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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. Like I say we choose what we wish to believe. A Daily log of 3 M4's KO may well mean 9 KO'ed and 6 repaired, it could also be a load of bollocks as "I have no idea" is not an acceptable report so often things are made up, I have seen that IRL. As far as I am aware the tale of Barkmanns corner comes from Barkmann himself, sure he may have lied, may have exaggerated or may have told the truth as he saw it. His account and the "official" record can both be equally flawed. Something happened, precisely what we will never know. It is just as wrong to blindly believe the allied records as it is to believe the German account.
  2. Oh that is easy, they LIED we told the truth 'cos we won ........ One side says they destroyed a company , the other says nothing happened the truth as always will be somewhere in between the two.
  3. I try to resist but .......... Russian Super Models !!!
  4. Well if you are going to goose step about telling everyone how Uber you are, you will eventually have to put your jacksey where your jack boots are.
  5. Fun for all the family "Look papa this one was aimed at New York and this one at London oooo and here is the one for Sydney ! It's a biggun' " I wonder if I am the only one who gets a chill down their spine when I see these weapons. Growing up in the late 70's and 80's there was always a pall of nuclear nightmare hanging over our heads. Nice links to soft core porn and viruses at the bottom of the page too.
  6. I don't get it and I am just a little bit creeped out
  7. Yeh, me too been on it for a few months now from when is was a beta version. Does get a bit "samey" after awhile but good mindless fun. Would be awesome to play in a team rather with random participants.
  8. That is the key to the debate for me. ON PAPER the German Army had better gear, better terrain, on the defence and supposedly they were better trained and more tactically adept. In spite of all of this they were defeated in detail. Excuses given are the logistic situation (which for the Germans was not good but they were still able to maintain operations), overwhelming numbers (the allies had a 4:1 superiority in tanks by the climax of the battle) and air support (however the effects of air support has been shown to be greatly exaggerated). If it were true that the Germans had the better Army in the field the bad logistics and superior numbers would have been overcome. Take the example of the Israelis on the Golan Heights in 1973. Ironically in a similar situation to the Germans in 1944 except that they were outnumbered 8 to 1 and their tanks had only a slight on paper superiority, at night they had a distinct disadvantage. They utterly defeated the Syrian attack. Why? Because their troops were better trained and better employed. The German Army lost for no other reason than they were out fought by the Allies.
  9. The Russian car is Lada, larder is where you store your food. You make a nice analogy though. Ever tried taking a Ferrai to the shops ? or on a family holiday? Your going to look very silly as I drive off in my Lada over ground your Ferrari cannot cover. I can also get 100 Ladas for the price of a Ferrari and the football team is going to be disappointed that you have to make 15 trips to get them to the game. Horses for courses mate.
  10. I support my fellow Australian in his infiltration operation behind the "Twinky Curtin" and his luring of Nidan1 to his doom but I harbour no desire to join him. You just don't get Aussie's do you? Maybe one day you will and it will be an excellent first step out of that tar pit you are all struggling in. We'll be waiting for you at the top, undecided as yet whether I shall offer a hand or put my foot on your head. We have equipped our man in the US with a large closhe as a counter to the US desire to nuke all they do not understand.
  11. To fight WW2 they were, they simply sat behind a fortification and waited for the trenches. Guderian had other plans for which UK and France were ill prepared and ill equipped. They had plenty of gear, just the wrong gear for the war that were to fight. Rubbish they were comprehensively defeated in nearly every engagement from late '42 on.
  12. Funny, I always thought it was Barnes Wallis but are we distinguishing the dome separate from general geodesic construction?
  13. That is the whole nub then isn't it? Defining "better". You can't do that without considering the wider picture. A tank that is too expensive to produce, breaks down before it gets into combat and does not meet the tactical requirements is hardly better.
  14. Yes, just like all bullies they found it easy to ride rough shod over ill prepared and ill equipped enemies who were caught with their pants down. Once the Allies actually developed a credible response the Germans fell to pieces Blaming Hitler is always the fall back, sure he was an idiot but the German army was beaten on the field which had nothing to do with him.
  15. Any tanker with half a brain would seek to bushwhack the enemy regardless of whether they were superior or not. Hit 'em hardest where it hurts. Standing toe to toe with the enemy and duking it out is just silly. While the Panther has its pluses and the M4's and Cromwells their minuses, the short answer is that the Germans in Normandy were simply out fought by the Allies. Their tank doctrine was seriously flawed as evidenced by their comprehensive loss on the Eastern and Western fronts.
  16. You lie ! No problem however great or small cannot be solved with more HE
  17. Nice boat. Oddly enough it looks like many of the fields around my home except we have rainforest edging cleared paddocks.
  18. IRL the only place that Air Power was the scourge of armour was the pilots' log books. Against the logistics tail, different story. Yes, made slightly more contempory
  19. Now that you mention it , it did have certain .... odour
  20. Now THAT is funny. Beats the hell out of random ramblings of one thrown into chaos by nuance and simple abbreviations and thinly veiled threats from a smileyphob. BUT in deference to the strange level of hidden respect I have for the members of this forum I have done some further research to check my knowledge and it turns out that around 20% of the population does NOT think in pictures........ what a dull little world it must be for them. So I amend my last to "most humans think in pictographs" Oh and keep up the "lad" thing condescension is fine if it makes me out to be younger.
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