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Everything posted by Vencini

  1. I did a test with all the objets 1 & 2 of the editor. I don't found all types of objets. (Like some carts). It's and stupid test. But it demostrates than an idiot like me can use the really good game editor: - The kubelwagen can destroy all types of flavor objets. Except the ones in the picture. - No matter if it crash with a small map full of those objets. The vehicle will not get the wheels damaged. - Not boged during all test and passing over lots of this objets. - All the objets destroyed "desintegrates" - Heavy / medium vehicles can cross over the objets than the kubelwagen can not. But this objets don't get destroyed. Hope my stupid test helps someone or at least, take out a little smile (note: the drivers were completly drunked with Jägermaister TM) Regards
  2. Nice pictures Jorge MC ! Mmmm Some vehicles, like this 25 tons tank, can destroy some soft objets, like this cart...But another ones, not...Anyone knows what kind of soft objets like charts can be destroyed? For exemple, in one picture that I posted before, one light vehicle didn't destroyed the cart... Thanks for help or answers. Regards
  3. Sacred artillery suport... When I saw that, I jumped from the chair and shouted "YEAAAHHHH!"
  4. How stole the heater?! (the game level of detail always surprising)
  5. Playing the "elephants and tigers" mission Gustav Line. I found the beast, yes! But I need a good position to fire at. War Movie view. Great immersion and... Why this macho man of 7.5 tons can't destroy those carts, passing by or over they? Has Battlefront plans to allow light /medium/ heavy chain wheel vehicles to move / pass over / destroy another light vehicles / soft objets in future? Thanks for answers or opinions. Regards
  6. Anyone else sees this little blue line allways at the background? It's the worth to report? Sorry for using this post.Regards
  7. Report: Playing "bears Claws" . The replacements weels of the tank (red circle) spins on the move :-D Anyway i'm having LOT of fun. New images of Panzerfaust and better graphics...
  8. One of the first misions in GL is with canadians /english. I removed the range weapons mod from the "z" folder of FI. I installed GL. I installed range weapons mod in "z" folder FI. I installed CMCW /BN range weapons mod at FI /GL "z" folder. But the mod from Marco Bergman don't work well. I'm doing something wrong? Have the names of CW, BN and FI files changed and they not work in GL? (oh please I hope i'm doing something wrong...) Anyone has the same isues? Please Battlefront, think about include the weapons range mod from Marco Bergman to the game. It's a brilliant mod / idea Thanks for answers and help. Regards
  9. King-Gustav is coming out from his lair...He feels the oblation is made...
  10. I'm not an expert. I give my modest opinion. I think this debate is very interesting. POsted by ASLveteran Don't the game already handle tha with the "friendy fire" rules?Make a rule for a "back blast into buildings" and apply like "friendly fire" ? Yeah, simple solution= boring solution. I hope this debate change that "Friendly fire heavy damage?" "friendly fire light damage?" Only applicable in buildings not in open terrain Chaos49 They could be throw by windows but only agains opened vehicles and not against tanks...(a pity!) Regards
  11. I'm learnig a lot with your conversations sirs. Like always... I did a little test and they don't fire from buildings, even if they don't have front or rear walls (not through too) What about the posibility,in game, to fire from inside buildings, but with chances of get wounded,killed, pinned (TURNED INTO FIRE, in future modules, of course)? Regards
  12. Maybe they are giving us features like this little by litlle , (to get hooked and buy all his games, great job Battlefront ;-) ) and no overwhelm new players (like me) with a too "complicated and detailed game". At the end, we will have all the features we want (and more) and maybe Combat Mission Campaings, how knows? Thanks for the AAR, the wait is more easy and I'm learning new things Regards
  13. But, but...This map is...MONTE CASINO! ;-) Thanks for the two AAR. I read allways this forum with interest to learn. I've see the armchair videos to learn tactics in WW2. I read manuals about infantry tactics fighting in Bocage...I known how to move the units in the map, but I feel, I still give "bad" orders to my units... - Could some one recommend some (free) read :-) about WW2 tactics in Italy? - Could be possible to do this AAR according to those tactics? Thanks again and regards!
