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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I don't know if things have really changed guys. I do not remember reading anything about changes in this area. To refer to @SLIM's post I think it might be more of "Once upon a time, Hide + Target Arc got my guys killed and I was sad. I tried again one more time and this time it worked and I was glad" In other words it could just be you had a sucky experience with your sample size of one or two a few years ago and now you have had a good experience with a sample size of one or two today. Nothing has really changed it was just luck of the draw. Of course that's just my impression. Someone would have to create a test with 1.0 and port it to 3.11 and run both of them a crap load of times to tell for sure. That is certainly not going to be me - sorry
  2. The simple rule to follow is after the mines are marked it is OK to have infantry cross them (choose move so no one is careless) but never cross with vehicles. Even anti personnel mines can disable a vehicle.
  3. Indeed your personal situation factors in a lot to how you perceive things are going in your own country's economy. Take this latest down turn that started in 2008. My wife and I did not loose our jobs. So really our day to day life did not suffer much at all. Most of my neighbours also were not personally effected so it was very possible to spend my days feeling totally fine about things. if things had gone differently and I was one of the people that lost their job I would have perceived things very differently on a daily basis. Even during the worst times of the last few recessions the majority of people were not directly effected and did OK. It will be no different in Russia, recessions suck - for some people. Also has Steve says the timing of things like bubbles bursting can be tricky to predict. So many people actively work to keep them going. To add to Sreve's example of predicting the housing burst years before it happened I have a friend that pulled out of the stock market in the early 90s because he thought the bubble was getting out of hand. Well that bubble burst in 2000 about 6 years after he felt it was "right around the corner". Steve can see the writing on the wall with the Russian government's financial situation but I still think trying to predict when things will "burst" is going to be difficult. On top of that in the mean time the majority of people in Russian are going to be OK at least while that happens. I agree with Steve too I really hope the Russian people do not suffer to much just like I hope the people in my country who are directly effected by a recession do not suffer too much either.
  4. They look fantastic Oh, that is a big problem. Having things that look like doors and windows but are not is a big concern. Hummm, what about using your photo realistic images as a starting place and tweaking them so they line up with the game doors and windows. In other words have the game provide the doors and windows and use the photo realistic graphics to provide the wall that matches. I know the game can have multiple combinations of doors and windows on a given side of a building. It would be totally fine for your mod to only work with one combination of doors and windows. That would be worth it. I would imagine that you can also mod the doors and windows so you could get a really good look and still have working doors and windows. Moding is not something I have tried so it is possible I am dreaming in technocolour.
  5. The url in side the src="' attribute of the <img> tag just above the blue highlighted line. The one that looks like a link url and ends with a .jpg.
  6. Sounds excellent. I hope you guys have a good time. One thing I do when selecting a scenario is have a look at the Blitz results. If a game has been played a handful of times you can often see a pattern and find one that is either balanced to offers a greater challenge for one side or another. Check out the play record here (you do not need to be a member to see this): http://www.theblitz.org/scenarios/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/b-15.htm?action=scenarios&game=153 Well I am totally bias in favour of WEGO but you should play which ever way you guys feel like. It is used for PBEM WEGO to transfer files to and from the game and drop box (or similar file sharing service). Once you have CMHelper or WTII? (see my sig ) installed and setup you can play your turn and the helper program will copy the file from your game dir to the shared location and on the other side of the world or the other side of town. Your friend's helper program will see the new file and copy it into his game files dir and be ready to play. No manual copying or emailing of files. Helpful thread on getting started in PBEM: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118043-newbie-wants-to-use-dropbox-for-multiplayer-games-but-is-ignorant/#entry1580876 WTII announcement thread: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/110328-announcing-whose-turn-is-it-a-pbem-turn-management-program/
  7. Yep, really Check out "Requesting Support" on pp 66 of the CM Engine Manual v3.00 that ships with CMBN. Your FO needs to have LOS to his target to make the all and later to see the spotting rounds arrive. He does not however need to hang around in the same location during the prepare phase so if you have a FO in a dangerous place you can sneak him away to wait for the spotting rounds to begin. Keep in mind that you should check each turn to see the update arrival estimate because it changes and sometimes the spotting starts before you were originally lead to believe.
  8. Another important factor is to determine when a vehicle is knocked out. Your men do not have the ability to know for certain when an enemy vehicle is KO'ed, unless it is burning. I once reported a suspicious incident where a Sherman took 7 rounds to KO a PzIV. It turns out after talking with my opponent the German tank was KO'ed after three shots but the Sherman crew had no idea the tank was toast and kept on firing. First you or someone needs to verify that there is something worth investing, aka a test. If you can show, with a large sample size, behaviour that seems strange then you can get BFC to look. But they will not look at something just because a handful of people say something is off, especially when another handful say it seems fine to them. I recommend setting up a test and play it in WEGO hot seat so you can know when the enemy tanks are KO'ed. Run it many times and record what happens.
  9. Wow those pictures are amazing. What building mods are you using there I do not remember seeing them.
  10. I'm no expert and I did not look it up so this is a guess: the allied airborne units had a date with destiny in June so I imagine they were getting ready for it.
