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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Make a CM Scenario notebook. Page 1 at the top says "SCENARIO IMAGES" then write cover bmp 170 x 170 tacmap 952 x 350 strat map 224 x 224 op map 702 x 224 designer's notes text file briefings for BOTH Sides (?)
  2. DANG! Yes, that was the issue Tim. Thanks. Now the CMRT ITALY MOD has an Italian war song...
  3. CMRT F&R. I am not hearing the music intro but game is fine. I do SEE and HEAR the intro.wmv BFC image and the "rising vocal crescendo" or whatever you wanna call it. But then I get the main screen and silence. I had been modding what I would hear but pulled everything out of z. Now I don't hear any intro music at all. Is there a shortcut that kills that intro music ? Maybe I accidentally hit that and need to deactivate that? I know Alt-S for ALL sounds in the game. I mean some OTHER trick. Looked through the manual but no joy. Thanks
  4. I did a test and it seems to be the CMFI Tiger mid version that has this "tank commander is too low in hatch" issue. standby... I checked CMRT and the CMRT Tiger mid version did NOT have this "tank commander is too low in hatch" issue... I offer this as a solution for CMFI so here are the 3 CMRT Tiger mid version mdr files to plop into CMFI z. (the main mdr and lod-2 and lod-4.) I did the plopping and it seems to be ok and the CMFI "tank commander is too low in hatch" issue with Tiger mid version is gone. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kbjn6y5yoej6n74/AACJAvjNVJNQvgtOnmywtG-ja?dl=0
  5. ok, I am still at work but later we can try the same trick by bringing the mdr file over from another title. Please report which specific Tiger it is...
  6. link to an Italian site with maps on Italian operations in USSR https://www.unirr.it/gallerie-immagini/raccolta-cartografica/fanteria
  7. I will meet you at Checkpoint Charlie with the KGB agent. But first you send over the defecting scientist and the ballerina! Translation: Please get me the tutorial on your Suchy modding method and the above Italian truck mod and I will push the order for the KV-1.
  8. show and tell day? Posted February 6, 2015 (edited) This is a 208m x 208m battle that is 15 minutes long. 25 troops US Army as AI delaying force. vs double that Wehrmacht human player. I always try to make 1 page briefings. TacMap done in freeware paint.NET. one more...also 208 x 208, 20 minutes It is being written by a college student as his first scenario. "Morning Patrol" will have elements of the 4th Princess Louise Dragoon Guards scouting ahead on a road to see if any Germans occupy "De Luca's farmhouse"... This is the TacMap for "Toehold". The Canadians have crossed the "Torrente Moro" and taken up positions in San Leonardo. The 26th Panzer Division has something to say about that. Prior to this battle will be a player coin toss for you to determine if you will fight either the heads or tails version...
  9. Amen. I agree with that! I like paint.NET which is freeware and fun to use.
  10. @Suchy Hey Tommy! Can you mod a vehicle for me? Remove the swirly camo splotches from the CMFI Italian truck? Please? I need it in solid grey-green for CMRT ITALY MOD...
  11. It would be great if BFC would tell us all how the QB AI group assignment process works "under the hood" or whatever. It perplexes me without mercy.
  12. Yeah, I use the "Juju-kial" UI mod as my standard but then just tweak for my new content. Rename stuff but also added a tiny bit of new stuff.
  13. I made a less cluttered splash background...
  14. Personally, I now write scenarios playable from only one side at a time versus the AI enemy so I can focus on what I am doing (for free $0.00) and see the end of the tunnel (and get the f out before a train kills me). To throw a briefing in for the other side for H2H would not take me very much time but I do very small and tiny scenarios. Ready...GO! mark time 1834 CST... BRIEFING FOR ENEMY AI SIDE IN CASE A DUDE WANTS TO PLAY IT H2H NOTE: This scenario was designed for play by the human against THIS side as AI. Here you get a very simple briefing. Late morning. Prybuzhany, USSR. 10 August 1941. West of the Bug River near Voznesensk. Light wind from the east. Sky is overcast. Ground is slightly damp. You are in command of Red Army rearguard attempting to stop or at least slow the fascist crossing of the Bug. Friendly forces: a platoon with a HMG. Enemy Forces: the Italian fascist forces allied to the Germans. Mission: Prevent the Italians from taking the main building near the Orchard. 30 minute mission. You get points for eliminating the enemy and holding the Orchard house area. There is a bonus for <25% friendly casualties and >75% enemy casualties. Good luck comrade! ..and....STOP! 1841 CST. 7 minutes. But it is a tiny scenario..
