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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. "I suggest trying this, and also adding the names of family members or friends to other units." That's a good plan, take their relatives hostage
  2. it's just like the other thread by GreenasJade with his covered arc problem. It really seems to me that infantry have too much bravado when it comes to armour. Sure they have bazookas etc but really even these are something of a last resort weapon. A 80kg Person is would not be very keen to take on a 30 tonne tank
  3. I'd do 'em but I suck at maps. Another thing you can do is PBEM an old hand and have them tell you where you go wrong, works for me!
  4. Maybe something like, a squad attacks an MG nest, then a Platoon attacks a squad, then add in a tank then maybe up to a company etc, start small and get more complex.
  5. Yes I was thinking the same thing! "We'll attack the same way we have the last 47 times, it's the last thing they will be expecting !
  6. Yes this would be good to know, brings a tear to an ol' Sig's eye ! The Desert Fox's HT had "Grief" on the side I think. Means Strike or something like that
  7. I wonder if the Brit Module will have the tactical use of heavy bombers in it? Now THAT would be nuts
  8. You really fire an SMG by aim-burst-aim-burst. Pointing at one target at a time and firing a few rounds at it. Of course most of them miss and hit the blokes behind, so "Trench Broom" is more about missing what your aiming at but hitting what you are not.
  9. You don't pay very much attention do you Old timer, I was pushed deeper into the mire and lowered to serfdom some time ago.
  10. It works better if you insult THEM, not yourself. Otherwise SOD OFF !
  11. Tempted to say, "Just as well Monash turned up" but it turned ugly last time so I won't
  12. I like the idea of some really basic training scenarios, I seem to remember this from CMx1 at some point? Start with simple platoon attack and that sort of thing and then work up to full on combined arms. Surely our Scenario gurus can do this standing on their ear ?
  13. Dunno if that was the best use of an SMG, they were more about lots of rounds at a close target rather than area suppression like an LMG
  14. Sure that could happen, the key to deciding if it is likely or not is to look at what reaction would be engendered from the other Middle Easter States
  15. No problems, I sneaked a Kilo of high grade H into his bags before he left, just for a laugh !
  16. Just as an aside, if your pixeltruppen do disobey your orders does it help if you have some of them shot as an example to the rest?
  17. Actually the phrase is originally attributed to Bob Loopie, which is the most ironically appropriate name.
  18. Yes and who is it that allowed those histories to be written? I expect that the "Victors" in the west would rather the German side of things as far as the Eastern Front goes, given the Cold War and all that. Russian history of course reads somewhat differently as their victors wrote their version. Determining winners and losers in the US Civil War is a challenge in itself, much less the correct turn of events to be believed.
  19. The Geneva Conventions are only accessible to sovereign states, which the Taliban isn't. It is however signed by Afghanistan.
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