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nik mond

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Everything posted by nik mond

  1. Some tiles blend nicely. Others look like square patches. Some flatten and even out the ground shape around them (like for placing under houses or bridge-ends to prevent drop-off), other terrain tiles roll with the elevation. The trick is to know the characteristic trait of the tiles and how to best blend them.
  2. I think also the ammo carriers only supply their own team mortar with ammo. So if the mortar tube gets KIA, the carriers can't run to another mortar team.
  3. I'll probably get slaked for suggesting this. But AAA could be represented as near offmap, at the same range as off map mortars lets say. Purchased or provided in the same method as artillery. Depending on the scenario they would still be in range of the CAS. And I see the problem here, how do you represent offmap AAA involvement since you can't see the planes, you can't see the flak bursts from the guns 500 meters to the rear. Thought I'd put it out there anyways.
  4. I suppose you could Red on Red an offmap strike right on top of the 88 at the very beginning of the scenario. With any luck that will knock it out. Or reduce the crew and ammunition levels of the gun so they are near crippled from the start.
  5. ahh just looking for new things of interest i suppose since the focus has been on men and machines. I wouldn't expect an answer like there is a new blade of grass, but maybe there's a new bridge model and that would be enough to get people guessing what it is maybe.
  6. I suspect it is internal balconies on conjoined large modular buildings. Shft Ctl Alt LMB.
  7. ... in the common wealth add-on? inquiring minds would like to know.
  8. The Hammelburg Raid is the perfect force size, and all of the US vehicles are there. Very well documented US core OOB. Also the ability to create road route maps of varying sizes is well within the capabilities of the scenario editor. Are we getting Hetzers any time soon? Thats the only thing holding me back.
  9. Setting AI target arcs. It seems this could have been possible In the scenario editor to set target arcs for the AI forces. The command boxes are there for the force set-up including target and facing etc, but not target arc. I am wondering if this could be added, my theory is it may have been but was removed. This would make for some interesting and smart AI behaviour if used correctly such as setting up intersecting arcs on a narrow point. Most important you could set minimum distances for engagements using target Arcs for the AI and coordinate multiple AI units to open up simultaneously in a scenario. .
  10. The Provost's you are referring to . Yes, and they should have billy clubs and gaurd dogs as well.
  11. Aristotle for whatever reason, maybe my video card settings, or display, I found it a tad too dark. I had to adjust the tone and now it is really really good on my system. Another keeper.
  12. If its not modelled and only painted on it will only look OK at certain angles and then get stretched and look odd from other points of view. Someone like vein who has a knack for mapping the textures on the models might have a shot at making something decent. In that respect yes it could be done IMO.
  13. I had a Tiger knocked out by a side shot from an M8. I moved the Tiger threw a built up area. Notice lower left the crew action is exiting. The second I saw this happen I hit the pause and snapped a pic. So in terms of armor spalling a regular panzer crew even in a Tiger will bail. If they were +2 Elite tho......probably the M8 would be toast.
  14. Have you did anything with the fords. I use Fordings as streams, rivers, ditches. But the pebbles look a little off in the stock game. I went so far as to use the stock marsh tile in place of the shallow ford texture to get rid of the pebbles on the banks I am very impressed and look forward to this. Everytime I see a mod like this its like having a new mini game.
  15. Except the 7 story church steeple, which can be blown open and still be occupied. What about the faust patrones. The are small warhead projectiles with only propellant for a 30m distance. Wouldn't they have a much lesser back blast?
  16. Thanks for saving me from posting that pic. I do believe these guys are 12HJ, but I did root out some 10SS. It was probably used in greater numbers in the 10th than 12th which had a mixed bag of everything from italian etc. I wouldn't be surprised if someone has the source for these pics and says hey thats from some other division. Bottom line Its safe to say the most prevalent camouflage tunic was Dot Peas worn almost exclusively by the SS.
  17. I haven't seen a good screen shot with the SS yet to tell. But certainly the present model would have to be changed, even slightly. The raised lapels and epaulletes are modelled for tunics in the present game. The most common Camo tunic would be the 12SS Hitler Jugen mod. True it coverts your pixel troops to SS but its realistic as that formation used HBT pea dot tunics. Not smocks typically.
  18. I kinda like the attrition thing especially playing as the Germans. Its more rewarding when it works, and you pay for making rash decisions. Its just difficult for a designer to know what units a player may have alive to start the next scenario.
  19. **Spoilers here too, well not really** Good Campaign! I was surprised at how few enemy AT guns gave me a hard knock, even approaching cautious. Tank and artillery smoke is in the game for a reason. I became very economical with my forward observers as I really needed them as well as the tanks. The play balance was perfect for me. And the maps had a fresh feel to them. Alot of thought to unit placement. One thing tho, I would suggest adding a non-core recon unit as fodder...anything, a 3 man team even. I lost my recon element early on and found myself starting a scenario (5th I think) on an empty battlefield. No units, until the main body showed up as reinforcements. A general comment about the game, not directed at the campaign: This is the first time I played consecutive night battles, well early dawn actually. And I had to adjust my monitor. Would be nice if some subtle backlighting could be added, likely beyond this game's capability.
  20. Jeez how did I miss that. Yes great campaign. Started it tonight. Yes even the wounded show up for the next battle. great stuff. may have happened too often in WW2 I think, not far from the truth really. Commanders become desensitized, seeing the big picture as objective oriented.
  21. I hope this is on topic, in terms of feeling the effect of high casualties. Attrition campaigns are possible in this game where a player only gets a core formation to carry from battle to battle. This gives an extreme sense of preservation for your units knowing you might have to fight the next battle depleted another panther, and there are no more coming. The down side to this is what happens if the less frugal player gets half way through the campaign without enough units to proceed. He may think what poorly designed camp or worse, so we don't see alot of true attrition campaigns. I think devil's descent is one of the few. I would like to see a true german attrition campaign where armour is not replaced, or very seldom, just to see if I could make it to the end of the campaign. And maybe there is one out there I haven't downloaded yet. Ofcourse some easy scenarios would have to be thrown in and non core support infantry to carry things along..
  22. No, but you can quote that in your sig if you want.
  23. What makes applying wear and tear on uniform skins different (compared to vehicles) is that the model is animated and constantly changing shape with various poses and movement. It can be done, just a matter of trial and error. What appears as a tear or dirt at one angle and distance may look completely inapproprate, or washed out when viewed at a different time of day and perspective. These models were designed to wrap with an almost monochromatic texture. We are very fortunate however to have large resolution BMP's to work with, that is a plus. And I think a good artist can put the time into mapping and marking the skins to give a very realistic texture. I agree with what you say completely.
  24. Sure, still more work to be done with wrinkle and lighting masks. Could have different variants all at once including dirty and worn elbows, knees etc.
  25. I am goofing with some new camo, not so common types. Not much you can do with tunics, the lapels are modelled in 3 dimensions so no way of converting a smock. Here is a type 1 oak B. It had a pinky earth tone and green leaves which were not exactly green for spring. The fall inverse had orange as an earth tone and brown leaves. Dye pigment and permanganate shortages maybe. So I'll stick with spring in this attempt. Still rough and I am just hand drawing swatches to use for future applications.
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