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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Oh thanks for the reminder - my example was also in a 1.00 game.
  2. Did it make it out the other side? I had a tank once that ended its move inside a building and I could not give it any more move orders and remained stuck there. I often wondered if the move end point was further forward if it would have been OK. BTW the order I specified should have had the tank pull up *next* to the building - some how the pathing was tweaked and it ended up in the building.
  3. Excellent story. I do love snipers. Nice job moving them out of harms way. All too often I say to my self "one more minute here and they will get a lot more kills". I will remember this story next time. I also like your comment about handling things when your plans coming apart. When playing sports I always tell my kids that the true test of our character, as a team, happens when things are going badly; character is finding away to make a new plan and get back in the game. I love that about sports and this game.
  4. A penalty, as in their causalities will effect the size of the force in the next battle? Or penalty as in casualties will give points to your enemy during scorin?
  5. Yes, in a nut shell it is an abstraction. In stead of having tanks moving, stopping then firing and then moving again during a move they simply allow firing on the move with some reduced accuracy. I did a search and could not find the specific post that Steve discusses this directly but there is some discussion around it: http://ww.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=98346&page=3 see post 25 Be warned not all of that thread is a happy place but there is useful information in there about the game.
  6. My experience is that buildings are a better place to be post patch too. I think that comes from two things (as @phil stanbridge and @poesel71 point out): Teams stand back from the windows and do not bunch up I never have more than 2 fire teams on one floor and I actually strive for one per floor. I am not really sure that the actual protection offered changed or not but the two things above mean I am much happier to have my troops in buildings. I actually have a pre patch game going on right now and even changing my style of play so that teams get their own floor has made buildings much more useful.
  7. It is hard to resist going in multiple directions at once. But I find I am more successful when I do resist. One platoon should be doing one thing. If you have two things to do then you need a company:) I don't get to stressed if a few teams are out of command in a platoon as long as the direction everyone is moving means that will be temporary. Scouts are best if they have back up. Meaning if they find something they need a force near by that can react and pin the enemy. If your platoon is probing three different directions then none of those scout teams will have effective backup.
  8. Yes, that has been my frustration at times as well. Another work around that might help this OP is to target the second floor of the building. You can area fire at each floor of a building and often you can shoot at the second floor when you cannot hit the ground floor.
  9. I noticed you did not put an [/begin dogpile] is that an invitation? Ooops sorry I did not mean to close it [begin dogpile]
  10. @Field Marshal Blücher, What is the status of your "tweaked for head to head play" version of Sticking it out? My friend and I are getting close to finishing the main event and want to play the "next" one.
  11. Not from my experience. My first encounter with a Tiger tank it cost me 7 tanks to destroy it. That's seven Shermans! Killed the sucker with a side hit from an M10. The Tiger did not get all 7 tanks but more than half I think. The big cat was not alone so I had a lot of work to do to flank it and destroy it. When it went down I had 105 a Sherman moving at it from its front, several 75 Shermans moving towards its rear and the M10 platoon coming at it from the side. I had to take out three or four Stugs to get it surrounded. Those things are nasty and scary and the number of hits it just shrugged of was demoralizing.
  12. This is a big one for me - and why I have a love / hate feeling about actions squares too (yes just like I have with my car and its internal combustion engine - good analogy BTW @MikeyD). It is not a sometimes thing it is an always thing: You cannot area fire at a building if you do not have LOS to the centre of the action square it is sitting on. What that means is that you cannot blast the front door of a building a few doors down a city street. If you tank is on the street and the houses are next to each other down each side of the road you will not be able to blast the front of the house two or three or four doors up the street even though the tank clearly has LOF to the front door. You can further prove that it can hit the front of the house by placing an enemy squad in the house. Once the tank spots the squad (make them fire at the tank for example) suddenly it can target the front door of the house. You will have a WTH moment. What is happening is this: You can target the centre of any action square you can see. Or you can target any enemy unit you can see. In the example above when the enemy squad is in the house looking out the front windows / door you can target them. You will see the rounds hitting the front face of the building. Therefore you tank has LOF to the front of the building. However once the enemy flee or hide or die suddenly you cannot fire at the front of the building any more even though your tanks was just shooting at it. WTH. It is a limitation in the game caused by actions squares. Which we all know we cannot live without. I really hope that this is something that can be tweaked because it really matters during urban fighting. As your infantry advance down the street your tank's job is to blast away at the houses down the street that have LOS to your guys as they move. However you cannot do that effectively because of this limitation. It is too late for your infantry if you have to wait for your tank to spot the enemy down the street.
