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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. LOL yeah your third style looks really valuable. Now I just need more hours in the day or more vacation time to actually dig into all of it.
  2. Yes! Mostly no serious issues with Win10. I think the majority of people upgraded to Win10 with no issues at all. Some had to reactivate and a handful had to get their license unlocked. There are a couple of people that had a bad experience but I do not thing anyone is SOL so far. If you have a problem after you upgrade open a support ticket - support seems to have a good handle on what to do to solve Win10 upgrade problems.
  3. Sign up for an account and be nice Shoot me a PM if you have questions.
  4. The next minutes are going to be interesting. What is the expression "stuff is about to get real". That's it right Minute 21-20: 5 platoon continues to clear houses without meeting any resistance. I expect that might change when they get to the end of the row. The enemy artillery barrage began falling – on the small farm where 5 platoon started its assault on the town. 1 troop is still there but the artillery had no effect on the tanks and was much too late to hit the infantry. I hope that my constant harassing fire on the church steeple caused delays for the enemy. Figure 96 Covering fire My flanking section found the enemy. They exchanged fire but neither side scored a hit. Figure 97 Found the enemy The AT gun turned to face the Bren team that has been firing on them. This could be scary. Figure 98 AT gun faces tormentors 4 troop’s fire brings down the barn just as the turn ended. Figure 99 Down goes the barn Minute 20: Orders Time to go. The tanks for 1 and 2 troop advance to where they can best support their infantry. 2 troop will move across the field and get into a spot between buildings where neither known AT gun can see them. 1 troop will also use the farm to shield them from the AT gun at the barn and the rest of the town will protect them from the AT gun in the woods. There is another AT gun behind or in the town. 1 troop fired on their last known passion for a long time through the smoke screen so hopefully they are not in a good location. Once that smoke screen lifts things will get interesting fast. Figure 100 2 troop moves to the farm Figure 101 1 troop moves to the edge of town Figure 102 More house clearing My section flanking the MG will stop and eliminate the spotted enemy. You can see the final way point of their lead supporting tank just behind them. Figure 103 Stop and fire
  5. Well, if you are trying to use tank riding to assault an enemy position then you want to go as fast as possible and not stop. For that to work you need to make sure the enemy position is heavily suppressed first but you still want to be exposed for as short a time as possible. Therefore Hunt is out, and Slow is out. That leaves Move. Frankly I would just use Fast and let the TC slow down as needed for the riders and obstacles. That should also put them in the best frame of mind to get there and not be distracted (I have to admit that I am not sure if the tank would stop and engage a spotted enemy with a move order and ignore it with a fast order but it feels like that might be the case ).
  6. The Blitz operates pretty much the same. Open to all, yearly ladder praises. You can view the ladders yearly or for all time and you can also sort by ELO score and therefore see players relative performance rather than by the number of games played. I would say that people take the ladder seriously. The site is friendly and while I have had a couple of players disappear the vast majority have been excellent opponents. Most of my regular opponents I met on theBlitz. At the time I chose theBlitz over FGM because of the ELO scoring on the ladder (while I am friendly I do take competition seriously and see only limited value in rewarding participation). Here is the all time WWII ladder sorted by ELO: http://www.theblitz.org/ladders/combat-mission-x2/b-11.htm?action=ladder&id=16&page=1&orderby=elo&order=desc While the same ladder sorted by score: http://www.theblitz.org/ladders/combat-mission-x2/b-11.htm?action=ladder&id=16&page=1&orderby=score&order=desc We also maintain a list of scenarios and how members have performed on them. This is open to all and can be useful when choosing a scenario that will play well for H2H play: http://www.theblitz.org/scenarios/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/b-15.htm?action=scenarios&game=153
  7. Honestly, my post was a bit tongue in cheek. I tried to describe the doctrine as I understand it but honestly I have never done any better. My tank riders are constantly getting scrapped off. Or i just dismount then early. I have a game going now where I have a mind to try it. If I do I'll write it up. ?!?! You can give tanks fast orders when they have riders. I do it all the time. The drivers automatically slow down a bit for you .
  8. That was my mental model too but while it is a bigger version it is *not* the original or even the same size as the original. No, sorry no say in the forums. I can ask but the admins are busy with other stuff so I might not even get an answer. Yep. Just like you but been around for a while. Yep, it is a lot. Much of that count is from just what you are talking about there.
  9. Minute 22-21: Over on the left 5 platoon continues to clear houses at the edge of town. Figure 91 More house clearing In the centre 6 platoon cleared the first building in the arm. They even managed to fire back at that MG that has been harassing them. No more fire from that AT gun this turn. Figure 92 Assaulting the farm Minute 21: Orders I am not very happy with the tank fire on the barn. The shots seem to be landing short. So, I made a few tweaks to their fire orders and had the Bren gun team move further along the treeline to get a better shot at the AT gun. Their fire does seem to be keeping the crew’s heads down. Figure 93 Firing on the barn 5 platoon 1 and 2 sections have orders to clear two houses next turn. Meanwhile 3 section continues to work on flanking that MG. Figure 94 House clearing Figure 95 Working towards the MG
  10. Well crap you are right. This new forum is so much better at handling images than the older one that I did not actually notice that the click on the nicely resized image did not give me the original full sized image. I rarely post full sized images so I failed to notice that even the large images are resized by the system. I do like the fact that the posted images size to your browser window as you are reading - I hate it when on other forums you suddenly get horizontal scroll bars that make it harder to read the post when someone posts a large image. But it would be nice if the larger image you get when you click was the full size. Dang it now I'm going to notice that every time from now on
  11. Here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119732-command-friction-applying-c3-effects-in-combat-mission-playtest/
  12. I think mostly because it is so easy to get opponents at theBlitz.org or the few good men mentioned earlier.
  13. Yes, the latest CMFI is v1.2 The games that were updated afterwards have two versions listed: the engine version and the game version. CMFI still only has the game version showing.
