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Everything posted by Rokko

  1. Will the CMBN upgrade also include new vehicles from CMFI like Grille and Protze? Or will they be added as part of a module?
  2. Just checked, there's no easy Hexeditor solution...
  3. I'm pretty sure the TacAI does not specifically aim at individual soldiers based on how they look or whatever. Actually I do believe in the leader/gunner seeking bullet/shrapnell theory, but I don't have anything to back it up unfortunately
  4. I see. I must have mistaken it with that another mapping tool. But still, I don't really feel the motivation doing everything all over again just because of some stupid and unnecessary limitation. Luckily, not everything was in vain, it's only that I can't depict a small strip of terrain that I originally intended to be part of the map though.
  5. That is no solution to me. I invest a lot of time into recreating an area. Making it exactly the same as in the real world is not my goal. I try to make it as best looking as possible. No zigzag roads and fences, no akward elevations, no jiggly fields. This is also the reason why I don't think the graphic overlay tool will be of much use to me, since IMO recreating a map 100% from a picture/satellite fotography/map/etc. doesn't look good in Combat Mission. One should always alter the dimensions a little bit to achieve better looks. For the future, I will most likely plan ahead better, but it is really an issue that doesn't have to exist...
  6. Hi there, I've lately encountered a pretty annoying map editor restriction. The maximum mapsize possible is 4000x4000m which is totally fine. But it is very odly defined, for it does not consider only the absolute size (which would be totally sufficient) but also takes into account some sort of central point of the map which is always the same. When you load a new map it is 320x320m in size, with said central point already in the middle of that. From there on you can only expand the map by 1840m in every direction! This is very annoying. I've been working on (accurate) map depicting the area north of Caen, that is Abbey d' Ardennes, Cussy, Saint-Contest, Franqueville, Authie and Buron. It will be about 3.5 by 3 km in size. I started (unaware of said restriction) with Abbey d' Ardennes, which is at the East end of the map, and kept expanding it to West untill I reached the maximum expansion. I've barely reached the Western end of Franqueville with that. The Hameau de Saint-Louet and Gruchy will not be depictable anymore (note: The map as of now is only 2352m wide, far from 4000m). I really hope this will get looked at and maybe patched or upgraded. The editor itself could need some upgrades, as well. IMHO it needs a lot more flexibility. I was wondering if I could fix this myself with maybe a text or Hexeditor, finding that "central point" and shifting it to the West or so, but I'm not profound enough with these issues.
  7. Lol I've already seen it in the new CMFI screenshots. You really need to get to rid of this old helmet file, else it's going to sneak in into every new release I'm afraid
  8. Obviously. But I'd assume creating 3D-models and textures makes up a large slice of the work that has to be put into such a game
  9. Well lets see. There are already most German small arms that would be needed except maybe ATR. A good amount of German vehicles is also present (in terms of 3D-models) and could be used with a little bit of adjustment. Panzer IV already in Normandy (early short barreled versions required) Panzer III will come with CMFI. Panzer II chassis already there (Wepse) Panzer I would have to be newly made. Many German artillery pieces can be reused, many ACs too (with slight adjustments and new textures). German soldier models also wouldn't change a lot coming from summer 1944. Landscape could also be recycled from CMBN. Some of the French armor is alot like the new Italian tanks that we have already seen or might come with the "Odds 'n Sodds" module for CMBN. Also there are some good opportunities for modules (British and WSS forces, with a lot of the British stuff already in CMBN:CW). So all in all I'd say a France 1940 game would be very reasonable and I'd happy to buy it.
  10. Could someone give me a quick overview of what was the result of this huge discussion? Did Barkmann make it all up? Whas he simply wrong about the date/location a bit? Should maybe check a few German forums, too. I remember reading one where someone (supposedly) had actually talked to Barkmann who was a mayor or something in a small town after the war.
  11. Man, I really can't understand why some people argue against the introduction of triggers, only because SOME mapmakers MIGHT use them in an unintended way. Should scenarios with such triggers be released, just don't play them. This is a really irrational way of thinking to me. Instead, think about the great possibilities they would add to the game and what a mighty tool they'd be in the hands of mapmakers. Only problem I see with triggers being added to CMBN in an upgrade, they might ruin older missions, unless the old way of AI Plans was kept ingame as a possibility.
