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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. Great point Peter, Steam Workshop would be amazing for CM, imagine having all of those texture packs for vehicles and campaign/ scenarios all in one place that's easy to navigate* *This isn't a knock at the CM mods warehouse (Which is way more intuitive than the repository), I love that website, and chances are even with workshop I would still use and support it!
  2. Hi, I will answer what I can and I am sure Chris will be on eventually and flesh it out a bit more! 3. UAV endurance: No UAV's will not become inactive after a certain time (Unless there blown up of course), even UAV's like the raven, it is abstracted to show that its batteries have been changed or whatever it needs to keep flying. 4. APDU ammo for Apache: AKD reported that as a bug. 5. Unless the artillery unit is on map, than no other support kill tallies will not be shown (ETC, aircraft/helicopters/off-map artillery). 6. UAV Missions can be changed on the fly, yes. (See what I did there?) 7. The U.S. does not have an dedicated anti air vehicle in-game no, it does have "Stinger" hand held anti aircraft missile launchers however. 9. That is a great question! Hope this helps, and I am sure people will point out if I am horribly wrong about anything I just answered.
  3. Man I wish when I went to kindergarten and elementary school that's how we learned our ABC's...
  4. Heh, what do you know, "Hi mom!" That is a very interesting comment page to read through as well at the bottom, its pretty surprising how many of those guys won't buy a game unless theirs a steam code attached, and how many would buy CM if it was on steam.
  5. I don't own the vehicle pack but I am almost 100% sure that is a Sherman Crab mine flail formation.
  6. You are kidding...right? I mean I can't even begin to tell you everything wrong with what you just said.
  7. If I am guessing correctly you haven't played a CM game before, if this true why are you so argumentative to all the experienced people who have played CM for 100's of hours answering your questions, and telling you about game mechanics you haven't even experienced yourself? There are demos for shock force, Normandy, Red Thunder, and Italy, they are all free go out and try them.
  8. Oh boy, yeah both sides have plenty of new toys that make the LAW look like a pea shooter. Lets go through the list (Mainly because I have far too much time on my hands). AT-4- Basically the replacement for the LAW its a single fire hand-held anti tank/emplacement rocket launcher, US squads are equipped generously with the AT-4. This baby can be fired from up to 300 meters away, after that its accuracy is diminished severely, however distance does not decrease penetration power, it is fully capable of penetrating up to 450mm of armor. Unfortunately it will probably have trouble with more advanced Russian tanks like the T-90 that sport Kontakt-5 ERA armor, firing from the side or rear though it is probably a guaranteed penetration and kill. The AT-4CS which is modeled in game can also be fired safely from inside buildings, without risk of injury from back-blast. AT-4 in action- Javelin Missile Launcher- The Javelin is one of the US strongest hand-held anti tank launcher systems in the world (Probably the best in the world honestly, no bias here I promise ), its effective range is about 2500m but it requires at least 75 to arm and acquire the target, it is also fire and forget. The Javelin consists of two parts, the CLU (Command launch unit) and the tube itself that carries the missile (Which is disposable), the javelin can be reused as long as i has a CLU unit, and missiles of course. When a Javelin is fired there is no warning, it is all done through passive IR tracking on the CLU, an interesting characteristic to the javelin is that once it is fired, it will climb high up into the sky above the target and attack the top of the tank, this means that there really is no way to defeat a javelin missile in that launch mode, it is to high for an APS (Active protection system) system to defeat and top armor isn't very thick on any Russian tank. A javelin can also fire horizontally, but this means it is at the mercy of an APS like arena which can knock it out of the sky. Make sure to grab Javelins out of the back of Bradleys, they are invaluable, and tip the scales immensely in US favor against armor. Oh yeah and don't miss they cost about 80K a pop! Javelin Missile in action- TOW 2-B Anti tank missile- The infamous TOW ATGM missile is usually mounted on APC's such as the Bradley, but can also be mounted on a tripod for infantry use, the TOW is wire guided and its launcher contains its own thermal imaging system for target aquisition. What is special about the TOW-2B (Emphasis on the B is that it is also a top attack munition much like the javelin, only the TOW-2B detonates above the target horizontally and fires an penetrator straight into the top, the TOW is vulnerable to APS though so be careful! TOW-2B in action- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUMxZ34Ptco These are the main "hand-held" anti tank weapons that the US uses...with weapons like the Javelin its almost like were cheating isn't it?
