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Everything posted by Hister

  1. Waaaw, thank you! Will check it out now. Edit: Descriptions are great and the map is well done. This is going to be a must play!
  2. Oh and btw, Slovenia was indeed a workhorse of Yugoslavia. Trend continues today with the statistic saying Slovenians in general work longer then Germans and even Japanese. We are busy bees. Our problem the way I see it is irationality. What good does working all the time do when there is no smart plan to where you want to head with all this work? And that is exactly why we DO belong to the Balkans. Sure we are somewhere in the middle but defenitely sport notorious Balkan cultural elements. It's funny to see some Slovenians being offended if they get labelled as Balkanians. Geographically speaking we defenitely are and many cultural aspects confirm the notion too. As for the number "25 % of GDP", where did you get it from? I got in contact with a guy who was a head Slovenian banking figure at the time and he couldn't provide any concrete number since finances at the time were not transparent at all. 25% mus thus be only an estimate. Slovenia profited from being in Yugoslavia 'cos it got cheap resources from,which it produced final products which it could sell throughoutwhole Yugoslavia. Sure lots of taxes remained in Beograd but overall positive economical effects outweighted the negatives. So the number one reason Slovenians stated at the time and still state to this day was/is false. I can already see how real reasons for seceeding for Ukrainian separatists will not be discussed amongst them.
  3. Ha Steve, you are right about Yugoslavia. Number one reason the way I see it was bad economics which then awakened national sentiments which then in turn used a lot of historical sentiments and the crack down begun. Yugoslavia wasn't self-sustainable. It was using it's neutrality status to pump money from the West which it needed for a generous social program it led. When Eastern block collapsed Yugoslavia's founding collapsed with it. And **** hit the fan. I'm 100% sure that if there weren't any money issues Yugoslavia would hold. Sure not without problems but it would remain teritorially firm. Hell, money problems can even cause USA to plunge into a civil war. Cultural differences between different regions are quite pronounced. Defenitely less then they were in Yugoslavia at the time of the breakup but still enough for such a process to get into motion. Enlightened dictator Tito didn't appoint a successor who could hold his playground after his death, especially in such grave situations as a collapse of Communism and Eastern block. It was assumed as if cold war will last indefenitely. Poor planning. I hosted a newly wed couple from Lvov, Ukraine at the end of August. I ofcourse was interested in the war aspects but also in how their society works. I was appalled to learn it was worse then what I imagined. Corruption and black market philosophy was a staple trademark of Ukraine. About the war they dismissed it as going to end soon and they haven't felt threatened with it in the far western part of their state. Guy was telling me how whole extended family tried to provide their drafted family member with basic stuff like tea cattle up to battlefront items like vests. At the time they probably didn't know about Russian counteroffensive being on the road trip for some time with their overburdened Chinese-made motor bike. If this war is good for anything at least it awaken Ukrainian society that was in a state of limbo ever since Soviet union fell. The problem now is I don't see how this conflict could end. Many people in Donbass region see Ukraine and it's government as the sole reason for their suffering. And this position won't wain any time soon. Edit: You are welcome to re-visit Slovenia. Hard economic recession since 2008 that hasn't run out of it's course yet has caused people here to idealise Yugoslavian times. Quite an irony considering how bad people wanted to get out of it back then when you were visiting. Fortunately young people tend to look forward instead of into the past (a prominent cultural behaviour observed throughout whole Eastern Europe).
  4. I call this a noble backing-off mask when you are in a losing position and can't admit yourself you can't provide a solid answer. You would do much better to provide actual arguments, solid stuff like Steve does and yet you don't. Not the first time I see such thing on the forums and won't be the last. You yourself hint you are emotionally invested in this and rational mind and emotions don't go together well. Steve's geopolitical analitical mind is a rare commodity. The fact he does this for a living makes him terribly upper-handed to the rest of debaters here. Read what he said, see if you can disprove any of his statements with solid arguments and only then do it. If you just shoot her randomly you run the risk of getting owned by Steve as he did to many opposers here already. Being Russian and Ukrainian makes you lrss objective since you are,pefsonally involved and carried away by emotions. Outside observers have a huge advantage when it comes to being able to analyse info provided more objectively. You guys can open a new thread in which american geopolitics will be discussed. Then Steve will have a harder time staying objective.Still seeing his performance here I do believe he will hold firm and provide solid info. Steve, it's interesting to see Putin talk about how the "West wanted to hurt Russia like it influenced the dissolution of Yugoslavia." Being born in Yugoslavia and interested in the reasons why this state fell apart I seriously doubt West had much part in it if at all. Putin is using one of the many conspiracy theories that you can find in ex commi/socialist states. People there still tend to distruss official news so such environment is a fertile ground for conspiracies. Eastern Europe is totally riddled with them.