  11. Wow. I was going to write - "you are wrong this morning" but I figured I had better try it first. Turns out you can do this - amazing. I thought you could only do boarding before the vehicle moved or after it stopped. Cool!!! I tried it in CMBS since you said APC but I do not see how it would not work for the other titles. For some reason I could not attach the test file to this message but here is a drop box link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28686783/Mount%20At%20Way%20Point%20Test%20001.zip When you run it you will see two squads successfully load into their strikers after they arrive but one squad runs off the the end way point of their striker. So you have to make sure the timing is right. What I did was the right hand squad I gave pause to that I thought would be long enough. The middle squad I gave as short a pause as I thought might possibly work. The left hand squad I gave plenty of time (but really if you are going to do that you might as well not bother and do it in two turns). The result was that the left and right squads waited for their rides then the strikers waited while they boarded and off they went. The middle squad waited for a bit and then took off jobbing across the field meanwhile the striker arrived and waited for no body briefly and then drove off across the field following the soldiers.
  12. One thing you could do is record the video play back and then use a video editor to go frame by frame or play slow motion.
  13. I'm not a Mac user but the OS has a reputation for being pretty robust and being based on Unix you should be in control and able to take out a wonky process. I did a quick search and found this really good article outlining how to kill processes on a Mac: http://www.tekrevue.com/tip/how-to-force-quit-mac-os-x/ The terminal window kill command is the Unix heritage showing through and that should get the game out of the way and allow a normal exit (or just to continue working if you prefer). As for how you ended up in this situation I have no idea and I am certain it is not right but I don't know how to fix it. I would start by uninstalling and re installing the game and hope that works. In the mean time being able to kill it should unstick you.
  14. LOL that is hilarious. Is that a real quote or a spoof? I do hope it is a spoof.
  15. Oh by all means if there are other problems lets get them on the table - so they can get fixed.
  16. Well we can certainly have a "what does partial penetration mean" debate - I'm cool with watching that but I think the information that Vanir Ausf B posted goes a long way to saying that there is not a problem with some excessive shatter being modelled in game. So, does that put your concern over the modelling of shatter in game to rest. I am curious.
  17. I did it just recently with a new machine and it was flawless (sorry man). When reading your post this part stood out: You do not have to install things in steps any more. If you have the 3.0 upgrade for CMBN then that is all you need. It is distributed as a master installer with everything - even the modules you have not purchased yet. So the install procedure should be to unzip the contents of the 3.0 master installer into a new blank directory, run the install program and pick a new directory and then start the game which should ask for your 3.0 key. Shut down. Then you run the activate modules short cut and enter your CW key. Play! You are done no other installing to do. If you purchase the market garden or the vehicle pack all you need to do is run the activate modules command again and enter the key.
  18. Indeed that was not communicated clearly. But I think the point has been made that what you are proposing would not be remotely realistic but instead be strange and cause extra work. If we want to up the realism then we need to be talking about adding medics and ambulances into the game which are currently abstracted by the casualties disappearing. I have to say that medivac is one thing that I am very happy to have abstracted.
  19. Sorta ninja'd by @Wicky. I was going to add the link but I see it is there in the message quote. Then I deleted my first draft only to find that the link is not there in @Wicky's post above. How is that possible? At any rate the link is http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  20. Humm you are the second person to say this today... I already passed on the fact that customer facing web pages give email addresses that do not seem to work so hopefully they will fix that up. In the mean time your issue is probably a non issue. The way the games are being distributed going forward and CMBN is the first to have this is as one big install. If you installed the 3.0 package you already have the contents for Market Garden. All you need to do is launch the activate module app and enter your MG code.
  21. Well that will not happen - the thing is very hard to deal with. Rumour has it there are some improvements to the web site in the works but we have not heard any recent updates on that. Sorry I have no real advice to give you - I have only ever found things on there by brute force or blind luck.
  22. The way I read this is you need to clean up your presentation and back it up with test scenarios, saved games, tables from sources and point out where things diverge from your expectations. After following this thread I cannot get a clear picture in my head of what you are saying the problem is or how you think things should be. Also your data presentation you just gave raises alarm bells for me because you say you counted hits, penetrations and partial penetrations but then you list only penetrations in the "table" and in earlier text you said you don't count partial penetrations - but gave no justifying reason for that. So, I for one, have no idea what your data is saying and I don't see you clearly articulating what you think should be different. BFC have done a lot of research - it constantly amazes me how much they do - so if you want to see changes in the way the game behaves the bar is set pretty high. You need to show how the game is behaving currently - and suffer the scrutiny of your test methods. Then you need to show the real live research that indicates that the game has things wrong - and suffer the debate and scrutiny of your interpretation of that. So far I'm not seeing anything convincing. There is to much murkiness in your discussion about test data, test methodology and no clarity in your proposal for what needs to be changed.
  23. ??? I found the 3.x upgrade did nothing but improve the game - both in terms of performance and render quality. It certainly did not introduce problems or instability. The only issue I can think of was one campaign ended up messed up - which was just fixed. Can you tell us what made things worse in the upgrade?
  24. Until that day comes if you are on Windows you can exert some control now using the OS Volume control's mixer feature. In the task bar on the far right there is a set of icons for controlling various services: LAN connection, drop box, virus checker etc. One of those is the OS volume control widget. If you open it it has a slider that controls the overall volume. At the bottom is a "Mixer" button that displays individual volume control sliders for all the currently running apps. So, with your game and your player running you can tweak the game's contribution to the overall volume down to make things sound like you want. I just learned that from someone else here on the forum a few days ago - I forget who - thanks who ever you are.
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