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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. Not in itself but it is a barrier to opposition within the political system and giving political voice to s single stream of the population. But in SST it does. Only if they undertake Federal Service which is actually one of the stated aims of the system, not allowing undesirables in power, given that it came about as a solution to previous civil unrest. What has Obama got to do with it? It is you who are leaping, the oaths I was comparing are in relation to the SST CiC which as we see has not been democratically elected as only one sector of society is entitled to vote for him, and can also have that vote taken away. Adolph Hitler was democratically elected and he then suspended the democratic process. AH was also the commander in chief. The only real difference is that the German military swore allegiance to a person, rather than a position and subtle but important difference. Yes you have to be a citizen to vote in an Australian election, your tax status is irrelevant, you don't have to pay tax to vote. You only lose your right to vote if you are in prison serving a sentence of more than 3 years. Yes as stated there is an undercurrent of fascism in the book SST. No it is based on the notion that is central to the book in that suffrage is conditional upon Federal Service, rather than a basic democratic right. No you are again miles of track. Did you read the bit where I said that veterans should receive the aid and support they need BEFORE they end up in the justice system? By the by, I am a soldier (retired) near on 20 years in fact. Only if those Jews are not allowed to drive on those highways.
  2. Rather be a Dodo than Doodoo Only thing worse is Dodo Doodoo I certainly Don't Do dodo doodoo
  3. A good commander takes the shortcomings of his subordinates as his own. Gavin should have ensured that the primary objective, the Nijmegan Bridge (not certain bridges), was captured. All else was secondary. Failure to do so doomed 1 Abn and the Operation as a whole.
  4. Sure it is open to all comers, who make the grade and serve 2+ years. That is the entire point you are only allowed to have a say in who makes the laws in the country if you survive a minimum of 2 years of military indoctrination, which is going to lead to a fairly homogeneous mind set within the voting public. The SS and Wehrmacht actually swore allegiance to AH so that is the main difference, SST swear allegiance to the constitution and the commander in chief, who must have been a soldier, which is not all that different really. Not in my world mate, you get (in fact are required) to vote whatever your status in Australia. Only restriction is that a declared bankrupt cannot stand for public office. If you haven't paid your taxes you have some explaining to do to the ATO nothing else, have not checked but I believe this to be the case in most democracies. Seemingly it does but the UNDERCURRENT is that those who "opt out" don't really count for much in the grand scheme of things. Rico's rich back ground for example is portrayed as superficial and unfullfilling as compared to the glory of nukeing a "skinny" temple, not that we are racist or xenophobic. Your kidding right? Keep in mind I am saying that there is some evidence to support the notion that Starship Troopers contains Fascist principals as has been suggested for many years, not that Heinlein is Fascist, as I said I am not sold ether way but I can see the parallels. More to the point I am saying that the Buffalo Court which provides different rights to veterans is reminiscent of the ideals portrayed in Starship Troopers, which is possibly the top of a slippery slope.
  5. Yah think? General Gavin is what frustrated Market Garden. XXX Corps advanced 87 km in 3 days, where they were held up by the uncaptured bridge at Nijmegen, rather than a Bridge to Far it was more like One Bridge Short. A long and tenuous line of supply, "1 tank wide", could not be severed by the Germans and it took armour to destroy the lightly armed paratroopers in Arnhem / Oosterbeek, even then not. Trapped against the Rhine, out of ammo and with no real means to defend against armour, 20% of the British 1 Para Div were able to withdraw across the almost impassable obstacle. If 10% of the German heavy armoured divisions escaping Falaise with none of their heavy equipment is a huge cock up what is this then? Despite the perceived failure of the operation the German showing on the defence during Market Garden was pretty poor. Armour Plate v Dennison Smocks , 75mm HV Guns v Gammon Bombs and PIATs and as stated above 20% of them got away and they lost most of Holland.
  6. Why? the few I have now are full o' fish.
  7. So you missed picking up on the Nazi/Nazi sympathisers in Sweden in WW2 that are central to the book? Bit of a common theme in Scandinavian countries, SS-Viking Division ?
  8. You mean the ones that were destroyed after another failed offensive that winter and were pushed aside in the following resumption of the advance? Rebuilding an Army around a leadership cadre who ran away? Good plan that one. No wonder they melted with the snow.
