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Everything posted by Hister

  1. He he Steve, you sure rock this world. Also when in-game camera shake is turned off.
  2. Your redemption will come today in the form of forum modernisation. Soon what you strife for will be delivered and no more such posts will be happening. Consider yourself one of the last of your species. Devs announces improvements - read the pinned announcement.
  3. Well, I wouldn't be sure about their fighting provess - one guy is lookinh in a wrong direction, posing for a camera.
  4. Lethaface, sburke, thanx for your support. It's nice to see someone support you when your statement get's labelled the way it was from such an authority as Steve is. What you both wrote I fully agree with. Steve, thanx for not sanctioning me for going offtopic. If you would be Putin I would get banned, I would receive a couple of threats over a phone and mail and all your products I would want to buy would cost me 100% more. Nah, Russians being not so economically wise they would not allow me to buy their game. Will stay on topic now. If someone wants we can discuss this further via pm's.
  5. . I read that wiki article just prior to making that post. I admit I wasn't reading much on the topic before, just what I read yesterday gave me the impression USA was trigger happy and had no will to try to solve their problem other way then the way they did causing a chain of events that caused multifold more innocent victims and suffering in Afghanistan then what was caused in USA. I know human nature is like that. If you get hurt you will retailate proportionally more then what was caused to you if you have the means to do so. What I would like to see bettered here is a discipline and responsability from a global boss to react to different events with a more cool head. Then I will personally be even more happy that I have USA for my boss then I currently am. Being a global boss entitless you with a great amount of burden but also boni. It's a mixed bag. I'm more then just happy that I don't have to carry such responsibility and get to criticize Russia and USA from my tiny safe heaven. I'm glad my country isn't able to get into conflicts all over the world. If it could it would same ad USA currently does as human nature and the rules of how things function pertain to every state. The problem of being a NATO member currently is you have to send your soldiers to conflicts you've got nothing to do with. Conflicts where main protagonist is USA foreign policy tryinh to gain or maintain it's interests. Isn't it ironic seeing a leg of a Slovenian soldier being blown off in Afghanistan? Of course you can say the same for USA soldiers that were killed in Europe during WW1 and WW2 but there is a defenite difference - USA became a global boss with it's involvment in Europe and is trying to remain boss with it's current actions. Again I say that I rather have USA for a boss then any other currently powerful state that would have the means to do so! By all points having USA for a global boss is waaaay better then having any other potential bidder. On a micro soldier level USA sacrifices in WW2 were genuine but on the macro government planning USA gained a lot and still reaps the benefits. In case of my country we can hope nato will protect us if a stray Russian missile heads toward our tiny state. That's a joke. I know very well things can get fubar any day and war happens. History at least teaches us that peace and war are neverending cycle. Maybe our puny neighbors decide to attack us or we get into a civil war - then I will be happy foreign soldiers that have nothing to do with me or my state are risking their mental health and lives to protect me and my family. Issue is as a member of Nato Slovenian soldiers get sent wherewer USA makes a mess following it's strugle to remain number one. It's not ok guys, it's not no matter what you say for Slovenia doesn't gain but lose. Ok, our soldiers gain combat effectiveness and better skills and better tools since government is pressed to provide it for them instesd of devoting it for wellfare back home but that is pretty much it in hope someday nato will be there to protect us. You were handling it better then some of you fellow nationals. I meant in general, wasn't pointing my finger to individuals. OK Steve, your authority and knowledge is hard to beat. Especially since I have an outmost respect for you based on what you said. Labelling it illegal was a pushover on my side. Iraqi war was illegal while Afganistan one wasn't. I will restructure my statement - USA's invasion of Afghanistan caused all sorts of illegal events happen afterwards. It caused a very bad chain of events that after 14 years don't seem to run off it's course. Are you so sure no other more optimal course of action could have been taken? I know there isn't much point in debating what happened. BUT: At least future engagements should learn from past mistakes and model possible outcomes of the engagements. In case of Afghanistan I don't believe much thought went into thinking "and what then?" If I'm horrifically naive then how would you call other people who are more "challenged" then I am? Wow, who said I accused USA of doing everything wrong? I didn't! About the luxury of belonging to a state like mine is - I admit, I love it! Being tiny defenitely has it's pluses. Does this prohibit me from commenting on states that have more on their shoulders then my country does? I don't think so. There's always room for improvement especially in the way global politics are lead. Doing things differently then a full scale invasion should not be called passivity. I appologise for triggering offtopicism here.
