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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. No it was "Take Pity on the Poor Lost 'Merkin's" Day. We were giving you time to reflect and take stock of your feeble dangly bits as compared with ours. We are not without compassion.
  2. Actually they both used petrol engines, the M4 did have a few diesel variants. The Panthers' propensity to burst into flames was due more to the sealed engine bay, badly routed fuel lines and a seriously over worked engine. The M4's propensity to burst into flames was due to poorly sited unarmoured ammo bins, that were later obviated by applying an appliqué aiming mark. I have it on good authority that All You Need Is Love.
  3. Also given the low rate of infant mortality it doesn't take much to create a high percentage change. e.g. If you average infant mortality is 1 per 100,000 if 2 happen to die you have a 100% increase in infant mortality.
  4. I think most of the bocage is gone now. The centuries old hedgerows have been cleared away due to modern farming methods.
  5. Sorry I mean not at ground targets in the front arc. There is a long thread sometime ago about this and it touches on the prospect of reversing a TD into a pos to be able to use the 50cal and the ensuing confusion for the crew to be ordered to engage a target by facing away from it etc.
  6. It is only for AA fire and cannot really be fired thru the front arc or at ground targets in normal circumstances, Audie Murphy not with standing
  7. ...... WHAT !!!!! ????? They both float about as well as a house brick and are certainly not ocean going. Are you meaning ground pressure ?
  8. Your not really getting this are you ? @Gunnergoz, Yeh I tend to agree mate but I would contend that all members of an Army being considered of one colour, Green, might have done more for the plight of racial segregation by showing that all serve on an equal basis. Remembering that Jimbo's laws stayed in force until 1965.
  9. What an appalling thing to say "A total of 36 wards were marked by the authorities as being "gas affected", affecting a population of 520,000. Of these, 200,000 were below 15 years of age, and 3,000 were pregnant women. In 1991, 3,928 deaths had been certified. Independent organizations recorded 8,000 dead in the first days. Other estimations vary between 10,000 and 30,000. Another 100,000 to 200,000 people are estimated to have permanent injuries of different degrees" But hey it only cost a couple of bucks to fix it up and really they were just impoverished peasants anyway, so who gives a ****. Far more concern that some ill informed moron thinks that the infant mortality rate in the US is effected by non atmospheric fallout (i.e. no big boom to spread it to the upper atmosphere) across the worlds largest ocean. I think this article should be placed on Wikipedia as being the quintessential definition of the term "Crock of Utter Bull****"
  10. How about one of you mooning the local Gendarmes ?
  11. I'd rather they were just blokes in a variety of units rather than all concentrated in one unit because "all those baaws are nig........," err ... African Americans.
  12. And of course the Moors didn't create "Arabic Numerals" but hey at least the lad is having a go.
  13. The M1 was created because the MBT-70 was a debacle. The M1 if anything was a return to "traditional values" where the MBT-70 sought to be a techno-marvel. The Israeli experience of Yom Kippur if anything reinforced traditional values of armour, mobility and firepower as being the corner stones of design. The M1 simply modernised this, it wasn't really a reaction to any particular threat or situation as the 1973 war did not fundamentally change the ethos of armoured warfare, rather it reaffirmed the necessity of combined arms given that infantry now had an effective (-ish) anti armour capability. The Sherman had a massive necessity to respond and adapt as the western allies had made the mistake of believing that it would not be required to engage tank on tank. The response was the M26 for the US and the Comet for the British, both the match of the Panther, rather than waiting 30 years for the M1.
  14. read it again Mick, it says it was the first to be used but an entire battalion was equipped with it at the Huertgen Forest.
  15. Wrong musical instrument perhaps? Maybe the Calliope ? But it is mentioned here http://lemairesoft.sytes.net:1945/weben/armes/artillerie/1803.html#116679
  16. So really it is nothing like a Peng thread?
  17. Sure, even that account is unclear, they say they are fighting the 2nd Panzer, not 2nd SS Panzer
  18. So really we don't have anything concrete to the contrary ?
  19. and they are modelled in the game ........ where ?
  20. Just goes to show ya, you can look at any situation from any angle and draw what ever conclusion you wish " In the US, physician Janette Sherman MD and epidemiologist Joseph Mangano published an essay shedding light on a 35 per cent spike in infant mortality in northwest cities that occurred after the Fukushima meltdown, and may well be the result of fallout from the stricken nuclear plant. The eight cities included in the report are San Jose, Berkeley, San Francisco, Sacramento, Santa Cruz, Portland, Seattle, and Boise, and the time frame of the report included the ten weeks immediately following the disaster." What was the spike in these cities after the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ? " Fukushima Called the 'Biggest Industrial Catastrophe in the History of Mankind " by whom ? Certainly not the people of Bhopal. Not that it really matters but Fukishima is not an industrial accident, it got hit by an unusually large Tsunami. The biggest concern at the moment is the plague of leg injuries from all of the knee jerking.
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