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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Maybe. But this one dives from special wide flat ramp in deep waters, not from slippery clayay steep in the shallow
  2. Heh... If BTR dived in the river under such angle, it would sink or overturn and sink next %)
  3. Four. One of them was in military academy, other were stored. When war has started its were repaired, as minimum two of them were in ATO zone in 30th mech.brigade. They havn't losses. But anyway there is no sense to put BMP-3 in the game for Ukraine
  4. Only one reason of our team failing is bad reapair works on T-84 by Malyshev factory. Almost all tanks have problems with fire control system, in one autoloder has jammed, one has problems with gun stabilizer etc. Also crews have only month to learn handling with these tanks. So failing with gunfire moved us on last place, when in other competitions we have results, close to other participants.
  5. T-72s were retired in 2008, but turned to service again since the еnd of 2014. Mostly T-72B in use, for example tank battalion of 128th mountain-assault brigade has its type, because brigade lost almost all tanks during Debaltsevo battle. Despite we have handreds mathballed T-64, but in most cases its old T-64A or T-64B/BV in "rust sh...t" conditions, so was assumed a decision to turm back T-72, but its number also not so big. I have read only 300 tanks of B, B1, AV versions were selected for repair and moving to service. T-80B/BV now in service of air-assault brigades and entering to service in Marines brigade instead of T-64BV.
  6. You can choose 2S1 for support, this is the same barrel and ammunitions like D30, but SP variant )
  7. UKR tanks in the game use 3BK18 HEAT with 500 mm RHA penetration. I also want to make many tests of tanks spotting and its "x-ray vision" in comparison with real capabilities, but this is huge amout of work...
  8. Some more examples of tanks, hit by HE ammunition. In this case - hit in the hull top in the place of driver hatch. There is no information what exactly ammunition types hit these tanks.
  9. No. This is T-80B/BV. GTD-1000 engine is substituting on 6TD. Possibly like on upgraded T-64BV will mount digital radio, GPS and thermal sights. As If in Ukraine T-64 and T-80 have the same modernization program. These tanks more probably for 36th Marines brigade, which tank battlion will change own T-64BV on T-80B(V)
  10. Also known video filmed by DNR fighters. The late autumn of 2014, Donetsk airport. UKR tank drives on airport taxiway to the terminals and separs from "Somali" battalion, which have a position in fire department building, shoot in it with machineguns. Soon, the tank turns back and separs shot in it with WW2 AT-rifle. The tank on full speed shot back with a gun and hit in the roof. Looks like it hasn't HE and shot with HEAT - just only one separ was injured. This video has reduced sound volume.
  11. Guys, I draw your attention that already exists a topic Weapons: Ukrainian tanks: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/124628-weapons-ukrainian-tanks/ and a topic Recent combat vids from Ukraine: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/124305-recent-combat-vids-from-ukraine/?page=4
  12. There is an opinion US side has green cadets as partcipants. But I don't know on 100 %
  13. Tank platoon of four upgraded T-84 Oplot (not be confused with BM Oplot) departed for participation in Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2018. 10 T-84 were built in 2001, but MoD didn't pay for it and tanks turned back to Malyshev's tank factory. Sice some time four tanks were sold to USA. One moved to L'viv military academy and four were stored in the boxes of 92nd brigade. In the end of 2017 remained tanks moved to Malyshev's factory again for repair and modernization. Five tanks already in service of 14th mech.brigade - tankers of this brigade won local Ukrainian tank competitions already three times. Sixth tank still under works. What new in T-84 Oplot mod.2018: - "Nozh" ERA instead Kontakt - tank commander and gunner have independent thermal sights - back view camera - some changes in the transmission, now T-84 can move backward with speed 35 km/h like BM Oplot - new radio equipment (Harris) - GPS navigation - LWR sensors and Varta electronic-optical APS What T-84 mod.2018 differs from BM Oplot: - "Nozh" ERA instead "Duplet" - other construction of glacis protection - T-84 hasn't panoramic PNK-6 sight - FCS simplier
  14. BTR-4E has a mass on 4 tons (or on 9 tons with additional armor plates) more than Striker, but more powerful engine. Well known situation with bogging caused during withdrawal from Debaltsevo. In the darkness small convoy of combined company of National Guard 2nd brigade drove on unknown terrain (they afraid to move by the rural road). Forward BTR-4E bogged in deep dirt or swampy ground and could do nothing. The "Raptor" - armored KRAZ truck tried to tow it on the hard ground, but also bogged (other vesion says it bogged together with APC). Even the tank, which arrived for aid couldn't save BTR-4. Because there was a fear that enemy could pursuit convoy and could appear itself soon, both bogged vehicles were burnt. Photo of both form Lostarmor
  15. Then I already answered on this question in PS of my previous message )
  16. I think, this is substitution for ZU-23 guntrucks X-Ray vision in the game is a terrible problem, I see. No one UKR vehicle in this battle hasn't thermals, but its too easy spotted RUS troops in the forest.
