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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I found Model 1942 and changed it to Model 1933. Found T-70M and changed it to T-26E. Now it reads T-26E (Model 1933)
  2. That shell hit decal pattern almost looks like the little dipper!
  3. thanks. It is odd. I see entry for T-70M but can't understand where the hell the rest of it is T-70M (Model 1942) and T-70M (Model 1943) also for the T-34's. I just see T-34, no other parts. Bizarre stuff. yeah, I have NOT worried before, just had to give it a try. I will most likely drop it as I have enough to do. I play guitar, drums, keyboards, do vocals, I shake the tamborine in a mini-skirt, load the amps on the bus, the whole effing band.
  4. I decided to see what this might do for me... I had never effed with the script file. People have asked me for my mods, "It says it is a PZIIL in the UI but on screen I see it is a Romanian R-35, can you change the UI?" I have many more of this shenanigans coming so I decided to try to edit the script file. CMRT script file in the F&R brz folders. red thunder v210a red lights and klaxons activated, safety goggles on, range cleared, 3-2-1-0 commence test... I opened the text file and changed IS-1 to KV-1. saved it ot my CMRT z folder. Loaded the game. My vehicle modding test scenario loaded and my IS-1 "work in progress" KV-1 unit showed this! UI said it is a KV-1. Hot damn! It showed the IS-1's 85mm gun and icon for heavy tank. Looks like the game code sees the script file as perhaps sequential entries? Maybe IS-1 is entry #395? Or whatever... Next test will be actual scenario play
  5. @Heinrich505 V3 in the goody box. 3 AI plans, 2 set as frequently and the new one is set as rare. I think I have eliminated all panzerfausts but randomly might still occur in the HQ.
  6. ok, I am TRYING to eliminate panzerfausts from my Barbarossa scenarios for obvious historic reasons. I will now go to extreme measures to dial down the ammo level on what I call PPU's. "Panzerfaust Possible Units". As part of this effort, I think I must place an ammo crate or 2 on map so the ammo levels can be acquired for 9mm and 7.92mm. It stinks that grenades can't be in the supply crates, right? The various HQ's seem to always be PPU's. Squads in platoons are also PPU's. LMG teams, Breach Teams, Sniper teams and Scout teams do not seem to be PPU's? I gotta confirm that. I will run some new tests. CONFIRMED! For Waffen-SS in my test. I put my 3.7cm Paks on "limited" ammo level and this keeps the HEAT rounds out of their stock. I have to put the infantry squads and HQ's on severe.
  7. oh, I just saw this part. I am not meaning to get greedy too soon! I will await seeing what you do. Really cool system. Thanks for sharing it.
  8. very cool stuff, I like it. Later down the line, may I please bum the psd or whatever file off you so I can TRY TO change and use it for ww2 purposes? With credit to you of course...
  9. We got some nearly authentic Gucci purses, Louis Viton handbags and fish fur coats, ALL at rock bottom prices coming soon in the Kohlenklau discount Barbarossa Mini Mall... Damn guys, it all started at age 5 when that broken branch was my machine gun...awesomely awesome if it had a smaller broken branch off the longer branch which then was the pistol grip. Raise your hand if you have held a tree branch toy gun!
  10. Battle Pack 1 for Combat Mission Battle for Normandy expands the experience of the Western Front by covering the period of combat between Normandy and Operation Market Garden. Designed by veteran CM scenario designer Jon Sowden. The entire CMBN Battle Pack 1 was designed by Jon Sowden. @JonSIt could be that it was historical. Real War aint always balanced I have heard... The lead up to the release of a BFC CM module or base game always involves a bunch of playtesting. I will not speak as a playtester, I am not one. Never been invited. Do not have the key to the beta testers lounge and lavatory. I do not know the secret handshake. From reading the various threads, these poor guys often play a scenario and then must stop and restart it after a code change. Do they play H2H for each and every scenario? I doubt it. Against the Odds was written by @snake_eye Seems ALSO to be historical. If he tweaked it to be "balanced" to appeal to the balanced scenario cult, then he gets hammered for ahistorical changes. You can't effing win! All I know is that it is cool that you are actually playing the game and playing it H2H. Some folks just keep playing against the old AI. Maybe dip your toe into scenario editing, your PBEM buddy too..and you can both invest a wee bit of time to save time in the long run. save frustration and that crappy feeling of the game not being all you want it to be. Good luck man
  11. first a joke reply... Damn! I wonder why the scenario is titled "Against the Odds" then? now some actual reply... I think the stock scenarios are supposed to be written as playable from both sides against the AI, ambidextrous? My tiny/small scenarios are often described as PLAY AS AXIS VS ALLIED AI ONLY or PLAY AS ALLIES VS AXIS AI ONLY because I didn't take the time to write the other side's AI plan for a human to play as the other side versus what I put in the description. I guess it is sometimes/often true that a scenario writer has to beef up the AI side to give the human a good challenge SO THEN IF A HUMAN takes over that AI beefed up side, they might be at an advantage. I HAVE seen in scenarios where this is acknowledged and the scenario writer says "more experienced player should be the allies" or whatever side has it weaker/tougher/more of a challenge. One thing that is cool I am seeing in old ASL scenario cards is a minor note for balance to do this or that for tweaking the scenario for that die rolling boardgame. add a certain extra squad or 2, remove a leader, etc. I guess you could do that with a CM PBEM? In the designers notes? "If a human plays as axis, they should drive in reverse with a 10m target arc and pull back to the friendly map edge 1 of the 2 King Tigers."
  12. Maybe you gave up already? Here is a link to a thread where I do discuss some aspects of modding. It might help you dip your feet in the water. This is not some professionally written tutorial but it is free...
  13. I have neglected to make any posts here! ok, so, for Soviet tanks, I like the below fonts. Cyrillic Regular Kremlin Chairman Bold Kremlin Duma Bold I will make a few new turret markings (numbers at first) for the T-26 @Suchy
  14. Check the goody box. The title should say V2 at the end of the new one with multiple AI plans..
  15. @Suchy @Heinrich505 Gary, they are there just now! Much, much, much better than mine and now mine are in the trashcan... Thanks Tommy
  16. I added a 2nd AI plan to BARB PANZER ANKLOPF Designer's Notes: Kohlenklau 01 February 2022 This scenario using some of the Barbraossa Mods is just a discount project. Remember, it does not cost you a thing in time or money. But I hope you find some enjoyment. Thanks to @benpark for help with the modding of the Pak36 3.7cm ATG "tank door knocker" This scenario also debuts the Blender T-26 mod which @Suchy gave the idea for using the parts of 2 existing CM vehicles. Thank you Tommy I hope it plays out smoothly and looks ok! Thank you, Phil
  17. I will experiment with the AI plans to try to make the T-26's SEEM slower. I just played it and I am very happy with it. I will add some more AI plans and retitle it as V2. Glad you enjoyed it!
  18. I am busy on this other scenario BARB BARBAROSSA NACHMITTAG I am really enjoying looking at 1931 old Polish maps and seeing not much change in Google Earth. I love it!
  19. TOP-SKI SECRET-SKI Take hull from IS-1, delete fuel tanks, take turret from T34 M42, shorten barrel. 1 drop of crazy glue, hold for 10 seconds.
  20. Yes, that is the better team! I make the Blender and you do the nice textures. Thanks Tommy.
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