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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. Could be that the crew was reacting to a loud bang on the tank, not realising they couldn't be harmed by it as they wouldn't know if it was a grenade or a glancing blow from a AT gun, they just panicked and bailed?
  2. Which is the entire point of multiculturalism, they ain't strangers any more are they? They are Australians. At no stage in our history has any Australian suffered, been "stressed", lost a job or been forced out by an immigrant and I challenge anyone to provide a single tangible example where this has been the case. As far as assimilation goes the alternate points of view and culture that immigrants bring to our society serves only to enrich. I have heard all the above mentioned arguments, not just diesel's comment but the others too, applied to Italians, Greeks, Africans, Vietnamese, Taiwanese ,English, Irish, Chinese, Korean and every other ethnic group that have come to our shores over the years and I see nothing but positives have come of it, just like the USA.
  3. Read the posts before you open your mouth mate, you only make yourself look like a complete idiot.
  4. I think the point of contention is that Australia didn't impose the tax, Australia Post did. It's like me getting stroppy about "America" losing my parcel that was sent through FedEx. As previously said in the other thread the fee was added because in Oz there is a culture where a price rise is "un-Australian" but a levy is acceptable. BTW I've not seen anything that I would take umbrage from Steve and I am more umbragable than most. Now if I was Canadian .......
  5. Take the rubbish ('Merkin Speak = Trash) but leave Mick, he provides occasional amusement.
  6. Yes especially this bit: "The term can be used in an obscure sense to refer to the vulva. In Europe, 'merkin has also been in common usage as a jocular term for an American since the 1960s" So pretty much has you covered from all angles, so to speak
  7. Strange then that it captures so much of your attention, a desired dream ? a vision of Shangri-la perhaps?
  8. Well it is obvious really, the centre of all things has long been believed to be a vacuous black vortex.
  9. Ah yes of course, his theory that states that the USA is the centre of all things
  10. Well the idea is that we exchange views and information about each other and maybe learn a bit about each other in the process. That includes the bad as well as the good. No need to be defensive about it, you are more or less amongst friends, especially given the homogeneity of the demographic of the BF forum.
  11. 9 bucks for Vanir's butt crack !!!! Outrageous !!!
  12. Your suggestion that I belong to a dead and backward race noted only for its alcohol consumption
  13. The rate of immigration now is less than immediately post war. The arrival of Europeans in 1788 was perhaps the most hostile and each subsequent wave of new comers has generated its own level of resentment at least a high as it is today. Diversity is always a good thing, peoples from different cultures bring different points of view and experience which is an antidote to dogma, nationalism , parochialism and Xenophobia. In a cynical sense it is a good defence as well, why would a country bomb us if in doing so they would kill many of our people of the same ethnicity.
  14. It disturbs me that you are so familiar with his buttocks.
  15. KEEP UP ! it is about who has the best Postal System
  16. Which has been the case for the last 200 years as a minimum and probably as much as 30,000 years. We should be proud of our multiculturalism it's one of the things that makes us a strong country, conspiracy theories on government traditional population replacement not with standing.
  17. Actually it seems to have morphed into AH's Family photos which are ..... creepy
  18. Perhaps but wildly inaccurate. If sitting down in Wyoming the antipodal point is somewhere in the middle of the Southern Ocean well of the Western Australian coast and far from our general direction.
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