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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Wow that is a lot of flames. It could have something to do with those orange and yellow unit icons (not really just joking - the colours are so close though).
  2. Whoa stand down man. You asked: And @womble answered you - Steve has said that the sun in your eyes is not factored into spotting. His post answered your question. If you don't want to know things don't ask questions
  3. @MOS:96B2P, I sent you a PM with a request for assistance...
  4. One way to deal with that is to keep a list of your priorities and what order you want to deliver things and work that list making sure you release things "when they are done". sounds familiar doesn't it. The successful companies I have worked for have all done this no matter what name they gave it. Keeping to your priorities (but revaluating them from time to time) and working on the items at the top of your list with the resources that are available works. What it doesn't do is offer a schedule of releases 3 or 4 years ahead.
  5. Well people are always looking for somehow for the XO and 2IC units to do, sounds like a perfect job for them
  6. Ah man. I know I am behind in my write up - I'll try to get sorted out at some point tomorrow. But I have sad news. My new plan to move the carrier platoon and my 2IC along the river bank to avoid the AT gun has failed. I lost two more carriers and their teams, including Chappy. I got you kill man sorry. I'm going to make those gun crews play though. Not sure how yet but I will...
  7. Alright I figured it out. Well I figured out what I did wrong and hot to make it right. Why is another story. My memory sucks. I actually used the green fish icon editor not Artweaver for the icons. If I open the icon with the green fish editor and just save it again everything works. From my reading there are two ways for BMP files to save transparency however neither app offers an obvious choice for setting that. My guess is one saves one way and the other saves the other way while both read either format. But that is just a guess. At any rate now that my sucky memory has been restored so have my icons.
  8. I am making a few tweaks to my tactical icon so they work with Shock Force and have hit a snag. The new icons I just added look like this: I swear I am making them the same as the original ones that work but when I edit one that was working fine and save it again it look like above (which is the same problem as the new ones). What am I missing? I am sure it will be something obvious but I am not seeing it. I am using Artweaver to edit the icons. The original icons were edited with version 4 and the new ones were done with version 5 but going back to version 4 did not help. Creating brand new images gets me here, taking existing working images and tweaking them gets me here and taking existing working images and just re saving them gets me here. Which makes me think it is the saving process that I have messed up. The only option when you save as a .bmp file from Artweaver is the choice between 16, 24 or 32bits / pixel. Only 32 bit results in an icon with transparency - which is expected but it gets cut in half like above. If I use 24 bits I have no transparency but it shows up whole. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. What am I not seeing?
  9. There are dozens and dozens of black list providers out there. If your ISP has run afoul of the one that BFC uses then you will get blocked. You can check if your IP is blocked by any of them here: http://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-checkit might be interesting or not I have no idea. My IP address was clean on all of them.
  10. So, to be clear these threads do *not* get locked because of the discussion they get locked because people start insulting each other. Once people start calling other names and now that one of the usual suspects has shown up it might start so @sburke is predicting it will get locked. And it might but it does not have to. You made your point others have made theirs. Here is a link to the last summary Steve provided: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117381-sell-on-steam/page-20#entry1569873 If you read the rest of that thread (and ignore the insults that got it locked) you can see that the link between greater exposure on Steam or in this case Amazon and more sales is not proven at all (hint more eye balls does not necessarily equal more sales) and that would be the only driver for BFC wanting to spend the extra profit and extra effort to sell on other platforms. As long as people can stop the name calling then this thread can quite down and move down the list without getting locked. Hey, I can hope.
  11. I don't speak for BFC but this has come up from time to time. Here are two threads that might help you understand what is going on: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/106054-battlefront-site-blocked/ http://community.battlefront.com/topic/112819-blocked-battlefront-site/ Their website no longer has an email address on the contact page - only forms you can fill out - but of course you cannot get there. Doh!
  12. Also note that at one of the difficulty levels the supply depots stop being supply depots and instead the ammo is distributed around to your forces.
  13. Water in the game resides at the same level and at the lowest level. So, if you have a water tile at say 25m for a river or something and then a pond at 48m for the ground at 50m the game will force all water tiles to be at 25m resulting in a pond that does not look quite right.
  14. Yeah, I recall a long battle once where I had a broken squad hanging back and later when I went looking for them I could not find that broken squad. Since I never really wrote down which squad it was it was hard to tell what really happened although I am convinced that the rallied from broken. I always meant to do an experiment that was properly documented but never have.
  15. What!?!?!? There ya go thinking again - that is strictly not allowed. How are the propagandist going to get you to believe their stories if you keep using logic against them?
  16. OK I just watched the next turn and the AT gun is in a great location - almost I have a plan. It is a bold some might say crazy plan. @ChappyCanuck you get to lead it First of all a full write up will be coming soon with pictures. The smoke has just started to arrive. The problem is that the smoke will not stop that AT gun from destroying all my tanks as they support the infantry during the assault to town. This is not good. I can start the assault with the tanks hanging back but that cannot last for too long. The other tanks on the right cannot get a bead on the At gun. I had them throw some smoke over there but the only way to really deal with that AT gun is head on with tanks - bad idea or race infantry in the blind spot and take it out close quarters. That will be the plan and the new assignment for the 4th Carrier group - with assistance from Chappy the 2IC. Since the barn is blocking my options for directly firing on the AT gun I can also use it to screen an assault on the AT gun too. Now that the right flank tanks are there I can have them fire directly on the village and keep the village occupants from shooting up the assault on the AT gun and if things really go south they can always drop down the river bank for cover.
  17. I was disappointed to find that Paint.net did not handle BMP files with alpha channels well - even tried a plugin. Then I found Artweaver and I did all my icon mods with it. The free version can handle files that are 10k by 10k pixels which should work for more then just icons. I am very happy with it.
  18. I agree that messing with deployed positioning would be bad. But if I want to override the deployed position of an AI group in one of my AI plans it would be good if the automatic placement of troops inside the yellow set up order did something reasonable. It seems people are thinking that it does not now. I personally have not seen any issues but I also have never used the yellow setup order area for defending troops yet.
  19. Cool, good to know. I personally prefer to set units initial positions for the AI via the editor at least for the defence.
  20. That sounds good. Like you said it puts a restriction on the use of that wild configuration elsewhere but for a tagged mid that a scenario designer is using that should be very do able. I think that what @benpark is doing here is entirely relevant to @NPYE 's building thread. It could be used to create a mod that both looked as good as what he has done but still have working windows and doors.
  21. True guys but what if your AI plans have yellow painted setup areas. I believe that if your AI plans do not have yellow setup areas then the troops start as setup during deployment but if your AI plans have yellow setup areas painted the I am not so sure what governs their facing. Could that be what @Bulletpoint is seeing?
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