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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. Because all of those courts are for the type of law involved not the type of person. A separate court for ex-service personnel suggests they are entitled to a different form of justice or are subject to different laws. How do you have a court for the mentally incompetent? If they are incompetent they cannot be in a court. Starship Troopers had at it's heart the notion that military service was a prerequisite for citizenship i.e. you had to take up arms to defend the country before you had a right to be part of the country. There are a lot of fascist notion in the writing. But you are correct fascism does not necessarily mean Nazi, but one can lead to the other hence the -> "We should find non-criminals with habitual problems and put them under a court's jurisdiction in an attempt to make them change." That is exactly why this is a total farce and blight on the US legal system. The courts are not the place to deal with habitual problems. Courts deal with law, end of. Habitual problems need to be dealt with a different mechanism. "I reckon that for many veterans war ****ed them up every bit as good as narcotics." So get them before they become criminals. Fix them before casting them on the street, support them when they return, heal their wounds. "There are other programs set up for drug addicts to divert them from the justice system. How is this any different? The court system is trying to deal with the unique human failings which lead these folks into lives of crime? By the by, did you bother reading that it takes $32k to lock some one up versus $7k to clean them up? And with 100% success rate I think they may be onto something. Or we could follow your logic, keep treating them the same way, let them spiral down into a life of drugs, alcohol and other issues. Then, when they finally do snap, you have a militarily trained, anti-social, addict on the loose. You didn't really think this one through did you?" Neither did you. You don't get my logic at all as you seem to assume that I, like you, expect these people to end up in court and that that is the best place to deal with them. I am saying fix the problem before it starts. If your cost analysis is correct then spend the defence budget on the fix not the social welfare budget. Forgo 1 F22 and you can give an entire Corps the help they need.
  2. So what you really mean is "Show me an example where the Allied armies were able to perform the same massive envelopment operations in 1944 as the Germans did in 1941 when they were fighting a completely outclassed enemy in the wide open steppes of ....... Normandy?" An envelopment is a great thing for sure but not the only thing. It is also a difficult thing to achieve in the tighter confines of western Europe. The Germans never achieved it even when they attacked in 1940 and caught everyone on the hop. In spite of the difficulties large numbers of German troops were encircled and destroyed by the Allied advance, as JonS has mentioned.
  3. Why is envelopment a yard stick of success anyway ?
  4. He had a hand in it, he also pointed the US down the Air Cavalry and Helicopter route which ultimately lead to the employment of airmobile ops for tactical mobility in Vietnam, which didn't pan out all that well. He did how ever speak against segregation but didn't really achieve a heck of a lot. He also brought about the M113, which HAD to be air transportable, not sure why but they did sell a lot of them.
  5. Not sure where you get that from. In Sicily he did well and performed some useful guerrilla actions that helped out quite a bit. In Normandy he had the benefit of a very accurate drop, took up blocking positions and waited. In Market Garden........ forgot to capture the bridge. The 82nd were in a fair bit of strife when XXX Corps turned up. Sure he was not incompetent but one of the best? I think not. In fact I truly believe that he was promoted too fast and was not suitable for command of the Division in Market Garden.
  6. I am told that Alizee Caen can bring on a Good Wood, and I Totalise agree. I wish I was an iPod
  7. Sure they stayed there 4 moths, it was winter or fools attack in Winter and they did. They were decisively crushed 450 000 casulaties and all but 100 odd tanks is a fair bit of a crushing. They consolidated and then they were attacked and fell to bits... again. Aachen, Hurtgen Forest, Metz they were costly battles but the Germans lost all of them.
  8. Maybe just call it "Caen't" because they Couldn't
  9. You mean where they swept 60 miles into Holland in 8 days?
  10. 10 May of 1940 the German forces swept across France and by 25 June France had fallen. 25 July of 1944 the Allies launched the breakout from Normandy, by 25 of August France was liberated and the German Army annihilated. By the end of September the Grmans were back behind their frontier more or less, "Bradley, for example, by September, had four more divisions than planned and all of his forces were 150 miles ahead of their expected position." Sounds like a sweep to me ?
  11. I think sweeping across western Europe past piles of smouldering German gear and men might have made them a little more chipper?
  12. I was never taught to shoot my men, I mean they did out number me somewhat.
  13. IRL SMG's were given to Squad leaders/officers/Radio Ops etc mainly to be a self defence weapon. Generally anyone who's job was something other than actually shooting at the enemy. If you needed SMG's for assault then the other squad members carried them, Lead scout in the Jungle in the Aussie army carried an Owen gun for example.
  14. Yeh but when he DOES fire hooo boy, it will be the BEST planned and spotted you have ever seen !
  15. Errr.... East ? (un zud ) Thought you Melbourne boys were on the ball?
  16. No I got that wrong. You lot did make more of lots of other stuff tho', aircraft in particular which is just as well as they were a lot better than anything that anyone else had.
  17. Ever noticed how much like England/New England Tassie is? Sameo for the Eastern Island too, except they have boiling mud.
  18. This is the guy they were quite happy to have running the show in Libya for the last 42 year right? This should go on Wiki as a text book example of Hypocrisy
  19. Sorry as a service man you are entitled to a different form of justice? Starship Troopers -> Nazi Germany anyone? Rather than giving people the thing they need they wait until the commit crime and then help them? What about the people who aren't criminals? Who thinks up this BS ?
  20. The big problem with German industry was their lack of efficiency, there were considerably more people in German factories than Soviet but the Soviets far out produced them. They also made some monumentally bad choices, the battleship Bismark for example, the most powerful ship afloat ..... for 9 months, when it was sunk. almost with all hands having achieved ... SOD ALL. You could have made 1000 Panthers out of the steel used to build her, or maybe more importantly 40 more Uboats.
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