and not placing the buildings directly adjacent the road.
  18. I love screenies of German driving through fields like that. Makes me feel a bit nostalgic. Over a decade ago someone showed me a screenshot from CMBB like that and it made me think: "you know, this could be kind of interesting." (over a decade ago? I am getting old...)
  19. It does give a wonderful impression of how poor visibility is from inside a tank.
  20. I had a really hard time refrain from pointing at Bil's error. Thank you for taking the load of me! Okay, I can't help myself. "Mobilwagen" means "Mobile Vehicle" "Möbel" means "furniture" "Möbil" means nothing. Oh wow. What a relief. Great AAR though!
  21. Wasn't there a Hill 112 scenario in the game? Maybe I misremember...
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