  9. You are still equating Fascism with conscription. As I said it is more Fascist if the military is reserved for a "privileged elite" (Waffen-SS for example) and that service entitles you to a different place in society. Draft dodging and going to prison is merely breaking the law.
  10. That does seem to be a much overlooked subject in this course, maybe a Post Graduate line of study? My house if brimming with a multitude of items not quite empty or long ago made redundant "Not empty/finished/all used" and "Just in case we need more one day" long after any expiry date has passed .....
  11. Falaise was the final chapter in the battle for Normandy. The German Army lost 450,000 out of 1 mill or so deployed, 50k or so escaped the pocket. The failure to trap that comparatively small number, less than 10% of the total losses, cannot be seen as a failure, particularly since they escaped without their equipment and those that did escape were not the front line troops who were further attrited in keeping the pocket open. There are numerous reasons given for the pocket not being closed, many of which point to other operations that actually set the allies up better for what followed.
  12. Just a little bit condescending there ol' mate. There is no economic component mentioned in SST as I recall. In that very sentence you encapsulate it. If you serve the state you have greater rights than those who do not. The whys and where fors of the war with the bugs is irrelevant it is the attitude towards it that is important. Rather than a horrible thing we have to do because we are under threat, it is seen more as the glorious undertaking the very pinnacle of what a person can do for their country. Of course not many countries across the globe from all political persuasions have a National Service Scheme, as well you know. NONE of them require it to be able to vote. Many of them do have other avenues for those who do not wish to. Yes be a citizen or not. No it doesn't You haven't read "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" have you? Sweden was not your best choice for that analogy they did fly pretty close to the wind in WW2. Draft, conscription call it what you wish it is totally beside the point and irrelevant to the notion of fascism in SST. In fact conscription is not a core principle of fascism at all, quite the opposite in fact, the notion is that the military represent an elite class in society. Fascism exalts the military and the state as does SST. If you want to become a full member of society, you have to earn what is a fundamental democratic right, suffrage and the right to run for office, by serving the State apparatus.
  13. Fascism is a radical, authoritarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists advocate the creation of a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through indoctrination, physical education, and family policy including eugenics. Fascists seek to purge forces, ideas, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration and produce their nation's rebirth based on commitment to the national community based on organic unity where individuals are bound together by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood. Fascists believe that a nation requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong. Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition to the state. Fascists promote violence and war as actions that create national regeneration, spirit and vitality. Fascists exalt militarism as providing positive transformation in society, in providing spiritual renovation, education, instilling of a will to dominate in people's character, and creating national comradeship through military service. Most of those concepts are present in the general background of the world in which Starship Troopers is set. Give me a week or 2 and I will dig out and re-read the book if you want specifics but for now you will need to rely on a 30 year old memory. The notion of Federal Service being required for suffrage and public office can be seen as an effective mechanism of maintaining a single party state. Allowing only those who have completed Federal Service to be the History and Moral Philosophy teachers can be seen as indoctrination as the state has direct control over not only the history that is taught but the attitude towards it. Waging war to keep the nation strong is an obvious component. There is a strong undertone of the "exalt militarism as providing positive transformation in society, in providing spiritual renovation, education, instilling of a will to dominate in people's character, and creating national comradeship through military service." I dimly recall something tied up in the romance side of the novel that might have hinted vaguely at a eugenics programme but I could be confusing that with other books. Or it could be my own bias of preferring Dina Meyer over Denise Richards.
  14. OK well from all that it looks like you can. Seem to be some prerequisites tho' particularly when limbering the gun. Seem to be some specific requirements of the towing vehicle. Would depend on the gun a bit too. I would think that 57mm, Pak 40 would be about as big as you can go and be able to move them by hand. I don't actually have the game, I am a Modern Grog.
  15. I know we used to be able to do that in CM1 but i don't think you can in the new game.
  16. Ah, I think that is pretty much how they work. Turning an ATG on its wheels will take ages IRL. Normally they just traverse a little either side without moving the carriage. Some traverse 360 on the carriage, 2lbr for example but most are restricted by how much they can traverse either side without moving the trail. This is usually a fair bit but well sort of 180 deg.