  5. Equally deceitful? Which tree did you fall from? Guys, before you start posting about this topic I would encourage you to go through all this thread ad to not make an ass out of yourselves. Steve has been a winner in this debate so far with his arguments. Contra arguments have been weak so far.
  6. Great inquiry! I would be personally interested into finding out if it's even attenable. BUT I would suggest that you make a new thread about your question or put it into more proper thread cos it's off topic.
  7. Thank you for the answer to my question Steve.
  8. That's a totally different thing from what most of the guys said here. You sure it's inclusive? I wouldn't be.
  9. mjkerner, as far as I know this is not true. Without 1.11 patch things get awry.
  10. Plenty of these topic here - just browse a bit in this thread and technical thread and you will get your unswer in less then 3 min. Edit: Ha, Phil beat me to it.
  11. Steve, what you got to say about wikipedia's day to day report about the war? Good enough or too far fetched?
  12. He has a slideshow. His comp must be crap. I would not be able to play it that way god damn it.
  13. A massive amount of calculations would need to be done for proper "destruction effect" on objects. Hope CM tackles it one day. Current destruction model to buildings definitely needs a more detailed visual and hardcoded representation.
  14. It will get better yes. That second mission is infamous. I started it as a green player too ang got it handed to me. Then I read the many threads about it and left that campaign for later.
  15. For the love of god, don't olay that campaign as a noob!!! By the sound of it you haven't aquired basics for CMBN combat yet. I would advise you to first get the grip of the game by reading theory and then apply your freshly learned,knowledge in practice. A great starting point is here: http://battledrill.blogspot.com/2013/08/combat-mission-tactical-problems-cmtp.html?m=1 When you are done with it start road to montebourg campaign. Go to the repository and get yourself updated version since campaign maker improved it considerably and uploaded it there. I think it's called version2. As you were soldier!
  16. I'm not aware of any game that would profit from more then 8 GB of RAM.
  17. As a rule of thumb laptops will never be on par with stationary PC's. Not with current technology that produces heat. And I'm talking about performance and price here. Less room makes for more complicated technology and less performance. That's how things work, simple as that. Here is a rundown of where certain mobile CPU's and GPU's fit in regard to stationary components. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107-7.html http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-cpu-review-overclock,3106-5.html Regarding stronger components - you should aim for sweet money/performance ratio because I personally would not pay 500$ more for a 15% increase in performance (might not be the case with what components you mentioned, just making a point). If money is no issue then sure, you can get yourself the most expensive option.
  18. Only one men managed to mod ALL the uniforms in CMBN and that's Vein. He did a stellar job while we are at it. You won't be able to find his uniform mods online - you'll have to send him a private message. Hope you get them. Bye.
  19. He he he. One can clearly guess average age of the forumites here. I on the other hand need a blue pill to put it down. :cool:
  20. I at the moment don't use any ground/vegetation/objects mod textures. Swapped in the vanilla after I realized some maps were created especially with vanilla textures in mind and other modded textures substantially change the map. I also am not using any vehicles texture mods at the moment (temporarily) due to the fact not all have been modded (VP pack but also some vehicles from MG are still left to be touched by Aris). I had a personal combo of different sound mods but realized I ran into problems not all sounds being properly equalized between each other so I went with mostly HQ 1.5 sound for gun shots and explosions, etc. Problem is when explosions start all sound mods have a problem when it comes to vehicle sounds which get too subdued ie. noise level from them even if you are just next to them is too low. Will have to test if the same applies to vanilla but I doubt it. Odball's sound mod is great too. It all comes to personal taste in the end. I use Juju's UI but it hasn't been upgraded for VP yet so you'll find vanilla icons for new vehicles. Special effects are Vein's. As for uniforms I use Vein's ones. He modded all the army branches for all sides. You need to contact him directly though since he hasn't uploaded them being big in size.
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