  14. I would love that scenario designers, like Aris, put their superpowers doing simpler scenarios for beginners. For example, to learn combat tactics. How to move, how to cover, how the chain of command and artillery works, tanks use ... All this with clear and simple instructions and objectives, like, "Go up here, look for a couple of turns, cover in this area" etc. Scenarios designed to solve questions of the community and ignite debates about tactics and "tricks" for beginners like me ... Ah! Another thing! What we will do without Bill Handerberger and GreenAsJade AAR?WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO MY GOD! ;-) So please, another AAR or some news about CMGL...Thanks and regards!
  15. Mmmmm... I think that If you use light fire command (yellow line) with your infantry or your tanks, you will not have loses. Hight explosive ammunition will cause friendly loses, but if you use light fire command you will not have this problem. Sorry if this have been fixed or I'm wrong Mr. Emrys... So "Seamountanda" use light fire (yellow fire line order) and your troops will be more secure that with the fiere command (red line)order. Hope that helps and sorry if I'm wron, but I think I read this on this forum! Sorry for not post too the messages! If anyone can verify this, tahnks! Oh...I use this post too to ask for an AAR from the future Gustav Line, or new photos or somenthig... Regards and have a good week end all of you sirs! ;-)
  16. +1 I miss too the capacity (in numbers) of vehicles, for example, trucks. Now I have to count the extra-little small circles (ok let's see one,two,three,four...F**K! I lost the count...So Let's do it again...So please, a number to see the capacity of the vehicle will be nice...I play WEgo, but for RT players will be nice to a quick look to know how many places there are in vehicles Maybe the orders with space-bar button could be replaced for the information panel... Regards
  17. welcome! here you are one video from crossroads: some others videos from a nam veteran : (there are six videos) some good information from the "few good men pages" : 1)http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/bocage-low-bocage-and-hedgerows.8356/ 2)positioning:http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/calling-poor-old-spike-positioning.9798/ 3)how can croos what:http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/who-can-cross-what.8379/ one wikipedia too: http://combatmission.wikia.com/wiki/Bogging and of course a lot of good advices from veteran forum players... welcome again!
  18. "how can cross what" by PoorOldSpike from The few good men page:http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/who-can-cross-what.8379/ Hope that helps Please Battlefront, will be possible to do the tank's wheels more resistants in game? I tend to avoid wood fences (or other "light" obstacles) with my tanks because they get damaged too soon It will be possible too that heavy or medium tanks can destroy light vehicles? For example, a Sherman hiting and destroying a Kubelwagen and cross over it? It's that the "surprise"? Regards and thanks for answers
  19. This video it's interesting too. There are more videos like this
  20. One of my teachers says there is no dumb questions but dumb answers... Maybe I'll give you a dumb answer I hope not This page is really useful:http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/line-of-sight.8377/ Hope that helps to understand the diference between: LOS & LOF Select the unit, then push a fire order and you will see that the range in meters will appear next to the blue (or grey / red) line. So you known how many meters there are regards
  21. they will spend more time than usual. look yankeedog post number 3. you should be patient be patient... hope taht helps http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=108005 - i want to take advantage of this post to bet. i think when battlefront removes information in anouncements forum (now there is just one) that means tha they will anounce some news soon...Or not?Anyway, could give us some news? Thanks - I want to do a recomendation, too. Could be posible to move the green artillery lines (area or line) like we do actually with the waypoints? Thanks Regards
  22. I'm been playing CMFI busy for a while... Please, It will be possible to put some pictures, some news,AAR or somethig about the two future CM? Thanks Ah! And about Banzai attacks... It is not the old "human wave" order? Regards
  23. Sorry for the double post... Txema q he visto q eres Vasco... He buscado en el foro de battlefront pero no lo he encontrado. Yo me lo bajé hace tiempo y lo q he hecho ha sido copiar el nombre del fichero y hacer una búsqueda en Internet...En la página q te he puesto, es el htofix q estás buscando. Si no te fías, a ver si alguien te da un enlace oficial aquí en el foro de battlefront... Agur!
  24. Txema, I'm been looking for the oficial folder but I don't find It. I finded this site. Hope that help. If some one can give him another oficial site (or a direct oficial link to the folder) thanks http://www.atomicgamer.com/files/100120/combat-mission-fortress-italy-patch-1-00-1-hotfix
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