  17. I have done this course, results as listed. Class 1 How To Fill Up The Ice Cube Trays-- After numerous spills and freezing the trays to the floor of the freezer they have moved over to a higher state of being and now fill themselves. Class 2 The Toilet Paper Roll--Does It Change Itself? Yes it does, we determined in my group that they must be similar to leaves on trees, falling as needs be then regrowing. Toilet roll holders are evergreens. Class 3 Is It Possible To Urinate Using The Technique Of Lifting The Seat and Avoiding The Floor, Walls and Nearby Bathtub?--Group Practice. After many, many hours of practise I got down to a 200mm CEP, acceptable apparently, however the required concentration spoils the enjoyment so largely overlooked. Class 4 Fundamental Differences Between The Laundry Hamper and The Floor Bit of a waste this one, there is no discernible difference. Class 5 Dinner Dishes--Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Kitchen Sink? They do, but only when put in context with Class 14. Class 6 Loss Of Identity -- Losing The Remote To Your Significant Other. Simplicity itself, all you need is to do it once so she can watch "Brothers and Sisters" then ask her to quickly check the footy on the other channel. The stress and panic of determining how to change it back to B&S before the end of the ad break will guarantee possession of said control for time immortal. Class 7 Learning How To Find Things--Starting With Looking In The Right Places And Not Turning The House Upside Down While Screaming. Using the afore mentioned Qudos from Class 6 ensures that future searches will be executed quickly and quietly with missing items produced as required. Ironed in most cases where appropriate. Class 8 Health Watch--Bringing Her Flowers Is Not Harmful To Your Health. Apparently true, long term baseline studies in progress. However resultant gratitude is worth the investment. Class 9 Real Men Ask For Directions When Lost--Real Life Testimonials. No they don't. Class was a parade of limp-wristed, geographically challenged, clowns. Class 10 Is It Genetically Impossible To Sit Quietly While She Parallel Parks? Class name errata: It is Genetically Impossible for her to Parallel Park Was a pleasant interlude to swap some yarns. Class 11 Learning to Live--Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife. Superficially yes, fundamentally no. Why do you think they hate each other so much? Class 12 How to be the Ideal Shopping Companion : Get used to carrying stuff and develop the skill of picking the best of the 57 identical garments presented for you to choose from. Remember you are only there to quell the conscious your opinion is only required to forestall any future complaints about overflowing wardrobes of pristine unworn clothing and shoes. Class 13 How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy--Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries and Other Important Dates Class cancelled, deemed unnecessary as she will leave more than enough hints. Class 14 The Stove/Oven--What It Is and How It Is Used. This is the crowning achievement of the entire course and indeed the only one truly required. Entering the kitchen you will discover that it is easy and you are far better at it. Resultant guilt and gratitude will make all above mentioned Class skills redundant. Magpie_Oz - B.App.Man Stuff (Hons)
  18. Even those two copped some flak, Farnham's Freehold was touted as being rasicst and I have to admit I did think a bit that way when I first read it. I think the main thing was that Heinlein wrote most of his tales as political comments and whenever you do that you tend to attract a bit. Like when you suggest a perceived "fix" for a problem is misguided BS
  19. My own service(Australian, not US) stressed that the best way to help a wounded mate was to win the fight. We were very much trained to fight on and leave the wounded for the medics following on. Having said that however the SOP did start to change a bit after the Falklands as it was discovered that immediate buddy aid during battle did save numerous lives. I would expect that in WW2 the emphasis was very much on "fight on and we sort it out later."
  20. zzzzzzzzzzrrrrckkkkkk huh whaa... MILF? where ? I ASKED you to wake me up when we got to the good bits.
  21. Perhaps he should define the question better. Maybe something like: "Show me an example of where the Western Allies preformed a faultless double horizontal envelopment using primarily armoured units supported by a minimum of 5 artillery batteries of not less than Medium calibre and free of a terrain blocking feature that was completed in under 3 days, netted a minimum 3 to 1 combat loss/investment ratio with the wind blowing from the east starting on a Thursday just after Tea." Just saying.....
  22. The Wiki Article above does give a brief run down of the Fascism allegations in SST, I have read a more comprehensive article elsewhere. I am not completely sold on it myself, but you can see there are undertones of Fascist notions in the book.
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