  15. Va bene! I have added back gear through various shenanigans. They are almost ready for the scenario.
  16. Out of town for a wedding. But now back at it slowly. I wanted to make a slight color change to the icons for the CSIR. A grey green look. Compare to the HMG icon in the stock color... Made a custom icon for the Opel Kadett "Italian staff car" serving in place of the kubelwagen...
  17. I can press my reset button and from now on give an honest try to "care" about frame rate and be a bit more professional. Maybe just NOT copy and rename the lod-1, etc from the main modded mdr? I guess I get burned out and cut corners! What the heck is that? Have you made any CM stuff yet? I hope you have or will soon. Please for the WW2 titles! We need good guys like you to show the way. Thanks
  18. Yeah, there are only a very very very few guys doing this 3D object modding so maybe you mean me! But maybe you mean in Cold War or CMSF2? I am not in those titles at all. But I agree. I am not worried at all about somebody's frame rate. I spend hours to make something and don't worry for the final touches to the nth degree. They can delete it if they sense some mod of mine has an issue they can't bear. Luckily I think I have only a half dozen guys who use my stuff and HAVE heard only a few grumbles on odd stuff somehow showing up for distant views of a vehicle I changed.
  19. My only point was that in my opinion 3D models do not seem to be a bottleneck. Maybe back when CMBN first came out they were. I don't know. Separate topic but my big question is if CMX3 or whatever will have some new 3D modelling starting ground and ALL current 3D models and BMP file structure are obsolete and BFC moves on to a new generation, "GEN 3" of BMP? <"Gen 1" being old clunky CMBO, CMAK, CMBB, "Gen 2" being what they use now>
  20. It is so ironic to me that simultaneously Charles is BOTH the bottle and the bottleneck. I salute this new CMBN battle pack. Why not? As a small time creator of CM content I have true respect for Ithikial and I absolutely know he will harness great energy and enthusiasm to make a fine product for the Utah Beach areas on D-Day and a few days beyond. But I see the posts here and a few ask about new content for Sherman DD's and landing craft, gear for the assault vests on soldiers like we see in Saving Private Ryan. So much possibilities. But without Charles? <air sucks through teeth...> I think the system to make the installation program package is apparently done WITHOUT Charles. Maybe Charles showed somebody how to do it and for simple "new things" it is done with out Charles. If it is just adding scenarios and a campaign or 2? Charles not needed. I think BFC could make a hundred battlepacks. Put everybody to work in the scenario writer "stable" and the beta testers <I guess> AND if they wanted, Charles not needed. But since everybody can already download free scenarios and campaigns...then it is a marketing decision. Maybe somehow with steam and slitherine or whatever, NOW is the right time for new "easier to produce" content. Show the new wave of non-traditional customers that BFC makes new stuff? Maybe we will see this type of content pushed out for purchase. Charles not needed. The CMBN vehicle pack? I think Charles was needed for that. Heck yes. NEW Sherman DD's or landing craft? I think Charles ALSO needed. But Charles is NOT AVAILABLE. I think there are a thousand 3D models out there sitting unused, maybe unpurchased, most probably unpurchased. Gliders, assault vest gear, special German concrete bunkers...Charles is not available to do the code work to roll them into the CM program. That is the bottleneck. In conclusion, I am always very glad Charles was/is the bottle. And I am glad and would buy him a beer to say thanks for allowing me a small entrance into the game to do mods. WITHOUT THAT? Oh god, I shudder to think how I would feel...
  21. I don't know that any Italian parachute forces fought the Soviets. But that mod you want is perfect for CMFI.
  22. @benpark It is GETTING TO BE A BIG LASAGNA!!! 1GB so far in my z folder. mama mia. Not all ironed out yet but I am renaming files to use German Infantry for Regular Infantry and Blackshirts, SS for Alpini -OR- Bersaglieri. I have a bulk renamer so I can fix it quick if I went the wrong way. I pulled a few tricks here and there which are hurting my brain on how to cover the loose ends. I have not contemplated a German -AND- Italian presense on the CMRT battlefield. I just have 1 voice file set for axis.
  23. CSIR PRIMO SANGUE 10 August 1941 Blackshirts attack a Soviet rearguard near Voznesensk on the Bug River. coming soon
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