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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Could this work ? No it cannot. The QB system strips out any forces that might be left. Only forces you choose from the QB system will be available and they will be setup as per the AI plan. Sure but also highly unlikely to ever be coded. What you can do though is create a scenario with no friendly forces but a full AI controlled force and save that and then edit it yourself to create an attacking force of your choosing and then play it.
  2. Some feedback is better than others. So, its difficult to be happy with a blanket statement of "I want more". I want some thought and some tact put into any feedback. I get it *you* are hoping for good feedback - why would anyone want bad feedback right We have all see "that sucked" type of feedback that is neither tactful nor helpful. It happens so you have to be ready to ignore that stuff... Really you want there to be an intrinsic feeling of value to the creation process. If you are creating anything and you only enjoy it when you get happy feedback then you are not going to progress or enjoy doing it. When any of us are done creating a scenario you should feel a sense of accomplishment as part of that process. After that bad feedback can be ignored and good feedback is valued. If you truly feel that intrinsic success it is much easier to take a little bad tact and see the value of the critic's point. Cause a lot of good feedback still comes without any tact Perhaps but everyone could use a bit of what you are asking for "I liked this", "really enjoyed this", "but when I did this the reaction seemed confused". Even seasoned designers like to hear what approach you took against the enemy and what happened. Every now and then you might give someone a cool new idea - for the next one for for an improvement.
  3. And in the case of [insert weapon system X here] will be obsolete, the repeating is repeating itself.
  4. Platoons that include the HQ in the first squad have a unique UI because the team list view (below) doesn't have enough space for the team / formation list that normal HQ units have. For those units you will see a little HQ symbol in the lower right of the team list view. Click on that to switch HQ views. Once you click on the HQ above your view now looks like below. The second and third (if there is one) team are no longer shown and you can see the HQ UI. Clicking on the HQ in the upper right will switch back to the squad view above. Your screen shot shows the HQ view but you don't have an HQ link - which is odd. Try clicking on that upper left corner of the HQ Flag icon pane where the HQ link shown in my screen shot would be on your game. Hopefully that will switch to squad view and you will see the casualty fee second team.
  5. Holly crap - typically they would all be dead in 27 minutes.
  6. That's a tough one. I typically like to position my AA assets with their back to a wall or forest and with open sky in front of them. That way they have open sky for spotting and targeting in the direction the guns are facing and cover in the opposite direction. When you have two more more AA assets you can create fields of overlapping fire so they cover each other too. That is what I do but to be honest I have no idea how effective that is. I have never tested it. Sounds like a fun test though...
  7. Clear and have at least on solider on the objective. Or a crew of a mounted vehicle. Typically I would want more than one guy, especially if the objective is big - just to have some people watching out for surprises. No the game against the AI will end: When the clock runs out (plus any optional extra time) When you surrender (not what you want to do in in the above scenario) When the AI surrenders (if you kill enough enemy then depending on how the scenario is designed the AI will surrender) When you offer the AI a cease fire (the AI automatically accepts all offers of cease fire) If you have accomplished all your goals you can choose options 4 - cease fire - which the AI will accept and has no penalties for either side's scoring. You can access the offer of cease fore from the "Menu" button.
  8. No truer words have been spoken - at least not in the last 24 hours on this forum Everyone should take this to heart. Start by asking yourself if you can see a problem with what you are doing and if you can do some research to find out how things were done historically. Then by all means post here with a question such as "how were flame throwers used in WW2. I cannot seem to get them to do anything helpful and I am wondering what I could do differently". Rather than jumping to the conclusion that the game mechanics are not working or the game is broken.
  9. I also use FRAP on one machine but Nvida has a built in screen capture / recording program. If you run their GeForce Experience app you can turn it on. It's nice because it is included with your graphics card.
  10. Actually you should be able to play with all your contents. If you both have fully patched installs then both machines have all the models etc so you can pick from your available forces and so can your brother. That is how it is supposed to work.
  11. You can install different versions of the game. That will not help here. You cannot activate different modules or packs for different installs. Licenses are activated for the whole machine.
  12. QBs have some restrictions and inflexible aspects. Improving that is a laudable goal. If you compare the improvement in QBs between version one and two it's pretty dramatic. We can always ask for more. I'm not sure how high in the priority list they would go. Just to set expectations. As for pickup trucks with rockets and machine guns mounted: yeah I think you are totally wrong on that one. They should not be able to sneak up on anyone. Plain cars and trucks sure.
  13. LOL well I was before you posted that. I did not have both side cease fire runs in my testing. Interesting I interpreted my test where Blue surrendered and received no blue points for preserve as they had to occupy it. Looks like that is not true. So, if you surrender you give away your occupy objectives and your preserve objectives - regardless of the condition of the buildings.
  14. I'm assuming by "stealth buff" you mean when civilian density is high some units are hard to detect. If I have that right then technicals should *never* get that. Sure they are pickup trucks but they have a big ass MG or AAA gun on the back. Those things don't look like joe the plumbers work truck.
  15. Well I only fired up Shock Force but I have no reason to think anything would be different in other games. Your welcome. I think
  16. I was wondering about this variant so I had a try. No, Preserve means you have to occupy it (or your opponent surrender it) and not damage it. So, in your hypothetical, an immediate Blue surrender would give you: Bule - 0 Red - 200
  17. I just did a quick test: Red has only a bonus objective worth 100 points Blue has only a preserve objective on a two story building for 100 points. If Red surrenders right away the game is a 100 - 100 draw. Surrendering does not forfeit your bonus points. If Blue does serious damage to the building (wrecked the roof and top floor) and red surrenders it is a 0 - 100 red win. Surrendering does not protect Blue from damaging its preserve objectives. So if you want the points for a preserve objective blowing it up will never work no matter what the enemy does.
  18. No. Once set the EW effects last for the whole game. They are simulating off map jamming so there is not on map way to mess with it.
  19. Thanks. There is not chat support in the officially released version. I am running a beta of the next release that supports chatting - including chatting with CMH users too. I'm not sure when I'll get it out the door though.
  20. I have no idea. I have never seen it but I would not count that possibility out. I would not worry about it much and if it ever happens make sure you post about it
  21. What @MOS:96B2P said is the answer The game abstracts this. When you acquire ammo it magically is in a belt or in clips or both - which ever your squad requires.
  22. Local admin has an agenda to challenge -Russian distortion of the truth- and a strong dislike for misinformation left unchallenged. There fixed that for ya. Yep. yeah that's not it. The presentation of facts and actual information is welcome. It is the BS that is not welcome.
  23. Exciting grenade action there. Too bad your guys didn't drop the thrower just a moment earlier.
  24. The Blitz is running three scenarios this month. Sign up for the April scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: MG Betuwe on Fire CMFB: To Verdenne and Victory! CMBS: Objective Delta The form post on theBlitz for sign up is here.
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