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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. A high intensity conflict of maneuver in Ukraine involving two of the most advanced militaries armored formations from Russia, Ukraine and the U.S. isn't really a place for a "guillied up" sniper to sit for a week and take shots at targets.
  2. It all depends on what the enemy can see, if he can see the first floor, second and third than yes you would want to slow all the way up, if he can only see the third than you only need to do it for the 2nd-3rd. It all depends on the situation, if your that worried about it crawl the whole way! As for not being able to see while crawling...you can just not as well, not sure why you think you can't see ANYTHING.
  3. Don't believe everything you see in movies, even if its a good one! In the situation your describing if there was mud available you aren't going to want to be covered in the stuff, it would get on your equipment and be extremely uncomfortable, especially in a modern warfare setting, I would only see that as a last resort. Mud isn't always available either, and it wouldn't work for very long...
  4. It absolutely does approve of prepared positions (It varies obviously, the battlefield is a fickle beast!) for modern armor, every combat engineer formation (As far as I am concerned, and my friend who is an US army combat engineer) has specialists who can dig prepared hull-down positions like the one above. If I am not mistaken (Again, pnzrldr will probably come in here and tell me how stupid I am hehe) US armored formations also have specially equipped vehicles for entrenching tanks. The Russians on the other hand have there tanks designed in such a way to where they can dig in by themselves, its hard to describe, but its got something to do with the shape of the front of the vehicle.
  5. GOG is one of the few places you can buy games with zero DRM which is amazing, as for Wargame: European, it is a wargame definitely but no where near hardcore. I think Wargame is a great stepping stone for getting into more hardcore games though.
  6. Indeed! fortune favors the bold...sometimes.... However, this is Bil we are talking about, hes not out of the fight yet!
  7. They have a point though, Steve's got 20 years under his belt, and while most of Mord's post's are a little over the top he is absolutely right about the arrogance. Don't let the rest of his post bother you and instead just focus on making a clear argument without the high and mighty part to it. Tragically this is actually how most of these posts go, person comes in wanting Steam, lists reasons, gets into arguments with everyone and begins with the attitude. Its annoying being out-numbered I get it, especially with some snarky comments thrown in, however you won't get anywhere with telling the owner of the company he has no idea what hes doing!
  8. Yeah he pretty much is, uh...my previous statements apply to the gentleman merely stating there interest in CM being brought to Steam not telling Steve he doesn't know how to do his job after all these years... State your points without the arrogance guys and this all goes much better, evidence doesn't hurt much either!
  9. Yeah Steve stop having a rational and calm argument with people! This is actually nice, everyone got a few answers and the discussion is still going, if your bitter about it at this point just leave the thread, NO ONE is making you stay and read it.
  10. Thats interesting, I wonder who plays Combat Mission for "professional" purposes.
  11. That is a good point sburke, we don't know how much they are selling and if anyone does there a liar! (Hehe, unless they work for them) however its great that they are selling above there expectations and finding Steam to be worthwhile for there products. As for the Steam community pages I like to read through them, especially on games like Command, you do get a sense for what people will pay for, I think Combat Mission wouldn't have problems with a price point of 50$ considering what you see is what you get, especially with a demo. Command doesn't have the "presence" like Combat Mission does, flat 2d graphics and circles and lines moving across a map put many people off especially at 80$,(Command is great by the way) CM will not have that problem.
  12. I am going to be nit-picky here, no one said Steam would attract millions, but the fact that steam does have over 60 million users is a good way of saying that the community is large and exposure to at least some of those 60 million people would garner some considerable attention to Combat Mission, at least to a percentage of that, of course CM is niche but it doesn't hurt! As for numbers well, only Matrix and Slitherine know there true numbers and from what they talk about on there Steam community pages when people complain about there pricing on these games (Especially Command: Modern air naval operations, which gets A LOT of flak for there price) they are selling above what they thought they would. That in of itself is an interesting and positive outcome for those company's taking a risk no?
  13. Its great to see some fellow Tolkiens on here,I have only read the Silmarillion once quite a while ago, so unfortunately that one went over my head!
  14. Please don't turn this into a rant topic.
  15. Thats true jargotn and you are absolutely right, I am referring to Mord's post more specifically and how it is usually handled in general across other posts. This one has certainly been more civil than the others and that's great, but some of these posts still crop up. I am not saying Mord or anyone who does it is a horrible person and I understand they have seen it plenty of times, however Steam posts are going to be a reality for the foreseeable future. Seeing as most of these posts will be from new people it is even more important to keep our composure.
  16. I am not interested in an prolonged argument with you but, people coming on here to ask (Specifically new people since that's who it is this time) if the game is coming onto Steam or requesting it is not "stamping there feet and crying about it". You don't want to argue about it? than don't comment in the thread and let the people who DO argue it, no one is forcing you to read this post. As long as there isn't some ridiculous forum rule that says "no posting about Steam" new people are going to come in and ask about it, and doing the right thing as older members of the community should we will explain why or why not it is likely to get on Steam, not just telling them to "Get over it", that isn't an acceptable answer for something like this. Shutting them down instantly with an insult and backhanded comment about it does nothing but foster a bad attitude for both parties, its a completely legitimate question to ask, especially for someone new probably seeking ways to purchase the product. As for the people who come on here with a condescending or "above all" attitude, sure knock em down a peg, but keep your composure.
  17. The manual is great Chris, I pretty much read through the whole thing and learned quite a bit from it, especially things I (stupidly) thought I knew all about.
  18. The argument isn't going anywhere as long as Steam exists and people want to see CM on it, new members or old. Get over it. A great example of how much interest there is in this particular topic is how fast (literally over night) this post has already garnered over 1200 views, compared to others who have been up for at least 3 or more and are sitting at around 500.
  19. Steam doesn't discount your games if you don't want them discounted...
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