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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. I can see it now, a 600 post thread on how the German Ha5K39b was the greatest radio set in the known universe and why it was defeated by the inferior but mass produced British WS-No 38 Mk-1. It is only ever the names that change.
  2. Cool formatting there Jon But yeh I have no idea how one might categorise Rabaul, there wasn't really any formal resistance offered it was more along the lines that the Japanese landed and the "defenders" fled. So I would take omega) none of the above It has been quoted as "every man for himself", a stroke of military genius really.
  3. Yes of course. Overrun is when you position has been breached and there is nothing you can do often the chance for an orderly retreat is gone, surrender is when your position itself is still viable but the surrounding situation is not. Retreat is when you are fleeing an enemy you cannot hold, withdrawal is when you disengage for your own reasons.
  4. Well they just took off into the jungle.
  5. Some of whom surrendered because they ran out of stuff, those that could joined the commandos , no overrun.
  6. I am deeply moved by this sequence, largely as it depicts my exact experience with an Airfix He-111 circa 1978. Accidentally slashed my wrist cutting the fuselage from the spru, ended up at the doctors and MONTHS of therapy 'cos everyone thought I was depressed. Strange how it was easier for them to believe I was suicidal rather than just a knife numpty. The HE-111 turned out cool eventually and I was only slightly wounded (more knife drama) later in the year making the Hurricane that shot it down.
  7. See what happens when we are not in charge and we have to stooge about with our backs to the sea and a noticeable absence of the Navy ? Even then only in Singapore were we truly overrun. 12 month guerrilla campaign before being the last Allied forces to withdraw from SE Asia.
  8. See that is where it all went wrong, who would want to remove nuclear waste from Manhattan ? The stuff might even give the place a lift!
  9. Yes, despite all the groupies flocking off to the rehash of WW2 again there are those of us who prefer the modern world.
  10. Try the bridge at Le Harve, worked a treat for me and at much lower speed.
  11. Yes like Villers-Bretonneux , Trobruk, Milne Bay, Kapyong, Long Tan ....... oh hang on a minute we won those ones... ummm sorry when were we overrun? And I mean properly overrun like St-Quinten, Bataan, Gloster Hill, Dien Bien Phu
  12. I think that is how they are meant to be used. Tell me is a manual traverse all that much slower than a power one? I remember one German Vehicle, might be a Tiger, where the hand traverse was actually faster than a motorised one.
  13. Aussie, Village Idiot Extrordinaire, Massive Dangly bits, they are indeed thrice blessed.
  14. As previously mentioned the 50 cal seems only to fire if enemy infantry moves behind the vehicle, therefore if you reverse it in all of the enemy will be behind and hence fall prey to the 50........ maybe. I'm guessing that if you drive it into a pos frontways and give it a covered arc to the rear the turret will just traverse back to the front if enemy appear.
  15. Since when were the the Drop Shorts on the battlefield ? More like 10km from it. There is only one true gospel. Manual of Land Warfare: Ratel anything else is just fluff
  16. And with any luck he will shoot himself.
  17. Steve didn't get raked over Oz, User38 just had a tanty that's all
  18. It wasn't used as an MBT it was an AVRE, however in the GWII many of the Iraqii tanks were T54/55 and T62, designs which the Centurion had previously bested.
  19. Where as the Centurion served up until the Second Gulf War in more or less the same form as it started it was just upgraded over time, the Pershing / Patton lines were considerable redesigns.
  20. Centurion was far superior. Witnessed by it still being in service many, many years after the Pershing was gone.
  21. Was it not you, a mere 2 posts back, who was lamenting the dearth of parading of our much coveted dangly bits? As they say, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
  22. Much like your dangly bits. Of course our timing is 15 hours ahead of your's so it is not surprising you cannot keep up.
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