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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yeah, I only found out about these games once CMBN was announced. I missed 10 years of playing the original version - I still cry myself to sleep over it . As for what to buy the store is a bit confusing but here is a brief history of what has been released for the three games (there have also been various patches at various time but I am only listing the paid content here - patches are free): --- CMBN --- CMBN 1.0 (initial release using the v1 engine) CMBN Comonwealth Module 1.1 CMBN Upgrade to v2 engine 2.0 CMBN Market Garden 2.0 CMBN Upgrade to v3 engine 2.2 --- CMFI --- CMFI 1.0 (initial release using the v2 engine) CMFI Gustav Line Module 1.1 CMFI Upgrade to v3 engine 1.2 --- CMRT --- CMRT 1.0 (initial release using the v3 engine) BFC recently removed the ability to purchase the original 1.0 version of CMBN. So, you can buy CMBN 2.0 with one or both modules and then buy the 3.0 upgrade followed by CMFI plus the Gustav Line module and the 3.0 upgrade followed by CMRT and you will have it all. CMBN is still the same price as CMRT mainly because it may by old by time line but since it is being upgraded with new engine features as new games are released it is actually pretty fresh and new. While some see it a a drag that the price of "old" games are not being discounted I see it as awesome that new features added to the engine for other games are being back ported.
  2. Sounds like a job for support... They have a knowledge base entry with @Vanir Ausf B's advice: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/129006 that also says if that does not work log a ticket (new ticket button in the top right of the page).
  3. Sure cool thoughts. Frankly I am not sure if it is worth doing though. What you are talking about is a fair amount of work and the results would be potentially confusing: I can hear the questions now "why don't I get victory points for the crossroads"? So, to fix that you would have to make it easy to see what enemy had LOF to the objective etc. etc. A much more efficient way would be for scenario designers to create the crossroads objective such that is included the actually crossroads and the two main ambush points (as an example - modified to fit any real scenario). That way the player has to control the crossroads itself and the places that cover it. There, now your scenario realistically depicts control of the crossroads and BFC have several developer months of programming effort they can use doing something else rather than cranking up the complexity of the victory points calculations.
  4. The correct version number for the upgraded CMBN is 2.2. It does not change with the hot fix being applied. I tend to agree that not being able to tell the hot fix from the initial release is not a super awesome thing. This whole version number thing it damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of thing. Sort of like keeping the causalities in the squad list: some people love it some people hate it. The last time they used a different strategy and it generated a tone of confusion. I personally have opinions on version numbers but really who cares: Do the version numbers go up as time goes by and changes are made - yes - check. Can you tell if you have the correct version installed - mostly - sorta check. Nothing more to see here. I like C3K's take - personally I am surprised he is sharing so much information - skirting the edge of the NDA there
  5. Who decides what game goes on Steam's indie page? Who decides when and how big the discounts are?
  6. Yeah, wow, very interesting. Especially if you read the original blog post they talk about in the article (and some of the comments): http://www.puppygames.net/blog/?p=1574 It seems to give an insight into what dealing with being on Steam is like.
  7. Nope A scenario will work with the version it was created with or anything newer. So, if you created it with 1.1 then it will work with 1.1, 1.11, 2.0, 2.01, 2.1, 2.11, 2.12 and 2.2. If you created it with 2.2 then it will only work with 2.2. Note: for the purpose of this discussion, the definition of created is the last version you saved it with
  8. Yes it would be nice. A possible workaround would be to split teams and give the fire teams that do not have the zook a Target briefly command and let the zook guys watch.
  9. I never really thought of Move as vulnerable just slow. Fast is get going to the destination with the blinders on - it is probably the most vulnerable with regard to reacting. I understand you guys are talking about suggestions for what you want to see changed so feel free to just ignore this next part but I'm going to throw my 2c in for how to move long distances in a safe-ish manner using the game as it is now: For open ground bounding moves with quick two or three actions squares long with 15s pauses at each point. Stagger the start times for the teams. The idea being that if bad stuff happens several fire teams in the platoon are stationary watching out and can respond. Once the open ground is covered I use hunt a lot in forests. Just not long stretches of hunt short commands - short ones with pauses or just one short hunt command and nothing - let them sit around for a while. In an urban environment or one with lots of cover of various types. Use fast to go from cover to cover and hunt while under cover. Again making sure that some teams are waiting while others are moving. By using faster move commands but with some waiting around my men do not get tired and they cover the ground fairly well while keeping each other safe.