  17. What do you mean under "named units"? Each Seps unit fomally is regular military unit with all atrributes like in regular army. Each brigade and battalion has own shadow commander and partially shadow HQ staff - they are regular officers of Russian army. Brigades under their command continuously conducts full-spectre of regular mech units trainings like in Russian or Ukrainian armies. Of course, locals complains that many Russian commanders teach by old soviet templates. But in whole, especially from side of discipline and motivation they are really "over-equipped militia" - many "ideological" fighters, who fought as far as 2014, are writing that level of training and motivation of both corpses doesn't allow both corps to withstand Ukrainian offensive without direct suport of Russian army. PS. If you ment under named units Legion, Sparta and Somali, its have structures about battalion or some less. "Legion" formally is a special...emergency detachment, which belong to so-called "Ministry of emergency situations of DPR". "Sparta" formally is recon battalion with number of 300+ fighters. So, these two units don't need much armor according to its duties. "Somali" is a separate motor-rifle assault battalion - thus, they have tank company, more armor, own mortar battery, SP-mortars Nona and own artillery. Actully they are using for assault operations or for defense strengthening on critical directions.
  18. I think, this will be interest for you in this topic. Except Russian forces, look, how much armored vehicles have "mined" DPR (1st Army Corps) and LPR (2nd Army Corps). In comparison with some Westernm armies. My familiar, former Ukr army serviceman and one of LostArmor experts, has complited huge work - he identificated from photo and video of enemy resourses almost full number of armor in DNR and LNR srvice. With aid of LostArmor resourse, of course. I've asked him make infographic in English for you and he did it. Click to enlarge.
  19. Ukrainaian fast identification markings were changing continuously. Initially this was one white stripe, then two, then double V-shape, then one thick stripe and two narrow aside, now it's a white round, like on Russian vehicles during 2014 invasion. But in many units some vehicles still use older markings
  20. @MOS:96B2P, @kinophile Damn! This is T-72B3, captured 26 Aug 2014 by Ukrainian troops near Ilovaisk - for identification our soldiers painted it with UKR white stripes! Check, please, what you post and write here in order to not confuse others! Separatist forces never used white stripes, except some cases of using our captured vehicles. In some cases they were repainting UKR white stripes with saturated green color.
  21. Mariupol is too value place to destroy it in Stalingrad or Groznyi style urban combat. Two giaint metallurgy factories and port. Both sides have interest to use this potential. Also oligarchs-factory owners strong influence on UKR government and their ties with Russia establishment maintains some guarantee for "inviolability" of the city. Conflict between Russia and Ukraine has not only historical and political cases, but also strong economical component. Though, on other hand, on occupied territories we can see looting of industry - many factories and mines either already scrapped on metal or moved to Russia. But anyway I doubt that each side will defend Mariupol to last soldier. This is not total war for destruction. From logistic side Mariupol as sector HQ is a logistic center of this part of front.
  22. Ukrainians got to the major urban centers before Russians - Donetsk and Horlivka, for example, continuously were taking in encirclement until 24th Aug. After Russian invasion I can remember such big (big for this war, of course) urban battles like Vuhlehirsk 30.01.2015 and Mariinka 3.06.2015. Some clashes also was in Debaltsevo, but that was just our screen of small number of special forces, which covered withdrawal of mech.infantry and police units.
  23. No. During 2014 campaing of intensive maneuver warfare Ukrainain troops liberated one city with population ower 450 000 - Mariupol, several cities with population over 100 000 - Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Siverodonetsk, Lysychansk and dozens of towns (in ukrainian classification "settlement of city type") with population 10-50000. There is a significant difference in comparison with Syria - both sides tryed to avoid mass civilian casualties and total destruction like we can seen in Chechnya and Syria. So defenders in most cases hel positions on some distance from the settlements or on its outskirts. Inside the settlements only most appropriate buildings turned in strongpoints - as a rule local administrations (by soviet building norms such type of buildings should be more resistable to heavt ammunition hits), force structures offices and sometimes in the schools of 40-60th-years of building (also enough strong). Second differ from Syria is when defenders seen they can be encircled or outflanked, in most cases they withdrew and didn't try to fight inside the settlements. Third differs - in the summer 2014 separatists forces hasn't enough mancount and heavy weapon for long and fierced defending of large settlements. Our soldiers have said only indecision and hasitation of highest political establishment didn't allow to liberate Luhansk in the beginning of August - our special forces already were sneaking in the city, but our political establishment afraid panicaly of street clashes, which can inflict big casualties of civilians and negative reaction of the West, and didn't give the order. Time was lost and from 12th Aug vanguard of Russion troops and new parties of Rusian volunteers came in almost defensless city. Almost the same situatin was with Donetsk. Yes, the city has enough troops inside and was much more heavy defended, but in late July was a chance to anchored in one of it's districts - volunteers and special forces also crossed city limit and were ready to advance, but HQ ordered "go back".
  24. "Sometimes"... Hm... I would be say "in most cases" %). Most weird fact is frontline sector in 25 km southern of Donetsk, which after Ilovaisk disaster defended 74th recon battalion only with one BMP-2 and without any artillery and even mortar support. As urban (or heavy structure) combats you also forgot the battle for Luhansk airport, battle for Ilovaisk, two battles for Vuhlehirs'k (rus.Uglegorsk) and bloody battle for Shakhtarsk (though there was mostly mortar and artillery exchanges and direct clashes have took place when Ukrainian troops broke through). Also examples of fierce fighting in Shyrokyne and Nikishyno and some other places, but its are more large settlements, then towns and cities.
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