  14. Minute 23-22: 6 Platoon has come under fire from that barn AT gun. It failed to hit the section cross the open but did cause a casualty in the trailing section that already lost a man to the MG. They are now shaken. Figure 85 At gun firing on farm approach The house clearing continues with not further resistance. Figure 86 Clearing houses A few rounds hit near the barn but this is going to take a while to bring down. Good thing 4 platoon is also working is way to assault the gun position. Figure 87 Fire on barn Minute 22: Orders Even though the rest of 6 platoon will stay in the treeline the one section that did make it to the farm will start clearing. Given that there we received no fire from the farm I think it is abandoned. This will confirm that or at least confirm if there is any real resistance presence. Figure 88 Start clearing farm House clearing continues. If this goes without more resistance I’m going to start doing two houses at a time. Meanwhile 3 section will head for behind the back yards. Figure 89 Continue clearing houses (and flank MG) 6 platoon’s mortar team will stop in the field and put some smoke down near the farm to block that barn AT gun from harassing the rest of the platoon. Figure 90 Block AT gun's LOF
  15. Minute 24-23: The assault on the town is under way – house by house. 6 platoon is nearly across the field. 4 platoon continues to make progress along the river and the Bren gunner got a couple of shots off at that AT Gun – enough to make the crew duck for cover. Figure 80 Next house Figure 81 Nearly there Figure 82 Suppress the AT gun Minute 23: Orders My orders are all pretty straight forward. 5 platoon is going to clear the next building. The MG gun at the end of this row of houses had some troops arrive and appear to go behind the tall wall. I sent a Bren gun team to take up a position to prevent anyone from coming that way. I think it wold be worth considering sending a section that way as the rest of the platoon continues their clearing work. At some point I need to get the tanks across that opening but I am still worried about that AT gun by the barn. Figure 83 Clear the next house Figure 84 Nearly there
  16. Guys that is sooooo not how to use tank riders. You are supposed to drive up as the artillery is still falling on the enemy line. As the last shells are in the air your tanks and their riders are supposed be near the enemy line going full speed. Meanwhile the rest of the battalion of tanks should be direct firing along the enemy line as well Then when the last artillery shell explodes your tanks with riders just drive right through the enemy's first line of defense slams on the breaks and the riders jump off taking out anyone whos ears are still ringing while the tanks blast away in support. I am surprised to hear hear Ken's take on tank riding because the right way seems very much up his alley
  17. Good thought but it sounds like they are two independent Bren teams from recon platoon. Even if they were from a regular platoon the British platoons do not have two Bren guns in any formation I can see. So unless one was recovered from another section I do not believe there are any instances where two Bren gun teams can recombine.
  18. Humm not sure what you are really trying to say. BFC just recently did an upgrade to their forum software. Here is a full sized screen shot from Black Sea. Seems to work OK:
  19. You know I have not tested the speed. But it is better because I can create teams that are moving and teams that are not and stagger the whole thing. That way if things go south there are guys who are ready to fire. Plus 15s is enough time to give them a bit better situational awareness.
  20. Oh I'm there. I saw some of his guys heading that way last turn. I was thinking it was a big gamey because 5 platoon has no idea where that MG is because 6 platoon is busy running for their lives. Once they get to the farm and treeline they can radio the MG's position in and then 5 platoon's Lt can start ordering such a move. I guess I am thinking about Bil's cool new C3 restrictions. But as you pointed out we are not playing that way. I actually sent a Bren team to cover that area and can do more in the coming turns.
  21. I personally use 15s pauses for that. You might get away with shorter pauses in clear terrain but in difficult terrain it is a minimum for not getting tired.
  22. So it might be hard to tell from the pictures but that MG that caused all the problems is right at the end of that first row of houses. There is a tall wall along the back of all those houses so I could send a squad along the backs of those houses with out having to worry about the house occupants and attack that MG from behind. The only fly in the ointment would be if there was a team in the next block of houses that could mess that up. The other issue is that would be a pretty gamey thing to do. Chances are they are going to loose sight of 6 platoon in the smoke in a moment anyway and they will go down once I clear those buildings anyway.
  23. Minute 25-24: 6 Platoon was not hit by artillery although they did get a surprise and suffer a casualty from an MG in the town that managed to see them through the smoke. Figure 73 Advance Figure 74 Found an MG team 5 platoon’s town assault cleared on house and found and killed the occupants of the next house. Figure 75 Take out town resistance Meanwhile one squad of 4 platoon managed to get a Bren Gun team with eyes on that AT gun behind the barn. Figure 76 Well look at that an AT Gun Minute 24: Orders Pretty basic orders. 5 platoon clears the next house. 6 Platoon continues its advance across the field and 4 Platoon continues its advance along the river. The Bren Gun team with eyes on the AT gun are ordered to fire. The distances is 586m so I am not sure how effective it will be. Figure 77 Clear the next house Figure 78 Continue the advance Figure 79 Fire on the At gun
  24. 1. I think it is between 4 and 7 but I never spent the time to get an exact count and it does depend on the vehicle. 3. As far as I see the only difference is that they don't pop smoke once they run out.
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