  10. Those first two examples are particularly yucky defects. Both of them only happened on some machines and have been partially addressed and then looked at again. Frankly graphics card issues are ongoing battles so declaring mission accomplished would be, well, unwise.
  11. Yes, they tell you when the spot enemy armour or other units. They tell you they are thinking about giving up. The celebrate when the get a hit. The last example might not be useful but it is pretty cool.
  12. WAD? War against drugs? World association of detectives?
  13. Well that is quite the straw man argument. You think the truth is more evident the closer you are to the conflict geographically. Here is the rub: the main difference between the so called western media and the Russian media is the western media may have biases but there are multiple voices and points of view to review and in the end they want to find some version of the truth so if one media outlet gets something wrong the others are more than happy to scoop them and point out the mistake. So, while the perfect picture is not always available right away the truth comes out. Some times it takes weeks some times longer but it does come out. There are checks and balances built in. The Russian media is so controlled that they basically speak with the voice they are told. There are no checks or balances and no likely hood that the truth will ever come out. So yeah I am sure there is plenty of BS coming out of official sources in the Ukrainian government and the western media might even get duped from time to time but not over the long term. Those western media outlets have their own people in country now so the wool can only be pulled so far and for so long - by either side. Well it depends on what you mean by involved. I think the suggestion that western operatives created the protest and all the other conspiracy theories is well just that, insane. If I am wrong and something like that did happen it will come out in the western media (note I am well aware of the story spun by Russian about but it is jut that, a story). On the other hand I am sure that there was plenty of diplomatic advice and discussion to help the group succeed once it started. Heck there might have even been some organizational help here and there but that does not mean it was created by the west.
  14. Sounds almost impossible. Two general points that might help: 1) look for a place where you can gain local fire supremacy. Try to find one place where you can out gun the enemy. Then work your way along the defense unrolling it. 2) when you call indirect fire you do not need to sit exposed the whole time. If you can crawl to a place to get visibility plot the mission and then crawl away to safety and wait. Then once the spotting rounds arrive or just before crawl back to your vantage point. Combine 1 & 2 and you can use the fire fight to cover the artillery call and make a bigger hole.
  15. BFC does have an opponent finder forum: http://www.battlefront.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=74 It is not highly active but for your purposes it might work. Once you are ready for more challenging opponents you can check out theBlitz, The Few Good Men or We Band of Brothers. I am a member of theBlitz and we have recently added an opponent match finder and a mentoring program for new ladder members.
  16. Cool find then @poesel71. I suspect that this would not come up much, if at all, in a real game though.
  17. Apparently Fanatic motivation leads to very strict obeying of orders while Low motivation leads to more chance to disobey your orders. Try lowering their motivation and maybe even their training quality and see if that increases the chances of them breaking their arc on their own. Great picture, hilarious.
  18. Oh yeah that is a sucky problem. But that comes from skipping a step in the order of installing rather than a corruption due to mods or other files. I agree though it is a shame that you have to rub your belly and pat your head while you follow a series of installs in just the right order to get things running. Thankfully that order is well documented and the new installers have made this easier for at least some people.
  19. May be I like living on the edge but I don't bother removing all my mods - unless I see some kind of problem. The exception being the one mod that is pretty much guaranteed to cause issues Vin's animated text mod that one I delete before updating. That's right delete, since any update usually requires a new specific version of that mod no one will be putting it back after the install. If you put your mods in their own directory ('z' as an example) and refrain from naming them with the same names as any of the built in .brz files there is no conflict and the patch process will not even notice they are there.
  20. ^^^^ That right there is why I hate these kind of systems. Sadly we are stuck with them.
  21. Spot on. I for one am happy not having time delays. The number of times the close in details of an encounter were messed up by those delays we had in CM1 far out weighed any benefit in delays of company and battalion maneuvering. Yikes, am I reading this right you are suggesting 10s turns? Even 20s turns would short. I see what you are getting at but I don't think that would work very well. Kudos for looking for a way to implement command delays though - the topic of command delays has come up a few times on these boards and this is a unique idea.
  22. Nope, that is not how it works. The software just phone's home and validates with the server that there is an activation left and then unlocks the game on your machine. I too have updated video cards and not triggered the need to for an activation.
  23. If the scenario was saved using 1.2 then anyone with 1.12 will not even see it in the list of scenarios.
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