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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I am not so sure about that. I think that is an often used convention but there is nothing enforcing that. It could just be objective 1 and objective 2 witch is a convention I have also seen. In fact the scenario designer can make it what ever they like such as "North bridge" or "Town". It is best to read the scenario briefing it should be clear what the values are. If this is a Quick Battle then the only way to be clear is to open the map in the editor and look at the objective values directly.
  2. Naw he wants to be able to tweak the C2 structure as the player during the setup phase after starting a scenario. You are right the scenario author can do this but not the player. Unless of course the player edits the scenario before starting it.
  3. I figured as much. Even though I have my own list of features I would like <shamlessplug>see my sig</shamlessplug> I like how you guys work and not just because you implemented two of my previous favorite features list in version 2.0
  4. I for one am soooo happy you made that Vista Patch. I never knew about Combat Mission when it first came out. I only discovered you guys existed a week after you announced CMBN. I was elated to see that the old games had been updated to run under Vista and that I could start playing your CM1 games while I waited for CMBN. That kind of support and work on your part sealed the deal and made me a customer. Do not forget about us when you read a thread like this.
  5. I learned about the CTRL-LEFT click thing recently and have tried it (but I keep forgetting about it since I am not used to it). I figured *someone* would be using it. I guess I should expect it to stay in the game then
  6. Oh OK I'll put my 2 cents in too. I agree that often the click drag camera move is to slow for long distances. It would be nice if the further from the start point I pull the faster the camera moves. Actually I think it does this now we just need more speed, please. I often alternate between the keyboard and the mouse to move the camera. I use what ever is convenient for me at the time. However the keyboard move is sometimes really really really sluggish and often inconsistent. It would be great if that were smoothed out. I never use the "move the camera when the mouse is at the edge of the screen" feature. I find these controls very hard to deal with and I *hate* them. Mostly because many times I have the camera just where I want it and am about to take action when suddenly the screen flys off in a funny direction. Yes, I have pushed the mouse aside again and messed up my life. Please, please remove that functionality. Or if there are people who like that feature, at least allow me to turn it off. Is there anyone who likes to move the camera that way?
  7. Nothing more needs to be said. That's what hold means. I have been the rusher and on the receiving end of rushes many times. They work when the soldiers defending are not in good shape, don't have the right combination of arms or are not positioned well (by that I include the areas *around* the VL). For a well defended VL these rushes fail. Bring it!
  8. Yeah, but no one would be even remotely "rested" 2 1/2 minutes after moving THAT.
  9. I think that Steve is on your side on this one - I mean about the portraits being important. I'm not touching anything to do with US medical care with anything shorter than a 39 1/2 foot pole? :eek:
  10. I'm seeing a pattern here. You recently gave the same basic advice to some poor lad to send his two Shermans into the fray head on against a Panther. Trying to encourage us to be reckless in the hopes that you can take advantage of us on the battle field? Very Machiavellian.
  11. Excellent thanks for the info. Good point - another hope for a silver bullet dashed:)
  12. The editing of previous posts is time limited - designed to just allow you to fix typos etc. not really designed to allow you to create an evergreen post and update it as things change. My humble suggestion would be to create a post with a full list of mods as it stands now and then update this thread as you add new stuff and entertain us with stories etc. Then periodically create a new post with a full summary of your stuff.
  13. No, I like the idea of a thread to ask questions about your uploads. Good idea. I have to admit I was a bit over whelmed and was putting off looking at what all you had done... So, I'll start with a question: You are clearly adding unit specific decals to vehicles. Are you using Aris's modes as a base and tweaking the decals? Would all this be easier if the game supported layering decals? By that I mean the base vehicle look would be just the camo, gear etc and all numbers and symbols would be added as a layer. This would mean that people could use the vehicle look they wanted and combine it with the unit markers they wanted.
  14. I do not "know" but I think my guess will be at least close. I suspect that there would be two kinds of "not work". One caused by whole sale changes to the product such that techniques to trick the game into using berets instead of helmets just stops working and perhaps causes soldier's head gear to be messed up. Or portions of the UI would not appear correctly because the layout was modified or text strings that had been tweaked were changed and suddenly the wrong text shows up in odd places. The other kind of "not work" would be tweaks to models that cause the modified skins to not look right any more. For example, Aris was holding off on changing the look of the Royal Tiger because BFC said there are going to update the model since they were not totally happy with it. In the end Aris broke down and gave us a new look for the Royal Tiger but we all figure he will need to revisit it again once the model is tweaked. New features that are coming such as "New Rendering Shaders" and "Bump and Normal Mapping" might mean that lots of models change and therefore the old modded skins do not look right any more. Examples are pure speculation - they are just for illustrating the point.
