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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I agree that would be really nice. In the mean time one trick that I do is: have the unhorsed HQ team get into a radio equipped half track and then they will put your C2 back together. Usually it is pretty easy for the Germans and US forces but I think it will be harder for the Russians but it is still worth knowing.
  2. Is that going to get setup here as well? There are now around 14 mods or other items in the repository for CMRT but no notifications have appeared here. I did not realize my tactical icon mod was up because I was waiting for the automatic notice post to show up.
  3. It also means that, for you, Farmville would be worth the price. (for me neither BTW)
  4. LOL good thing our wives are not reading this thread.
  5. There is weather in the game. If it is stormy you will hear a lot of wind - as expected. If it is clear with a light breeze then you will probably not hear any wind. Could it just be the weather was nasty in your battle? You can check weather conditions from the menu.
  6. I cannot speak for plans regarding spreading fire. I hope that is in the works. What you noticed - lingering burning on the ground is real not your imagination:) It does not, however, get bigger, expand or spread though. It just burns for a while and then goes out. Actually come to thing of it I have not actually noticed those burning patches going out but I also have not been paying any real attention to them either.
  7. Well I did not find them, I struck out. The people that posed on the forum with info saved the day so much of the thanks goes to them. Good I hope you like them when you play. I used Greefish icon editor, it can handle the 32 bmp files and has a reasonable way of editing the transparency. Good editor for icons.
  8. Just in case Steve does not make it back here any time soon: Agreed - very clever. Nope, Steve has mentioned this before (now I have no internal knowledge there could have been some changes I have no idea). If I recall correctly I think someone conducted some experiments and estimated that the spotting interval was 7s and Steve fill us in on the dynamic nature of their solution to help make things better when units are close to each other. That was a while ago too.
  9. Try it out and see what you think. The only thing I do not like is that if you set a colour with transparency and paint with it it does not replace the pixels already there but instead combines them. This can create opportunities for cool effects but I find I usually mutter under my breath "oh yeah I forgot it does that, will I ever remember" before erasing the pixels and painting again.
  10. OK I am done - I was lucky enough to be asked to help out with play testing so I had an early icon name list to work with and plan. I had to devote my actual time to play testing - one does not want to get fired after all:D but I did do some icon work here and there when I could not have played. After a late night to put the final touches on my icons mod is up. This is inspired by the original work of @billy_sp whose first icon mod I really liked. I totally started from scratch tough and actually made the icons just a shade bigger but they still have that semi transparent look to them. I have uploaded it to the repository and I'll post on the CMRT mods forum once it is available. I want to publicly thank the people who helped out in this thread I would not have succeeded without your help - Thank you. As of now you can get it here. The Soviet icons: The soviets actually had a symbol for ammo bearers which is pretty cool. Really all I had to do was decide how to depict the symbols in the icons since there are a number of ways I could have gone. I hope you like them. The German icons: The German ammo bearers are a bit of a stretch. I used the symbol for supply units which are really rear area only but I figured using that would be better than something I made up. There is a bug related to some German vehicles and I have logged it. Chances are you guys might not even notice so I will not even tell you about it.
  11. Delete key is already assigned - cool I had no idea. Man learn something new every day.
  12. I saw that once too and put it on my mental list to investigate further. Problem with my mental lists is once they exceed three items I start for getting stuff... So my answer is I think I saw that but did not verify it.
  13. Is it just me or do those decal have a very blue colour tinge to them?
  14. Oh well that is too bad - having different looks between holes would be really cool.
  15. If you want the tank's barrells to point up have a high building some where on the map and have they target one of the higher floors. They will elevate their guns to follow your orders and then as long as you don't have them target anywhere else they will keep their guns at the higher elevation as they drive around. warning - I have not actually tested that in CMRT but that is how tanks behave in CMBN and FI
  16. I have used PhotoShop for this kind of thing but I don't like editing icons with transparency in PhotoShop at least I have not figured out an efficent way to do it. My light weight graphic editor Paint.Net does not handle 32bit bmp files well at all. But then I found Greenfish Icon Editor. It handles transparency seamlessly (no editing an image layer and then separately an transparency layer) and it is nice and light weight too. I did my icon mod with it. Very happy with it.
  17. I think bad luck. One of my most memorable moments during play testing was in Studienka. I had several Panthers and PzIVs in a valley and the came under fire from a ISU152 (or it could have been 122 I honestly forget). It was an awesome exchange. From over 1000m the German tanks could not reliably see the Soviets and clearly the Soviets could not see all the German tanks but as I tried to maneuver to see the attackers I area targeted the woods where the shots were coming from. In the end the tanks in the valley never spotted the attackers after a few initial moments but the Knocked out one just by chance. In the end I had to call in a smoke barrage so the tanks in the valley could get out from under the attack. Later I sent other forces to that location and discovered the KO'ed tank I never saw. It turns out there were two of them. Anyway that was not the point one Panther shrugged off three hits to its front and turret front - the gouge marks were really cool before finally dying to the fourth hit.
  18. Indeed there is a learning curve. The nice thing about a short circular cover arc is that you can set things up so, as an example, scouts will not shoot at everything they see and give themselves away but if they happen to run trouble at close range they will defend themselves. If you just had a hold fire command they your scouts might just stand their and get KO'ed. I realize that using the short circular cover arch is not just one button push but it is a button push and a click. Select the unit press the cover arc command hold the shift key down and click 20-40m away. Done and you have something more powerful and safe for your men.
  19. Personally I am partial to hell banning I just love the thought of a troll reading a post and making some nasty post to get a response but the only people that see their post are other trolls. To me it fells like putting all the trolls in a separate locked room where they can see out and hear us but we cannot see or hear them. Fight it out boys.
  20. Yeah, we are very different indeed. I never bothered assigning a hot key to cancel because the vast majority of the time I want to cancel it is because I just want to target somewhere else which can be accomplished by hitting the target key again. The new behaviour of the 'J' key makes that not work. A change I will gladly adapt to and am not complaining about at all I never thought of assigning a hot key to the cancel command I'm on it now. What key would be best I wonder...
  21. It is an excellent feature and I used it a lot during play testing. Though I still from time to time hit the 'J' key place the target and then think "nah I want it over there" 'J' click nothing happens 'J' why 'J' won't 'J' it 'J' target where I want. Oh yeah I just increased the target time on my first order. Ooops and I always chuckle at my self as I cancel the target order.
  22. Also note that Engineers will notice mines without setting them off when moving. Well I am not offer a total guarantee but my recent testing showed no engineering casualties when moving through a mine field.
  23. It just so happens I tried out mine fields just the other day. I was trying to make sure that they worked so I only tried infantry hunting and engineers on move. The hunting infantry would stop when a mine went off and lost one or two men. About a third of the squads made it through two AS of mines safely on hunt. The walking engineers spotted the mines. I forgot it they stopped to or if I stopped them. So hunting looks good for general moving in unsafe places. I'll play around some more when I am back to my main machine.
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