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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. It had to do with the order of patch installs. On the support forum there is a list of the order needed to install the modules, patches and updates.
  2. Here re a couple of threads where various people discuss the release time table including Steve from BFC: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=113378 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=113353
  3. It is the copper part not the shell part that is in danger of being ruptured. I have personally never seen a T34 shell casing but I have seen a modern 105 round casing. Given a small hammer or butt of a screw driver and a nail I could put a hole in with no special effort. So a ricochet - no problem at all. That copper casing does not need to be thick since it fits snugly in the breach it does not need to withstand the propellant explosion during firing - that is the breach's job. I am certain that a direct shot would do the trick. Yeah but it that case it is the much thicker projectile that you need to make sure goes off. I think this is a case of CM turning copper into explody stuff
  4. LOL, how about the programming effort to implement "re-crewing with skill restrictions" does not make it worth the effort. Good point. One of my regular PBEM opponent and I have rule. If you tank crew get unhorsed the have to head for safety. That can be behind friendly lines, map edge at the back or good shelter near by if there is no safe way back at the moment. We have one exception: HQ crews are allowed to find a radio equipped HT (or other vehicle) and get back on the command net.
  5. You can play with another player as long as two things are true. 1) You have the same version and patch as the other player. On the start screen there is a version number at the bottom. Right now the most up to date is 2.12 I believe. If the version number matches exactly you can play each other. 2) Both players only use content available to both players. This is the tricky part because the game does not automatically help you here by telling you what units come with which module. In your case after getting both version numbers up to the same level playing a scenario that ships with the base game would be the easiest way to move forward. There is a little help there because the Commonwealth scenarios all start with CW and the Market Garden scenarios all start with MG. I recommend that the person with the least modules start the game.
  6. Elvis's tanks are facing the objective in the field away from the tree line. Bill has run one T34 up to the treeline way at the back of the map. That T34 is the one with the side shot on the Panther. I agree that would have been a good idea. Distracting tanks is always a good idea. Next time 100 frame thrower teams vs Bill.
  7. Sure, that's what I figured. I am not sure. Units don't fire at what you order them to if they become suppressed due to incoming fire or if smoke obscures their ability to see the target. The Tac AI actually does a pretty good job of picking its own targets so some times that works out better.
  8. I thought the Hetzer was hit in that side earlier in the battle.
  9. Don't like the sound of that but lets caulk it as unintentional It is difficult to know for sure without seeing the wider context but it looks to me like the 37mm auto cannon has lots of targets to choose from - which is not good for you. What *you* want to happen is that a small unit (scouts or a single team from a squad) from your side gets hit first while the bulk of your force is back a bit. Then you can plan a way to deal with the threat. At that point you have suffered only a small number of casualties and your other forces can still maneuver. For dealing AT or AA guns the number one choice is a mortar. Slow move an HQ to a place that is as far as you can be to call it in or move a mortar team up and target the area directly. At this point you do not need to keep the gun spotted. You know where it is. Maneuver some of your other forces closer but not where they can be targeted. Once the rounds start coming in start moving closer from two directions so when the mortar rounds are done you can hit or assault the gun from two directions. Of course if your enemy is worth his salt you will encounter other resistance as you do this but deal with it as it comes bringing a tank gun to bear against any newly encountered resistance. Remember to work out how to bring more fire power against the enemy position than it has. Without a mortar or other artillery it is much harder but still possible. Can you blind the gun with smoke? If you can put some smoke in front of the gun from a tank then you can begin Maneuvering your other forces to attack the gun from two directions as above.
  10. The thing to know about tree trunks only view for tress is that if you raise the camera high enough then full trees get drawn. Use camera level two or three and you will see it.
  11. Just to clarify there is no sort of about it. They did *not* release CS2 as freeware. What they did was release a version without DRM for use by those legally entitled to do so. In other words those that already had a license are the ones that are allowed to use the version without DRM. They did that so the could honor the life time license that those customer's bought and at the same time decommission their DRM servers.
  12. LOL, no you don't understand the whole game works that way. There is not special effort being made for the once in a 1000 occurrence. The game tracks each bullet, that is how the whole thing works.
  13. Correct empty vehicles should not spot anything. This could be an erroneous assumption. The thing is if you have no units selected then you "see" what the sum total of all of your units see. It could be that the game goes into that same mode when you have an empty vehicle selected. You will need to check but that would explain things. I am not in front of the game and have no empty vehicles anyway so I cannot test. So, try what c3k said and select the enemy tank and see what units are highlighted. And then compare what you see when you have nothing selected to what you see when you have the empty vehicle selected.
  14. Plus, Churchill was not in charge when Hitler came to power so what he though did not carry the day in Britain either.
  15. The faster speeds of the SSD drives will help with loading times but CM is a fairly computationally intensive app and faster drives do not help that part. Even during loading of a turn or new scenario, from what Steve has described in the past, CM is doing quite a bit of memory and computationally expensive operations. Just loading the textures models is only a small part of the start up cost.
  16. Sorry I cannot answer your main question hopefully I interpreted your comment about GPU as a question correctly ... GPU stands for General Processing Unit when people use that achronim they typically are talking about the processor on your video card. The video card has a GPU and memory - two separate things. For example the GPU on the GTX 770 card is listed as a GK104 which operates at 1046 MHz and the card has 2Gb of video memory. According to http://www.techpowerup.com/gpudb/1856/geforce-gtx-770.html - a web site I have never visited before but found this morning
  17. One thing you can do is look at theblitz's scenario list. Look for something with lots of game plays and an even result. For example on the first page A Strange Awakening and CW 18 Platoon have just under 10 plays and are pretty even (note I have personally not played either of these). If you want a personal recommendation I would suggest Huzzar!. It was one of the first significant scenarios my friend and I played. It is fairly big though so be ready for that.
  18. We should keep in mind that even after CMBN gets the AI trigger feature that will *not* automatically change the QB maps and AI plans that shipped with the game to use said triggers. To get the full advantage someone would have to modify the QB map's AI plans. Unless BFC (aka Mark) does this as part of the upgrade - hint hint
  19. Oh that is awesome - I always have to think about what the old wording means and it hurts my poor little head Oh, no wait. I thought the exit between times controlled how long the unit would stay in the painted location before heading off on the next order. Are you saying the exit between times for one order leg are for when they will finish the order to the next location and not when they start the next leg? Ack, I'm going to have to read the manual and JonS's thread again.
  20. I speak English - sorry you did not find my advice on how to get help to be well, helpful. Good luck.
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