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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I thought that the demos were all updated to be running the engine 4 code. Having said that I do not believe there was any significant graphics changes made in that update. If there were any you would not notice it without a feature list to look at.
  2. Oh but I highly doubt (but do not know for sure) that the FO will get credit for kills made before the upgrade. If the kills were not previously tracked the tracked kills will be zero since the old game was not keeping track. I suppose if the kills were being tracked but not reported it will work. I just don't know how the back end was designed but I have a suspicion. Let us know if it shows you a number.
  3. So, loading saves from previous games is the goal. BFC does not guarantee they will work but they do their test not to break them. One of the upgrades from 2.xx to 2.02 for CMRT did break saves but that was from a specific version to a specific version. I think you would be OK doing to from the v3 game (totally forget the version number and I'm just not looking it up now sorry) to 2.02. Here is what you can do - temporarily have both versions installed. For windows you can: Make a copy of your CMRT install (just open windows explorer at the Battlefront level in the folder tree and copy the "Combat Mission Red Thunder" directory) Rename the copy something other than xxx(1) or whatever Windows picks Download the engine 4 upgrade for CMRT Unpack the engine 4 upgrade installer into its own empty temporary folder Run the installer and at the prompt make sure it is pointing to the directory you want to upgrade from step 2 - by default it probably will not be Since you are upgrading the engine you will need to activate CMRT with your engine 4 upgrade key Make sure you remove any version specific mods you might have in the <user dir>\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder\User Data\Mods folder Now you have two working games one using 1.xx and one using 2.02. You can safely try your save in 2.02 and if it happens to fail you can still play it in 1.xx
  4. Interesting. How about this: could it be there is too much protection from straight head on? I have not gone back to the earlier posts from @Bulletpoint to see if that matches up. Would anyone be willing to create a test scenario and have few situations where a jeep drives straight at an MG and another one drives across the field of fire of an MG.
  5. There is no date estimate. It is too early for that. It is the stated plan that the module for CMRT is next though that is correct.
  6. Sweet. Did you man get the tank? The latest update did not change that - the game has always done that. If your FO has poor visibility around the target area and a spotting round lands where they don't see it then your mission has a chance of never getting on track. The game probably doesn't handle that perfectly because you can get an FFE call in the wrong place instead of cancelling the mission.
  7. Yeah the repository died and I am still in the queue for some time from Bootie - who has a ton of things on the go - to get everything that was there moved over or connected back up. Cool you read more of the site than most. Cognos was involved in that racket? Yikes that sound bad. I was there in the 90s. I was a good place to work. An excellent first job.
  8. Good, differing opinions are good, great even. Honestly I am just frustrated with you attitude that if they don't change you are going to leave. Frequently threatening to take your ball and go home has become boring to the rest of us. LOL yeah someone used that in a troll post in an attempted to insult me. I think it is pretty funny. Also enlightening that you referred to it as well It is and apart from the occasional troll or whiner it is the one of the best forums on the internet. So, let's quit the whining and have more discussion.
  9. ?? that is what they have done - they *have* provided the relevant building blocks and *do* allow designers to build the force they want. Good lord - we get it you are only interested in a narrow part of the war. If BFC had put out only eastern front modules and games since they released RT would you have been happy? It kind of sounds like you still would not. It kinda leaves the question - why are you still here exactly? Why are you still posting about how you would like them to reduce their fidelity and put out less accurate content faster to make you happy if they clearly are not listening to you. Thank goodness they are not BTW.
  10. I'm not sure you actually will run out of content. Check out my master list of content: http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/index.html CMBN campaigns: 26 Scenarios: 383 CMFI campaigns: 14 Scenarios: 112 CMRT campaigns: 9 Scenarios: 120 CMFB campaigns: 7 Scenarios: 39 And that's not including any quick battles.
  11. LOL oops - no worries caulk it up to fog of war - let me know if it turns out differently.
  12. Hang on a moment. Where is the "30"? This squad has 2 times 30k Panzer Fausts. If they had one there would be no number in the lower left corner. Do you really have 30 in the lower left corner and 30 in the lower right?
  13. Meaning they buddy aided them? or The game started with them automatically assigned 30 Fausts? I think you mean the latter but I want to be sure. If it is the later: Do you have a save? Do you have a save right before the second mission? Not really - mods don't typically mess with that stuff.
  14. One squad has 30 Panzer Fausts? Did you do that your self or did the game automatically do that? No, you cannot give up equipment. But the game should not have done that on its own either.
  15. I would totally love contour lines. I doubt that 25 and 150m heights would be a good choice for said contour lines but I am sure good choices can be made. It might even need to be TBD at runtime based on the variation in the terrain.
  16. Bummer and Yes No response. There usually is no response. What happens is when a patch is planned various bugs get fixed and delivered with that patch. They don't announce it. They don't share the plan. They don't guarantee that a particular bug gets fixed. Heck they don't even report all the bug fixes they actually made. I am sorry to say, this is the sane way to do it because then you don't get expectations set and possibly dashed when you find out the fix is harder than you thought it was. Note: I am not saying I think that will happen with this bug but you never know. Yes, absolutely they will fix it. Are you saying that missing gear in QB's should be the drop everything top priority? I am pretty sure it will not be. As for will it be fixed - see above.
  17. Yeah, I remember the first time my pixel troops fought from inside their Bren carrier. I was so amazed I don't know how many times I watched the action unfold. To this day it is still one of my favourite things to see in the game. I especially love it when the do it on their own. Note half tracks are cool too but the Bren carriers are still my favourites. When it happens it usually means something has gone terribly wrong in my planning and it often does not end well for my men but it sure is glorious to watch - especially the odd time they come out on top in the fire fight.
  18. Yes, they are firing from the vehicle, sometimes they have their leg out other times inside. They need to prop themselves up against something. Occasionally you get a goofy model merge but usually its either inside on a seat or internal divider or outside like this example.
  19. Sorry things have been quiet. We hit a snag. The build that was supposed to fix the Sikh models and textures didn't quite get things sorted and left Bud dead in the water. Such is how software development goes sometimes. Both problems are being worked. In the mean time enjoy some of these cool shots I took of the Sikh soldier's that were fixed in the latest build. These were taken on a hazy overcast day in July.
  20. Both locations work. That allows you to put version specific mods in a z folder in the game install's data folder and shared mods in the my documents userdata folder. This comes in handy if you ever need to have multiple versions of a game installed.
  21. I would venture to say that it even encourages the guy. I suggest it is time to add another fact ignoring ignoramus to our ignore lists. I find it really helps me to resist the urge to correct his untruths and insults if I never read them
  22. ??? Not sure what the problem with Heck is. Heck Yeah. Both words are printable.
  23. Not quite but close. A 1980s Serling which is very similar to a Sten but not the same. I am sure more experience soldiers could do better but it's not easy peasy that's for sure.
  24. Buzzzzt - incorrect. Patches have always been free. Something I think you know. Yeah, not happy with that statement either. Every bridge bug I have reported has been fixed. Got a problem save it and report it. I will grant you that move orders involving bridges need to be handled with care to get good results. Traffic jams suck, traffic jams on bridges suck way way way more.
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