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Everything posted by Ultradave

  1. I'll tell you what is fun though, is watching that Redeye plume streak off and then get the message of "Aircraft Destroyed" Dave
  2. Oh, my, is this on the money. My comment in one playtest was how people (including myself) are used to pretty much cruising around with almost impunity in M1's. Well, not here. M60s, M48s.... it's a WHOLE 'nuther ball game. And let's not even get into the cracker box M113s The mantra from when I was a young Army officer during this exact time (commissioned in '79) was "If you can be seen, you can be hit. If you are hit, you are dead" This has been driven home to me any number of times very lately. Dave
  3. Team Yankee for something on this level.
  4. I think the answer to that was something like that's the way it is - there's not a mechanism to have the weapon unextended and then extended. I may be paraphrasing but this topic did come up and that's the gist of it. Dave
  5. Also a good game. Different scale of course.
  6. Top picture. We were on an ARTEP at Ft. Campbell, KY. Had to go into MOPP4 for the whole night. It was about 10F with howling wind and snow flurries. Never been so happy to don the "sauna suit and fly face" They gave the all clear and no one wanted to get out of MOPP. The sad sacks who were selected for the shower decor, though - we felt for them, just not enough to volunteer to take their place. Dave
  7. "Follow" command that works in terrain or on roads, and duplicates the waypoints for each following unit so adjustments can be made.
  8. I'm pretty sure that's not the case, otherwise you'd get all kinds of equipment for quick battles and use in the scenario editor for free. Should be the way it works is that purchasing FnR unlocks all of that.
  9. Also infantry does not bug out toward the enemy, which was happening in all titles, but really most noticeable in BN. It did show up in FnR in early play testing too, and is much better now so that lack of suicide charges will come with FnR.
  10. It's 20 standalone scenarios, not campaigns, and 2 big campaigns, and then the "mini" campaigns are in between size.
  11. Geez, the poor guy who asked the question is probably sorry he did about now. He's buying an iMac because of [reasons]. He wants to know if it will run CM titles well. It will. If our several years old 8GB RAM integrated graphics MacBook Pros will, without issues, then that iMac will be just fine. In fact, more than fine. Everything else here is just Mac/PC/GraphicsCard noise, which everyone has an opinion about. Dave
  12. 8GB is plenty for CM on a Mac, but I'd get 16 anyway if I was replacing mine, just to have the extra memory when needed, and not just for CM. In fact, I can run Black Sea in Parallels Desktop Windows 10 on my 8GB MacBook Pro. The iMac he's looking at is much higher spec than my MacBook Pro and I have no problems running CM games. He'll be fine. Dave
  13. In my post I mistakenly said Catalina when the graphics issue is actually in Big Sur. Two things - the blue progress bars don't show so when they are supposed to be there at scenario load and turn processing, it looks like the game locked up (especially on scenario load because the screen is black). It didn't. It's working just fine and will come back. It's just a graphics thing. The activation screen (that square screen you get the first time to put in your serial number) is all funky. You can use it, but it blinks and the buttons move back and forth. I've put bug reports in for both of these issues. It affects all titles so it's some graphics weirdness specific to Big Sur. I'm sure it will get cleaned up. I volunteered among the beta testers to be the guinea pig to see how Big Sur works with CM. Other than that, no issues at all. The game runs just fine and there are no in game graphics issues at all, just those odd ones. Dave
  14. I've been running all the CM games on a MacBook Pro with Intel integrated graphics for many years. I have never had a problem with running anything, except it bogs down a bit panning around Ben's master map of Berlin. They do suck the battery dry pretty quickly, but I just make sure I'm plugged in. There is one Mac Big Sur issue right now, and that's that the activation screen and the progress bars are messed up. They were ok with all OS X 10, but 11 somehow broke them. There's a ticket in on it. Performance wise, that iMac should blow away my MacBook Pro. Dave [edited - I said Catalina issue. Catatina is just fine. I meant Big Sur, OS X 11 Sorry for any confusion]
  15. My recommendation would be to pick the one that is the theater that most interests you. Guaranteed that's where you'll have the most fun. BN has the most content of the 3 (BN, FI, FB), if you include the expansions all at once. FI is second with the expansions. FB last (no expansions yet but coming eventually). ALL titles when you are in the main menu and select "Battle" (an individual scenario), you can order them by ascending size, which is really nice, if you are just looking for a quick getting started scenario or two. Also, Quick Battles can be selected anywhere from Tiny to Huge both for map size and force size. You can either select the type of map (open, village, town, forest, etc) or pick the map manually from a list. The automatic force picker for the AI can proved some "interesting" results. It's much, much better than it was but you still may be better off picking both sides manually and then using it more as a study than a battle into the unknown. For your purposes though, that may be exactly what you'd like to start and experiment. Hope this helps. Dave
  16. Figured out how it works. Buy ARMA3, and you get complimentary Mac and Linux ports. So I just downloaded the Mac version and never downloaded the Windows version. So far it's working well. And Arma3 whether Windows or Mac, is on sale.
  17. Don't know. I opened up steam on my Mac and was browsing through the sale items and lo and behold. Just going through basic training. Looks nice and runs nice. Granted I'm pretty much in one small spot doing target practice. There are a LOT of settings for graphics to trade off performance. Always sounded like fun but I had figured it wouldn't run well on Parallels. I tried Call of Duty Black ops on it way back (the original black ops ) and it was unplayable - too choppy and laggy. Mac native Arma I think is going to be lots of fun. People seem to like it. Dave
  18. Steam has ARMA 3 for Mac OS X (which I didn't know existed ) on sale for about $7.50. Runs fine on my 2 year old MacBook Pro. Begin time sink..........
  19. The guy with the fedora is extra nice. They show up here and there.
  20. Ah. PBEM is easy once you get into it. Mac and PC compatible too. Basically you give your orders for a turn, so does your opponent, exchange files. You receive the file, run the minute, give orders, send file, continue until done. No way to cheat the way it's set up. If you want to try one, ask for an opponent who would be good with playing a total newbie at PBEM. You'll find helpful people. If you want I'll start you off, as long as it's BN/CW/MG or FB. PM me if you are interested. If not, that's fine. I may be a bit slow on the playing, because I'm busy beta testing Fire and Rubble too. Dave
  21. Are you specifically wanting to play Hotseat, or is a non-AI opponent your goal. If you want a real life opponent, it is pretty easy to find someone to play PBEM and there are 2? apps that help automate the process. Granted it's a much slower pace, but you can find opponents on this forum or "The Few Good Men" or "The Blitz" web sites. Apologies if you already know all this and just want a Hotseat match
  22. A few of the usual suspects have been quite busy with R2V and FnR for a while. Probably with less time to just relax and dream up new scenarios. I know for myself, with play testing a bunch of scenarios, my energy level and time for just playing CM is much less. Dave
  23. I'm not sure exactly what you are asking but there is a hotkey.txt file in the installation. You can modify it. There are also options (hotkey enabled) for how you want panning and rotating to behave, if that's your meaning. Dave
  24. Interesting. It works for me using Parallels Desktop and W10. I loaded Black Sea there because it refuses start on OS X, for about 3 OS X versions now. Can't figure it out and finally gave up and loaded it in Parallels, where it works just fine. I did have to license it but I assume that process worked exactly like on the Mac. I assume it worked because I'm not running a Mac version and a Windows version simultaneously? As far as your question about OpenGL, that's the wild card. I have not seen anything on any Apple published info about M1 and Rosetta2 that say anything about it. Dave
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