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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. Yeh, I was tempted early on to suggest "NUTS !" as the preferred method of retreat.
  2. I truly think that a guy who names himself after an enigmatic, reclusive, bogeyman should not be pointing fingers and crying "loon". I had no idea :confused: just how much fun this little critters can be I mean chuck one in and it is good for PAGES of abuse :eek:
  3. As cool as the boys in the band are : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterno_Canned_Heat The real canned heat
  4. Yeh mate, jump in ASAP and the more experienced player you can find the better for your learning curve. Nothing like a MAJOR can o' whup-ass to sharpen your focus
  5. Never mind Mick, one day, if you study hard you may come to understand those of the Great Southern Land. Forgive them father they know not what we do.
  6. I understand mutli-tasking is a challenge to your dexterity but go and get Billy-Bob to give you a hand (little piggy) and I am sure between the 2 of you you can coalesce sufficient skills to move the mouse over the quoted link and then click the left button and be transported to Mick's true visage. Works fine for me, or is it just that now the Internet, like everything else in the Northern Hemisphere, is broken and bankrupt as well? Oh and check you Psyc books mate, all humans think in pictographs, I do understand that you are not a human and would not be expected to know this but hey now you have some extra knowledge that you and the other scum dwellers can grunt about for a bit before you shoot each other.
  7. Not even sure it can do that either. The jars quote the Half Life , rather than Use by Date.
  8. The notion was that it would be removed from Long Island to Manhattan and not continue through and hence would give the place a lift, pretty simple really. I must remember that you fellows are ignorant of nuance and are incapable of lateral thought. My bad. Edit: Oh and by the by before you start reeling out the few Australian place names your feeble mind can hold, look at the map and you will see Jervis Bay is much closer for shipping to Wagga than Geelong.
  9. Yes it is, at least that is what she told me last night. Now THAT is digression. Did I say wild boar? Sorry it was a stunted mouse. (mind u that shot has never been repeated before or since so is probably more arse than class)
  10. 1 Round kill : Head shot a running Wild Boar at 800m from a motorcycle with an L1A1(Scope) :eek:
  11. And finding enough canned heat to generate 1.21 Gigawatts is a right be-utch
  12. So do you go back to the point were the battle started to go bad and run away then OR do you go back to when the enemy started to get the upper hand and change your strategy so they then lose OR do you time travel forwards and see how it turned out then go back and change what you did until it turns out in your favour OR do you just time travel to another when altogether and forget the whole thing OR do you time travel the enemy to get there 3 minutes after you left ?
  13. Do you think we might be missing the point a bit? It really doesn't matter what the walls are made out of, the windows are all glass or simply and opening. Indeed on some buildings the sill of the window is angled towards the window so it would act as a funnel. Rounds that otherwise might punch through a timber wall and pass by might be deflected towards whom ever is silly enough to be standing in the window. There is also the prospect that a stone building could make bullets and shrapnel ricochet about inside, where a wooden building they would pass through. In short a Building of any type, stone particularly, is a great place to hide but a pretty crap place to fight from.
  14. AHA !! So the Australian decision to abandon Rabaul almost before the first bombs had landed WAS INDEED a master stroke!
  15. As an old signaller Gozzy, that diagram gives me wood.
  16. Pretty sure that is the case, I think some guys have done some tests and below certain calibres there is no friendly fire.
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