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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. The next Red Thunder modules(s?) will take us to the end of the war.
  2. Shock Force was there first foray with the CMx2 engine, there is no way Black Sea would be as buggy as shock force was.
  3. Automatic purchase is a bit wonky, I usually just buy the majority of the forces for both sides, if you do that you won't have problems like that.
  4. Once again it depends on the formation, I recommend just starting a random quick battle and going to the purchase screen for both sides to check out what is inside each ones armor formations. In the case of the artillery spotters that is weird, I cant seem to find them in there, but of course I could be wrong.
  5. Many armored "only" formations have attached infantry units inside of them, for example a Soviet tank battalion will usually have a company or a few platoons of tank riders.
  6. He didn't have enough time to play that scenario.
  7. Remember this game takes place in 2017 and Is not based on the conflict in Ukraine happening in real life. It is conceivable that by than Ukrainian forces have enough uniforms to go around and equip there forces.
  8. "Loose lips sink ships" comes to mind, but in this case its BMP-3's...although those can sink and swim just as well.
  9. That GTX 970 is top of the line, CM won't be an issue at all. RAM and individual processor power is far more important.
  10. Yes you can effectively disable rarity in the QB setup screen (Before the purchase screen, the one screen which you use to pick the map, ETC). As for giving each side more points you set that by dictating the size of the battle for example to "huge" for a large amount of points, on the screen I mentioned previously.
  11. It was explained multiple times (too many in fact, are you being ignorant or willfully ignorant?) that it is an abstraction, what should it do instead of what is shown already? I am not a fan boy but honestly I don't know what you guys want the close assault animation or action to be, instead of complaining about it come up with ideas. :confused:
  12. Ill take him on, 20,000 point battle over a map spanning the entirety of Ukraine. ECM set to maximum and limited air support, we will do it old school! :cool:
  13. It seems like you didn't read through very carefully...remember the "grenades" represent the act of close assaulting, IE using all of the weapons you just mentioned, and other actions like climbing on the tank ETC. Its an abstraction and honestly an acceptable one, if you don't want to lose your armor to infantry don't send it alone into dangerous areas where it is vulnerable to such a thing.
  14. An opinion that is bolstered by supported facts that Steve has pretty clearly laid out over the past 20 pages, if you're going to try and disprove it your going to have to do better than "Ukraine lies as much as Russia".
  15. I have, it was one of the first scenarios I ever played and I still haven't beaten it, however plenty of others have. Accept that you aren't very good at the game yet like I do and many others and keep playing and learning instead of complaining about something that doesn't exist. Infact, if you ask around people will be happy to help with things like unit placement and tactics.
  16. Your crusade to demonize the AI is a failed one I am afraid, if its a QB the ai unit placement/movement plan was made by a designer and placed "perfectly", if its in a campaign or scenario it was placed there "perfectly" all by a human. AI units are afforded no advantages, all of these problems you are bringing up besides LOS issues which can happen are all baseless, I am pretty bad at the game too its ok, but I still love it!
  17. Divisions still exist what do you think those brigades/battalions are attached too . As for reading, this PDF I found on Canadian armor experiences in Afghanistan by the Austrialian defense ministry is pretty interesting. http://www.army.gov.au/Our-future/Publications/Australian-Army-Journal/Past-editions/~/media/Files/Our%20future/LWSC%20Publications/AAJ/2008Winter/10-CanadianArmourInAfghani.pdf I am sure you can find thousands (literally) of documents such as this one on any topic your interested in. The internet is a great place, and just now I typed in US army 21st century combat documents and got some interesting hits.
  18. They've brought it up before as something they want to do, but it is definitely not a priority right now.
  19. 1. Certain campaign/Normal scenarios have multiple AI plans so seeing those units in different places is common. 2. German MG's and American MG's don't have discrepancies for LOS, quite simply the spot that MG is in has bad LOS to whatever you are trying to look at. I know it can be frustrating when you move a unit into a position where you think it can see and it can't, unfortunately the best thing you can do is draw LOS from that position by selecting the movement point and using "target" to see what it can see. I hope that helped and good luck!
  20. Get Cox the hell out of there Pnzr! I am loving this so far!
  21. Their is only one gunner so I would imagine that that isn't possible.
  22. The panzerschreck should have no problems with any Russian armor.
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