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Everything posted by Hister

  1. That shouldn't be happening. It says 1.03 on mine. Re-apply the patch, make sure you point it to the directory where RT resides!
  2. That's why I gave you the link, hehe. Looks like the change isn't liked by your AV program regardless of the game being less suseptible to such alerting now. You should just use Microsoft security essentials AV. It's free and does not give false positives. I am more then happy user with it.
  3. it is using the same protection so that's why I pointed it to that post. If it doesn't allow it for you then contact Battlefront helpdesk.
  4. Here you go: http://community.battlefront.com/forum-94/announcement-12-new-cmbn-master-installers/
  5. New seurity measures were attached to it. Put your CMBN on your antivirus's ignore list.
  6. Gosh, nobody gives me a straight answer about the stupid Peng. I won't venture there now. Maybe some other day when I'm in for an amusement. Good night and fulfilling xmas to you all.
  7. Good. I already evaded paying a fine for wrong parking today. It is a lucky day. About the Peng thread. Never had the patience to read it. Not many things there make much sense but maybe that is a point there? BTW, why is it called "Peng"?
  8. Gosh, sometimes I reallx don't understand what you guys are talking about. Maybe language barrier, heh.
  9. Yeah he is and making very nice posts while we are at it. Not tht he was absent these last days.
  10. Soundmod used is not a good one. Plus all the mods subdue vehicle sounds too much when there is fighting so I'm sticking with vanilla now.
  11. Waw, neat! Obligatory tool for CM video editors!
  12. Macisle, now my numero uno CM movie editor! Is that even possible? Don't think so. Hope this clip will persuade my friend to get the game and play against me. XD
  13. A well placed sniper can do wonders. You just needto use them properly. Nothing wrong with the game as was suggested!
  14. Oh sweet! Will CMBN get some of these improvements or it already has them?
  15. Finally managed to finish it. Here are the results of my total victory: Wouldn't be able to progress much without those flame throwing tanks. One of those tanks had almost 60 killed enemies logged on him!
  16. In position to provide cowering fire: In the swamp: *Both screens taken from MG Borderland mission.
  17. Yes I do and that I don't look forward to going through this all over again - my country is still stuck in the effects of 2008 economy depression. Just when there was hope of a recovery we'll get hit with yet another disaster. Still, having Steve's insights is just simply grand.
  18. It's so awesome to be able to read Steve's insightful predictions knowing most of what he says will come true.
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