  9. Not always though, in certain cases "rattled" is permanent.
  10. - US Army advanced night vision optics. Everything can die very, very. VERY quickly, it is absolutely vital you find the enemy before he finds you. Tanks like the Abrams and T-90AM have sophisticated optics packages that include thermal and night vision, if you can see the enemy chances are he sees you! Infantry at night are also an entirely new ball game, US forces have fancy new night vision goggles that incorporate both NV and thermal, effectively turning them into predator (Creepy huh?) , Russian and Ukrainian forces sport night vision as well but mostly only on there rifle optics, darkness is no where near the obstacle it was back in World War 2. Theres more of course, but I will let everyone else chime in so I don't have to write an essay, I think these are the most important though really! Edit: Check out ChrisND's videos here, he does a great job explaining and showing stuff off- https://www.youtube.com/user/NormalDude1066
  11. Guys, go watch some of ChrisND's videos and you will see that the Russians can fight the US, instead of relying on a single relatively unbalanced scenario at this point to base off all your judgement on the game. Remember this AAR is good for spectacle, it makes people come back and read and want the product through what is shown (You get to see the abrams, the bradleys, Russian tanks, all that good stuff). This isn't representative of every single scenario you are going to play. Now that that's out of the way...crush em pnzr... ...What can I say, I am a patriot!
  12. You can already do that, you don't need to guess, just bring the camera down to there level and look around...
  13. All of these conclusions you are coming too are completely false because there is no certainty in anything, sure the guy whose sitting still (Probably defending) does usually have the advantage, calm down and find out when you play the game for yourself.
  14. There is no point to having that in a conflict like this, snipers won't be operating on a battlefield that can change from one place to another that is 30 miles away in one day.
  15. Ok, Ill say it again, after this I am done. Even in the open (In a parking lot for your example) that unit will attempt to find cover in the AS, parking lots are lacking in the cover department so a hide would be useless, now why in the hell you would be hiding units in an open parking lot is behind me, the answer to this "problem" you have is to not hide units in open parking lots. I have no idea what else to tell you, don't mistake this for being angry, but if you can't understand that its a bad decision to even have units in that position (so much so that should never happen) than yeah...
  16. Once again, I have no idea what you are talking about, in what situation is decreased situational awareness "not working all the time". There are no absolutes in war, there are no absolutes in CM because it is modeling that very thing, sometimes a hiding unit can see something, sometimes it can't, its as simple as that. In real life do soldiers always see what was around them when they were hiding? no, plenty died never knowing what hit them, that's reality.
  17. There is no certainty in combat, you are looking for perfection, that which doesn't exist, combat is chaos, CM simulates that quite well, if you find out how to not lose men in war please forward that to our military leadership. I think you are missing the entire point of Combat Mission, it isn't supposed to be fair, there is no balance there is only what each country has, the Russians are completely capable of inflicting casualties, I have no idea where you get the idea that this game will be so easy for one side.
  18. I think you need to play the game more if that doesn't make sense to you, once again its an abstraction, they are hugging the ground in whatever tiny indent in the ground they can and occasionally someone will pop there head up to look even in open ground. If it makes you feel any better, it is certainly easier to spot hiding units in open ground, so I suggest not putting your troops in a situation like that, I have no idea what else to tell you.
  19. U.S. Forces will have an significant advantage at night, US infantry night vision combine both thermal and night vision and small arms can also be equipped with thermal sights, US thermal optics and night vision optics on vehicles are also superior to there Russian counterparts. Russian infantry only have access to night vision sights on there weapons or if they are recon night vision goggles, there vehicle optics are also inferior to that of the US.
  20. I am still lost, in what situation does this command not make sense?
  21. Nothing is stopping you from sending out multiple scout teams...
  22. You are really confusing me now, what exactly do you have a problem with that involves the hiding and crawling command, I am going to break it down simply how they both work. "Hide"- Units will hug the dirt or whatever cover they are behind, this is an abstraction, while they are laying down it could mean they are pressed against a wall, occasionally someone will take a peak, while this command is active spotting is signifcantly reduced and they will not fire on enemies unless immediately threatened. "Slow"- Units will creep (Move slowly, staying low, whatever you want it to mean, they are taking there time) across terrain, this command makes them tire very quickly as it is taxing to move prone like that, situational awareness is reduced due to there proximity to the ground, however they are harder to spot. Womble is absolutely right, you are taking everything way to literally, there is no game on the planet that can model the things you want it to.
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