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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. The Blitz is running four scenarios this month. Sign up for the March Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: BP1 - Nulli Secundus CMBS: Power Hour The form post on theBlitz for sign up: http://www.theblitz.org/message_boards/showthread.php?tid=71493
  2. The Blitz is running four scenarios this month. Sign up for the March Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: BP1 - Nulli Secundus CMBS: Power Hour The form post on theBlitz for sign up: http://www.theblitz.org/message_boards/showthread.php?tid=71493
  3. There is nothing special about slow. The fact that the vehicle is going slowly offers more time along the path for spotting but that's about it. The only real way to hear nearby armour is to have dismounts (either a crew or accompanying infantry) nearby. Mounted crew will not get ? as a result of sound because they are sitting in a big noise maker - even then idling.
  4. Font size cannot be independently controlled but you can run the game at a lower resolution. Having said that 1080p on a 17 inch monitor should be pretty good for most people. The blurry text observation jumps out though. On most notebooks programs default to run on a lower power lower capability card built into the mother board. Make sure the game is running using the Nvidia card. Check out this thread for some pics on setting that up:
  5. When the v3 update was created they released the update install like usual for people with the v2 game. At the same time they released a full install package with all the modules and packs together in one installer. We call that the all in one installer. It just occurred to me that you partner may never have bought v3 if they just recently bought the game. In that case they may not have access to that install. For questions like that I would open a support ticket. Blue new ticket button here: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com
  6. Also have a look at the video card performance threads and try out the frame rate limiting settings - they help to smooth out frame rates.
  7. This is not just a workaround but good SOP. Using a face command is a order the TC will try to get the driver to follow. If something dangerous or juicy shows up while they are executing that order the dance of death (or missed opportunity) can result: where the AFV is conflicted between the ordered face command and engaging the target. It used to be really bad where neither would happen. Now they at least finish the first engagement and then go back to the face order but that is still pretty inconvenient a lot of the time. I try to setup my move orders so that AFVs end up naturally pointing in the direction I think is best. That way once they arrive the TC is free to engage whatever is there or shows up without any conflicting orders.
  8. If you have v4 already and want a separate v3 install then just follow a variation of option A) but use the all-in-one v3 installer and make sure he points it to a new location.
  9. Yikes that was brutal. Sucks when you use your AT weapon so close that you end up being killed too. I did love the double Faust hit - it lit up the night nicely.
  10. Check out @Oleksandr's mods here: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?author=79 I strongly suspect the one you want is there somewhere.
  11. Poles and others would be good. I take your point about the UK and Europeans but I, personally, would still like to see them. Plus, as a Canadian, I would like to see the CF too. Given our participation in training that is happening IRL and the strong connection between Canada and the Ukraine (aka home politics) I think Canada would be willing to contribute to the hypothetical story as well. Don't get me wrong I would like Fulda Gap too but I am not sure it would attract less trolls. Given that the motivation behind some of the current RL actions seems to be an effort to return to the days of the USSR, I think the same trolls would be happy to relive the glory days.
  12. Wonderful description of why his men would not fight - hilarious. Sorry to hear you hit this @Bozowans - sucks. Yeah the game can only access 4Gb of memory. On windows it is a 32 bit app compiled to be "large address aware" which means that it can use nearly all the 4Gb of address space (as opposed to only 2Gb or 3Gb for a regular 32 bit app depending on your OS settings). So, running the game on a machine with 8Gb, 16Gb or 64Gb only makes a difference if something else on your machine prevents the game from getting access to the memory it needs. It would require effort to do that on a machine with 16Gb or more but might be easier to do on a 8Gb machine. I highly doubt most people are hitting this limit.
  13. Do you mean real time games? The Few Good Men has a discord channel where you can no doubt find opponents but I am not sure how much real time play happens. Check out this post for links etc.
  14. Yes, absolutely. I nearly always have multiple version of several games installed for just that reason. What you do is either of the following: A ) Run the v4 Full install and make sure to choose a different directory for the program. B ) Make a copy of your current 3.12 install and rename the directory to reflect that it is 4.0 Run the v4 upgrade install and make sure it is pointing at that new copy you just made so that gets updated to v4 That's pretty much it. If memory serves you might need to reactivate the game using your v3 and v4 keys. The key is to make sure you pay attention to where the game is going to install the sw be sure you are in charge. By default it will want to use the same location as previous installs.
  15. Oh yuck. I just went to the store to find it and I forgot how painful that can be. I usually buy something, download it and save it with the keys so I never have to go in there again to find stuff. Here is what I did: I logged into the store and looked at the My Account page. On that page there is a list of purchases each with an arrow and "View" I looked at each one until I found one named this: CM Normandy - v3.0 UPGRADE with the SKU of CBNU-3P-DW. That, for me, linked to the full installer for CMBN 3.11. That leads to the next challenge - downloading the right thing. The download link leads to a share file service and you have to select all the files on that screen - use the select all button and then press the download button to get them all. But there is a patch too after that: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2306&Itemid=518 Yeah its bad but way better than trying to piece everything together on little bit at a time in the right order without missing a step. I thought there was an easier way to get a full install of version but I cannot find it. You reap what you sew. Sadly I usually end up saying that to people who are being jerks and getting upset when they get a harsh response. It is refreshing to say it to someone being reasonable who is looking for advice and actual wants to hear it.