  13. Interesting idea I'll have to try that. Good tip. @womble has given some really good answers. I will only add that I recently had trouble getting some tanks across a bridge and the tip I was given was to look down on the bridge from on high to set your way points. Try this: move the camera near the bridge at level 3 as a starting point. use the mouse wheel to zoom up and then right mouse to tilt the camera downwards. Once you are looking down, zoom up or down so you can see the whole bridge and some of the surrounding land. Now it will be easy to set a way point on the land at one end of the bridge and then the next one on land at the other end of the bridge. Your way points will not jump around or drop in the water or in the middle of the bridge which they sometimes do when you are looking at the bridge with the camera on view level 2 or 3. Works like a charm and I have not had a tank drive into the water or other crazy thing since I started doing that.
  14. OK here it is http://lesliesoftware.com/forforumposts/2012/Force%20Selection%20Instructions.pdf This is the document I put together to describe how to achieve what we are doing: Fighting a 12 000 point QB meeting engagement with no Rarity limits. I hope that it helps.
  15. Ah that's what you wanted. A friend of mine and I are playing what amounts to a QB using a custom scenario right now: so I know you can do it. I wrote up instructions but they are not in a consumable form yet. Give me a few moments to tweak them and I'll post a link. We used the QB editor to select our forces (because the scenario editor does not provide point values). We then recorded our selected force (on paper or in an spread sheet) and then used the scenario editor to create our custom QB. in our case we used a raw map but you can use a QB map as a starting point too. A additional issue you will have is to give a point value to the Lynx since you cannot find out what the game considers it to be. May I suggest you pick a factor of some other known unit. Say 150% of the cost of a 20mm cannon equipped HT or same value as a 50mm equipped Puma. Not sure what the right value would be. Would be an interesting discussion to add to this thread.
  16. You mean a game you already started to play? No. You can open a QB map and tweak things, even turn it into a scenario.
  17. Yeah the only real solution is let them choose targets but place them where they have good long LOS so the SMG team does not feel the urge to open up. I would advise against running the SMG team out of amo. I remember one urban fight where I had a team covering a park. The sharp shooter had a good time taking out guys at the other end of the park until an enemy squad appeared in front of their building (they had advanced on a side street). The SMG team took out 4 guys in seconds and I was able to at least try to extract the team from their building. They still got nailed though because they became surrounded because the rest of my defence was not properly setup to protect them. Lesson learned.
  18. I did not think of it as buggy. My first M8 got an easy kill on the HT facing the wrong way and then immobilized the 20mm HT but died to its guns. The 20mm HT kept getting hit in the engine so all my guys were really doing was immobilizing it over and over. I just thought of it as bad luck and high excitement - that's the way the AP rounds bounce some times.
  19. Over the winter my friend and I played Huzzar! blind. Before that we were playing quick battles. It was sooo much fun we have had at least one scenario on the go ever since. Here is the first contact in Huzzar! My recon column on my left flank (and I went way left almost to the edge of the map) was having a nice drive in the country. And the all hell broke loose. But the full fun can be seen in this video. I love how fast the 20mm cannon fires. And the M8s and M5s put round after round into that half track's engine but it just will not die.
  20. Could that just be a shadow from the tank body above the tracks? How high in the sky is the sun?
  21. I had a similar thing happen recently. A Polish team with a PIAT were eliminated (they had 6 PIAT rounds) and the company 2IC team arrived a few minutes later and gave aid to all of the team members. The 2IC team ended up with the launcher and on round. Doh Sadly, it discourages buddy aid too.
  22. Yes, they are throwing grenades. I have no knowledge about the ammo count issue but I believe the grenade throwing represents the infantry close assaulting the tank. I have a posting on the screen shot thread with a link to a video showing one of my tanks falling prey to the same type of action: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1363402&postcount=420
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