  15. Man I wish I could get those kinds of results:) Tigers especially are tough to deal with but Panthers are too. I wish my guys could take out their guns regularly. Usually my Sermans just die. Perhaps that is the issue Tigers and Panthers survive long enough to take other kinds of damage. Usually after 1 or 2 (or 3 on a good day) hits a Sherman is smoking. While a Panther hit from the front can shrug off 5, 6, 7 hits. Perhaps that is where the increased amount of gun damage comes from. They take twice, or more, the number of hits.
  16. And this is why I only like to play on Warrior. The trouble with Elite is that the icons are simple generic infantry icons even for AT guns and mortars. So if you are playing Elite or Iron you *have* to click on each enemy unit to find out if your guys have spotted something important like AT gun or not. If you play on Warrior then you can impose the "do not click on the enemy units" on your self and keep the FOW but you can still see important things like AT guns looking at the icons. I have one PBEM partner that likes to play on Iron so I play Iron pretty much every day. It takes some getting used to that's for sure. I don't really mind the effect of loosing sight of your guys when a unit is selected but I don't like the extra work and I usually don't feel it adds much - except extra work:). Occasionally, sometimes, for a moment or two, it is kind of cool when you have a squad that is cut off from the rest of your force to enhance that feeling of isolation. I would like to see Warrior and below kept the same and make Elite add better FOW support thusly: Any enemy soldiers that are spotted show the infantry icon and nothing else - no squad ID no HQ label. Once an actual AT gun is spotted show the AT gun icon. Again once a mortar is spotted show the mortar icon. That would mean that if my scouts spot a gun crew member - only one guy I mean - I would not know there was an AT gun either by looking at him or clicking on him he would just by some infantry kneeling in the bushes up ahead. Then if a few turns later my scouts have been watching for a while and start to notice more guys an then the gun, the icon would change to that of an AT gun but again not other information about what number of gun it was would be visible. That would be perfect and I would play on Elite as my preference. Right now I get close to that by restricting myself to not clicking on the enemy units. The trouble is that clicking on them is the easiest way to flip to view the camera from their point of view so I am not 100% perfect at it. It would be great if clicking on an enemy unit told me nothing more about them.
  17. Excellent question @Scrummage Wow, I had not thought of that at all. That will change the battle field dynamics quite a bit.
  18. Odd, that is different from what I have experienced. On my machine the music runs for about 30s and then stops no matter what I do to focus. I though that is what the Hide command does for vehicles. I have to admit I have not actually tried it but I thought I read that some where. I should check that out.
  19. Naw its too late for that. With a Bazooka hit like that he used up a year of his luck:)
  20. LOL - don't listen to c3k Discretion is the better part of valor. You got in some hits and have a plan to flank - that is the right thing to do.
  21. Yes, it is a good looking map. Shortly after those screen shots the Germans surrendered to me. Their last stand was those MG nests the rangers hit from the side. I had no idea I was doing so well. Next scenario - another beach landing one beach over. Oh man not again:-)
  22. Ah, I have too many other things on the go... How about you give us a summary;)
  23. Well that's good because I was pretty confused after reading your explanation:D I'll wait to try it out / read the manual before asking questions. I am really looking forward to it.
  24. Lt MacDonald leads the remaining 14 men in his platoon along the ridge of the right hand side of the draw. They have good cover and soon spot two MG nests. With half his men in position (one squad got cut off from him in a nearby field) he moves into position to bring the MG nests under fire. Just as one MG is dislodged Lt MacDonald is hit and wounded. He will be going home a hero Mean while B Co secures the opening to the draw. They need to bring the engineers up to make them a path through the wire because their last operational tank is in no shape to breach any more wire. Fortunately the Engineers are arriving:
  25. The Rangers reached the right hand bluff in pretty good order. 1 Platoon is still fully combat ready. Here they are as the start to clear the trenches. The Rangers would successfully clear the Germans from their objective. Members of A Co 116 and 145 Engineers come under fire as they reach the top of the bluff on the left. A Co and the engineers are too battered to force the Germans off their objective. Just as I am trying to figure out how I am going to use the Rangers to clear the other bluff and the draw with only battered remnants of 116th for support reinforcements arrive. Members of B Co 116 Come ashore The second wave of landings goes smoothly, the only casualties are from a few previously undetected mines. In the end it is A Co's CO and XO that finish the job that A Co started. They get up the slope before B Co gets to the Sea wall. While the reinforcements are forming up and clearing the last two MG bunkers before entering the draw the Rangers have not been idle...
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