  12. I think this is what they mean with improved way of assigning soldier models http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1349012&postcount=66
  13. I think you should adjust your graphics card driver settings, this is clearly not a night scenario.
  14. Well if you measure it upon all the 3D models that were ever created then yeah, it's probably not below average, but measuring it with the 3D models in recent commercial games or even with the other 3D models IN THE GAME then his statement is most probably correct.
  15. Paper Tiger would you mind sharing a bit of information on how you make scenarios and campaigns? Especially concerning historical accuracy. The maps you make often resemble real locations very well without trying to be 100% correct. Thus they look natural (no yiggly roads, etc.) and nice at the same time. But how do you approach the part where it comes to units and fighting? For instance, I've read the online version of Utah to Cherbourg, but found it totally vague. Way to few information to get information about small unit actions from it. So just how much imagination is involved in your missions? Then again you must have some pretty good sources. I've noted for instance that the German units in the first missions are from 6/26th SS (IIRC). I looked it up (I have the magnificent history of the 12th SS) and it was correct. But most sources, especially internet sources are way to vague concerning the Axis forces. When reading Utah Beach to Cherbourg I sometimes got the impression there weren't any Germans involved in the fighting, only in a very abstract way: A Company got to village XY, E Company took village YZ, was shelled by some artillery, etc. Very discouraging to me.
  16. Hi people, I've analysed many of the (campaign) maps now and have also been making some myself and want to share a few tips with you. 1. When connecting Paved 1 roads with either Gravel or Dirt roads, I strongly suggest to refrain from using normal or T-intesection tiles with the Paved road. It looks really akward because the Paved road is much wider and no fluid blending between the two types is possible. Simple use straigt tiles for both roads and place a Gravel (for Gravel roads) or a Dirtlot (for Dirt roads) tile where the roads meet. Those use the same textures and make for a fine looking transition. 2. This just my personal taste, but I generally underlay EVERY fence/bocage row with high grass tile (either Tall Grass, Weeds or Flowers, rarely XT Grass). This makes it easier to see them in 2D mode, makes kinda sense and adds concealment along fence-lines. 3. Don't underestimate the concealment capabilities of Brush tiles. It's pretty immense actually. Some mappers like JonS underlay every Bocage line with Brushes. 4. Great attention has to be paid to buildings and elevation. The game doesn't do very well with hight differences and buildings. I either make settelments flat or control the height differences very strictly by only letting them occur in between buildings. (At least one tile withouth a structure around a tile where I set a height increasing or decreasing tile. 5. It's not possible to have roads run through fences (no road and fence on the same tile) for instance with fences with holes. With the trick explained in 1.) it's possible to make a credible workaround. Just place a Dirtlot or Gravel beneath a fence tile where a road is supposed to run through
  17. lol maybe in 10 years, and in Combat Mission in 30 maybe
  18. given there is only a 2D view I find the editor waay to slow on really big maps. Also, a few more zoom levels are necessary imho, to get better overview over big maps
  19. I think performance is the greatest problem with the editor.
  20. I would love some Korea game in Combat Mission style, simply due to the great dynamics of this conflict. Would be a pretty logical decision, too, I'd say, since almost every piece of equipment already exists in CMBN or could be reused for a Ostfront game.
  21. Thick fog definately played a role during the Mortain counter-attack!! Visibility was much lower than it is the case with the light fog setting. IIRC dense morning fog is very common in the Mortain area because it's situated between two rivers.
  22. Well unfortunately CMBN doesn't track every individual's heart beat frequency, so this data is pretty much worthless if you ask me Also I have never heard a story going like "there was a tank 20m in front of us and we totally didn't see" (probably because anyone involved would survive very long). But also think about how the 2 guys got there: Sure, in the game it's some supernatural being inducting orders into the minds of every squad/teamleader, but in real life wouldn't there have been a Plt. Co telling these guys: "We think theres a tank somewhere over there, so go get it"?
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