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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. LOL but now you have a real reputation and not some number that is being manipulated to butter you up.
  2. Just point with the target command. If you can see a particular floor it should allow you to target that floor (with in the limitations we currently have regarding buildings). Once your men are inside they can target the floor above (or below). That is very handy if they have to clear a building that has enemy inside.
  3. Thanks. I look forward to watching things unfold this time. @ChappyCanuck should get the opportunity to kill my character in game for sure .
  4. LOL OK. Ditto Very interesting. When I did a search for an OCR utility I dismissed that one out of hand. If I want to make use of a tool to do something useful I like to get it on my HD so I am guaranteed it will be there when I want it, therefore I usually do not use on line services like that one. However, I did not have much luck with the ones I found they particularly had trouble with light letters on dark backgrounds. I will look at that one you suggest after all having it work is more important than having it on my HD. Yes, that is how it works but there is no UI for it. You need to place a magically named file in a magic place check out "Map Overlay" on page 83 of the "CM Engine Manual v3.00.pdf" that comes with CMBN.
  5. Oh, oops. No I think @Bil Hardenberger meant was he used the contour image as the overlay while creating the map and then again as the topo map for planning. Perhaps combining the contours with a screen shot of the finished map.
  6. So far it has been the single best feature added to the game! In my opinion anyway
  7. The overlay feature for the map editor let's you put an picture on top of the map you are creating. I'm on my phone now but if you search the engine manual for overlay you should find out how to do it. While you are editing you can control the transparency of the image and then you can draw the elevations or trees or roads right onto the map following along with the real image. I usually have a couple of contour line versions and one for the road network and buildings.
  8. Correct it is not the same map but Carbide is a portion of the Human map with some modifications. That is the way it looks to me
  9. Here is a recent thread about various clubs: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120677-setting-up-a-place-on-here-to-player-other-players/
  10. I was simply pointing out the logical fallacy of saying something definitively when you have no actual evidence for it. That's all. We al know that BFC does not tell us what is on and what is off their list of features they have planned. Therefore saying that feature X is never going to happen is just incorrect. It is that simple. I have no desire to antagonize. See above we have no idea if there is a position to reevaluate. That is just a silly comment. Now off that difficult topic and hopefully without offending you too much (I'll stop now, at least for this topic ) What you have done looks brilliant, bloody brilliant. I like the idea of using OCR to capture the elevations - cool. Can I ask what OCR process you used? I personally only have one built into my scanner but it does not produce data I can use it just makes PDFs more the simply image scans. Now that would be a great thing. As you have demonstrated again there are people here who are very willing to contribute useful side helper apps and other useful items. If we had more ways to control the games starting and import and export useful stuff the community would do more and more neat stuff.
  11. Yeah same here it has not happen to me yet, Cross fingers. Usually it is enemy fire that gets my FOs
  12. Yeah, I see the same with your save. it has been reported...
  13. Yes, the last one. In an ideal world the assault team deals with the tank while the covering platoon deals with the crew. Lately I have not had much trouble with crews. Part of it is I try to make sure there is an over watch team there to help out but I don't think the crazy immune crews exist any more.
  14. I see you already have an explanation and offers of help even. You certainly can often find opponents here but there are a number of good gaming clubs around which you can read about here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/107265-pbem-opponent-wanted/?comment=1407990. My sig line has a link to Whose Turn Is It? but you can also read about it here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/110328-announcing-whose-turn-is-it-a-pbem-turn-management-program/
  15. +1 for topo contours in the game. Lots of people would like to see that as a feature I think. That would be even cooler. Not sure what you are talking about there. BFC does not tell us about specific features they are planning - they just do not. I do not recall seeing Steve say this was a no way feature. So, that leads me to wonder why you are so definitive about it. Are you having private conversations with Steve and Charles?
  16. Yep that was what jumped to my mind when I read the OP. It is a great map!
  17. OK so putting aside the dropping from upper floor and addressing the "infantry on the ground floor with the tank adjacent right next to the building". The issue is that the animation of close assaulting the tank looks like throwing grenades from close up. That gives people the impression that their troops should be able to do the same form the ground floor when the enemy tank is close by. However the actual act of close assaulting a tank is to get in really close and stick grenade bundles in the tracks and wheels and place them on the engine deck or heck near or in a hatch or observation port. None of which you can do from behind the glass and wood of the building wall. You can however leave the building through a door next to the tank and close assault it form right next to the building that will work and simulate what your men would actually have to do - leave the building to get at the tank.
  18. Nice information there @RockinHarry I had no idea an infantry squad could breach a wall. Sounds fairly expensive but still useful to know. Well *if* it bounces back it will be bad for your men. I am not sure if that can happen or not. What I *know* can happen is if the guy about to throw a grenade is hit he will drop the grenade and his squad mates will not be happy.
  19. The helo missile fix had to do with the incoming angle. @Artemis258 send me a PM and we can discuss how to get me the turn files and you can tell me the password. I can keep a secret.
  20. Those pesky rubber tires. That is a new one for me. Do you have a saved turn?
  21. Grenades and demo charges will get thrown from the upper floors on to open topped vehicles. To close assault a tank you have to have your men leave the building.
  22. WEGO over IP was recently added. And there were a bunch of issues that were fixed too.
  23. Question for you : is the squad in the shaken or panicked state? If so then once they calm down you will be able to give them orders again. Otherwise if you have a saved game can you share it?
  24. That is definitely a job for support: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/ hit the blue new ticket button
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