  16. Are you rewriting it too? My first impression is that you were just using the existing content to rework the design. But if you are re-writing it then ditch the "Using the hull down command as a move command" description or put it second with a warning (don't do this ever!) . You should always use the version with the target command. That way the worst case is your vehicle will be on the top of the ridge fully visible. In the move command the worst case is your vehicle end up where you expect the enemy to be.
  17. Here is a description on how to setup arbitrarily big "Quick Battles" (20 000 is not so big for CMBS but it sure is for CMBN, so go for 60 000 for CMBSs :-):
  18. Key hole can be very helpful - wish I had kept that in mind for my above example. The nice thing about key holing your fire support is by definition the firing vehicle only has to worry about threats from where it is already firing from. The downside is those other threats can still attack your dismounts as they move forward. So ...
  19. I totally agree with that. The IR the US have makes smoke less than ideal. Even against the Russians it is not as good as you might expect. IMHO. I agree with you there. Yep. Thank you for pointing that out. I had been keeping people in the vehicle and over half the time they were not giving me the benefit because they were not sitting in the big chair. I do not know how much of a difference it makes but having the squad leader with his men *does* make a big difference on the ground so I'll stick with other units for filling the BMP commander's chair. I have also been using the BMP to provide fire power and actually fight. What I have had some success with is keeping them behind terrain and out of sight until there is something to shoot at. So, my current MO is to have BMP's ferry the soldiers close to the action and then dismount the troops and have the BMPs stay behind terrain until the troops have found things to shoot at. That could either be because they were shot at or just when the find good places for the enemy to be, that are just to dangerous to leave pristine. This is by no means a flawless process. Weapons are so deadly that sometimes whole squads are just gone before the BMP can move up. So, I feel like I do not have the balance right. I can tell you for sure that an attack can fall apart fast when you loose the support of the BMPs. I just had a platoon plus reduced to stragglers in one battle. Things were going pretty well following my plan above until the enemy started to get traction on taking out the BMPs. My fire power dropped so fast the unit was rendered combat ineffective very quickly. All because I only gained fire superiority locally.
  20. I see that the @sburke and @c3k have already pointed to the discussion about the issue in 4.0 and the plan to fix it and all the fun around that. So I'll just try to answer some of the other questions or should I say statements That is easy peasy as long as you USE THE ALL IN ONE INSTALLERS. If you still have the all in one installers from previous builds of the games you own you can don't even have to re-download them. If you don't still have them, you can download them again. After that you have two choices: 1) you don't want to keep the v4 update versions on your machine at all (I recommend this only if you are tight for disk space) Uninstall the previous game. Run the all in one install for the v3 update. You are done. 2) you want to keep v4 around so that you can patch it and move forward later Run the all in one install for the v3 update and make sure you point to a different directory than your v4 games. You are done. There is a small chance that it will ask you to activate again but I expect very few people will see that since v3 is already activated on your machine. So, there you have it: one decision to make and max two steps to follow and optionally some downloading time. I wish everything in life were that simple The only gottcha is that for all the games other than CMBN they share the scenarios and game save folders. So, your v3 game will not load any saves or scenarios created with the v4 game but they will show up in the list. For many people there are not many scenarios that will trigger this. PS. I have multiple version of all of the games installed on my computer at any given time. I am not the only one - very doable. Good - me too. Awesome game. Hummm I'll refrain from saying much here but there is something you can do right now - the pause command. If you put your defenders on pause the will stay put - sometimes even when shaken. For your attackers you can put a pause command on their final way point to make sure the stay and fight. There is a downside - OK two: 1) The AI is not doing this work around so it works best vs human opponents. 2) Also, if you men are paused they will not withdraw on their own until they are really messed up. I know a lot of people are very bent out of shape over this but we should all keep in mind that the TacAI is *supposed* to act on its own and try to preserve the lives of your men. I know people feel the balance was thrown off in v4 - and I agree. However, I feel that this is another one of those times when expectations need to be set / reset / hammered home . These pixel soldiers are *not* meant to be supermen. They are *not* mean to make perfect decisions at all times. They *cannot* read you mind and act accordingly. So, once we all get this patch remember that. Remember that even before v4 soldiers skipped town and sometimes ended up dead because of it. And the will again after the patch. That desire for self preservation was always in the programming and it is not going away.
  21. You cannot delete your posts - or move them. I recommend that you either don't worry about it (a large number of regulars read all the forums) or post again in the general forum and not worry about that. As for favourite I don't really have one. If I had to pick one forever it would be a toss up between CMBN or CMFI just due to content. So I guess CMBN since this is in the Normandy forum And yes Fortress Italy did come after Battle for Normandy.
  22. LOL right - but the engineers will have to use their up calibre guns / HE chuckers, rather than their demo charges. As you said... Yeah, it is easier to do when no one is shooting back. But that is the story of basically everything. Also note the bridges do not have as many levels of damage as buildings do so it is hard to tell you are making a dent. Don't worry if you are hitting the bridge it is feeling it.
  23. Or you could *not* cross open fields with your infantry Instead use the forest along the left edge of that field or the ditches along the road on the right or better yet both.
  24. Version numbering is fun - not. Thankfully it is not as annoying at DRM . The single most important thing to do is pick something that makes some kind of sense and stick with it. The stick with it part is actually the most important part. Why you ask? Because everyone and their dog has an idea for a better way or the one and only right way to do version numbering. So, if you chase that you will just leave people even more confused because they have to relearn something new every time. And it will still be "wrong" Having said that I think you pointed out some unfortunate and confusing file naming that would be worth watching out for in the future.
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