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    Probus reacted to Letter from Prague in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    My favorite part is "Ukrainian cruise missiles". Oh how the turn tables.
  2. Like
    Probus reacted to cesmonkey in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  3. Like
    Probus reacted to Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I ran this through the bull**** translator:
    "Ukraine fired something at us, we thinks it was a missile. No one really noticed anything until the fireball went off. We hope our ship can be recycled at some point but it's hard to see through the flaming drydock."
  4. Like
    Probus reacted to Astrophel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Thanks for sharing.  Very insightful. It is a huge task to educate people like this to accept that Ukraine has any right to self-determination.  Ukraine is a useless state he says and a part of Russia.  He joined up "to stop the expansion of global homo".  There is no easy way to challenge his sincerely held views, and yet it needs doing.
  5. Like
    Probus reacted to Rokko in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I came across this interview with a Russian volunteer earlier today and found it interesting and worth sharing.
    The video stood out to me because the guy is both unapologetic and also appears mostly honest, which is rare enough for Russians talking about this war. He also speaks fluent English and the interview is conducted in English as well.
  6. Like
    Probus reacted to Teufel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Russian diplomats to Sweden had the following statement issued on X.
    Edit: what are these guys thinking? The World fails the autism test, lacks sense of humor or they just too high on their own propaganda to think anybody would reject the President word of truth.
  7. Like
    Probus reacted to poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Please don‘t take this post as bait for country bashing. It is just facts.
    Europe (EU & non-EU) has now twice the amount of (pledged!) support for Ukraine. Dark blue is short term, light blue long term support.
    Took us a while but it is not that the US bears the brunt of the support alone anymore. Article in German.
  8. Like
    Probus reacted to Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Stoltenberg joins in the fun of using the "second strongest army in Ukraine" meme, and criticizes the experts who are criticizing the speed of Ukraine's counteroffensive.  
  9. Like
    Probus reacted to kimbosbread in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think that’s backwards. You want anit-radiation loitering munitions that will go after anything emitting a signal in the sky. No power/cooling problems compared to an active antenna, and emits no signature of their own, and obviously way cheaper.
  10. Like
    Probus reacted to poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    We never saw a video, or did we?
    Traps on mines:
    and a nice joke:
  11. Like
    Probus reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Russian "authorities" in Tokmak prepare to leave city – Melitopol's mayor. 
  12. Like
    Probus reacted to Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think a lot of us are already familiar with that Slavic god around here. Due to a certain smart Aussie who goes by that name on the internet. 😄
  13. Like
    Probus reacted to BornGinger in Quick Battle / Manual Discrepancy vs. Game Reality?   
    It's better to pick the enemy troops yourself, file the quick battle for a few weeks and then play it with the hope that you have forgotten what choices of troops you made.
  14. Like
    Probus reacted to Letter from Prague in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  15. Like
    Probus reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Any professional worth their salt would 1) not have access to enough information to outline recommendations in any detail, or 2) if they did have access to enough information would not say anything as it would likely violate security.
    So what that major caveat up front; generally (and not pulling on anything but open sources/unclass) I would recommend:
    1.  Continue shaping until major RA cracks form.
    2.  Widen those cracks with pressure to the point the RA are forced into dilemma.
    3.  Exploit that dilemma into a collapse and take enough ground to keep the West happy without over extending.  While at the same time pushing hard enough to put RA back into a position where you can repeat the process.
    More simply put: Corrosion - Cracking - Concussion.  Do not stop until you hit a point where you cannot sustain defensive superiority against extant RA capability (which is a pretty low bar) as this would also be over extension.
    Tactically I would recommend to continue with what works - Infiltration, Isolation, Annihilation, Exploitation, along the entire RA operational system.
    Last point - when do we know when to stop?  If nothing is working we likely have to admit Defensive Primacy and either wait for a development to break that, or start thinking about a frozen conflict.  If massive C4ISR superiority, deep strike and infantry are not enough to break the RA defence - then admit we are in a new ballgame and start playing it.
  16. Like
    Probus reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If only we had listened to the Ukrainian's a year ago...
  17. Upvote
    Probus got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Thinking of buying a new gaming PC and monitor   
    1)  Yes, I believe so.  I play on a 4K monitor and sometimes on a 2K monitor.  Never had any problems. (I might add that I got it to run across 2 x 2K monitors also)
    2) Yes, that is correct but if its been a while since you downloaded, the current game version may have changed.
    Good luck!
  18. Like
    Probus reacted to 6plus1SMC in Thinking of buying a new gaming PC and monitor   
    Thank you all
    I think even this old man got the hows now 🙂
    Best regards
  19. Like
    Probus reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Fair point.  It was more a shot at LLF who I get the sense is used to being the smartest guy in the room…until he got into this one.  I know I am not either because I can barely keep track of what is happening let alone why.  I mean we are about 90 seconds to midnight in a good day, Russians are using tanks as VBIEDs and our Prime Minister just tweeted Taylor Swift FFS.
  20. Like
    Probus reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I dunno,  my impression was that we supported them turning on each other,  rather than one over the other. Prig in power would be just as bad,  if not worse than Putin. Pretty sure zero people here have a good opinion of Prig or supported him as the "Better"  side.   
    I was just happy to see a Croc turning on an Alligator.  They're both murderous predators, the more they're fighting each other the better. 
    Our ideal outcome is both Croc & Alligator drowning each other. 
    Unfortunately all they've done is hiss nastily at each other, nipped a tail and backed off. It's not over but man, my fingers are crossed that they go for another round and really cut each other down. 
    Good riddance to both scumbags. 
  21. Like
    Probus reacted to Rokossovski in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Do you know what the biggest threat to Ukrainian civilians is? . . . Russians.
  22. Like
    Probus reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Putin: "I don't need ammo, I need a ride"
  23. Like
    Probus reacted to kevinkin in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Got to love the sense of humor:
    Speaking to BBC World Service Newshour, Saks says just before Russia began its 2022 attack on Ukraine the world thought Russia had “the second most powerful army in the world”.
    “Yesterday everybody knew that Russia was the second most powerful army in Ukraine and today we're seeing how... the Russian army is becoming the second most powerful army in Russia."
  24. Like
    Probus reacted to paxromana in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I believe he may have a running T-34 handy ...
  25. Like
    Probus reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ok, guys,  crude map for the actions 12-13 June based on UKR Mashovets post.
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