  6. I suspect some USA forumers are getting emotional now that their state is being under the magnifing glass. A fresh change from previous Russian emotional responses here. What this shows we are all bloody beneath our skin.
  7. Those green wheels so don't belong there. Ukrainian military better hire some gay designer to set color harmony rules. Oh wait, planes would become pink then.
  8. Haaaapy hooolidaaays! Yeeey!
  9. USA asked Talibs to extradict Osama. They said they will do this if USA provides them with a proof he was behind the 9/11 attack. USA never presented it to them. USA also categorically rejected all other solutions suggested by Talibs. USA wanted snd needed the war. People were angry and all that rage needed to be channelled somewhere. It was channelled allright. When USA is angry you must not try to negotiate with it. You either do what it tells you or you get invaded. Just because USA has the means to do so. Real bully. This is why I consider USA's declaration of war on Afghanistan illegal or at least not morally sound.
  10. Steve, regarding your answer that attack on Afghanistan was not illegal. USA was eager to start a war. They should have negotiated instead of going to war just because they had the means to and wanted to,sooth own population's anger over 9/11. They didn't provide the proof for Bin's involvment as asked by Talibs in order for them to give him in. To me this is an act of over agressive warmongering and the number of killed people since 2001 on both sides just testify to incredibly poor planning that started 14 years and counting of sadness and pain incured. On the other hand I know,things would be,much worse if Russia would be in USA's shoes as a global boss.
  11. I know type of engagement was different in Iraq and Afghanistan then now in Ukraine but in the end at the time West didn't have much of an issue invading those two contries on illgal pretensions.
  12. It's not super fast but you can have a pic posted here in no time after you get the grip. Childs play really.
  13. Thank you very much! Good news. Now please tell me why don't you enable your antialiasing? i personally find the jaggies without it enabled off-puting.
  14. My experience on my comp is that whenever frames fall below 20 something I get a non smooth slideshow out of CMBN and CMRT that kills my immersion. 12 FPS is a definite game breaker for me. It soemtimes fall as low when I'm moving my units through dense forests and on huge maps with lots of fighting going on. I'm a visual whore and want to have as beautiful, crisp and smooth experience as possible. I'm not interested in trying it myself but in seeing how his hardware combo performs since I'm in the stage when I definitely have to upgrade my GeForce 550Ti (other components being relatively OK from a last year's purchase - I ran out of funds for GPU then). Since my wage as a teacher escort in primary school sucks big time in my part of the world I have to make a smart decision being sure what I'm getting will allow me to enjoy the CM series of games as much as possible. This is why I'm being a pain in the ass lurker here with requests that for many would probably seem annoying especially since I was asking this quite some time ago already and haven't made a new purchase yet (summer not being meant for gaming and then later financial issues being the reason why not).
  15. pnzrldr, tell me about it. Just re-installed my dad's laptop with all needed drivers/programs and it took me two after-work days to set things up the way they need to be. Before you post any FPS's from the beta ask developers if your disclosure agreement allows you to do so. I was warned by one fellow forum user it might mean a violation. Don't wanna get you in trouble for this. BUT if it's not a violation then I'm eager to see your frame count in biggest map size with very dense forest with camera level right in the tree's crowns. Why don't you enable antialiasing? Can't your card have it enabled together with all the other settings at max and still produce nice framerates (above 25 frames per second)?
  16. Edit: Scrap this. Dunno, that updated CW and non updated MG make things complicated. Don't know what is the right order now in your case. How many times will we have to ask for a sticky. Devs?
  17. It would needed to be updated for the Vehicle Pack any way.
  18. Oh I know it's ranking very high on GPU list - am just wondering if the game and drivers for the GPU work well with it or not. There have been reports in the past of top notch GPU's giving abysmal (not as logically expected) performance due to GPU drivers not being written well for this kind of game engine. I see. Thanx anyway for the clarification.
  19. pnzrldr, Please do get yourself Fraps (it's free and with no spam) with the new machine and show us the FPS countof your game. I want to buy same GPU model you have and am interested to see what it is capable of.
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