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Everything posted by beatmasta

  1. Is there anyway possible to get any sneak peaks of the coming modules? Screen shots from BN were released about half a year before anything was released so would be really cool the get some pics of the coming vehicles and troops. Pretty please!
  2. Do you note that the wheels on BN Tiger seems to be in wrong order? There the first wheel is in the inner row but all the other pics have the first wheel in outer row.
  3. Maybe you have deleted the campaign files when you deletd the save files? Though they are in different folders but can this be the case? If yes, then just reinstall the game and you'll have the campaigns back.
  4. Road to Montebourg is a built in campaign. But it's probably the best I have ever played in CM series!
  5. I have been wondering the lack of campaign / scenario information from the day 1 since I started to play SF... Shouldn't be too hard to add that info to the file list. Or if it is hard and wont' happen, then campaign authors should name the campaigns so that they are easier to recognise. That shouldn't be very hard either
  6. Good to hear that new people are finding the game! So it's just not only the Cm1 or SF veterans Try using the covered arcs for the tanks. Then they'll fire only targets inside the arc. Unless something they consider a big threat then They'll shoot regardless of the arc. Yuo have to click the Deploy Weapon button first and then give the movement command. They will then pack their stuff which takes a while and them move the gun. And then you have to deploy the weapon again, otherwise it just stands there and the gun is not operational. Just enjoy the game and don't get frustrated because this is definitely not the easiest nut to crack
  7. Looks pretty great app! I'm interested of this if this is still available. I have both versions running now so does it work same time with 1.0 and 1.01?
  8. Yeah, I know they release it when it's ready and all that But the question is what's the status of that module. Is it in beta test already or only in the hands of the developers? Is the plan to patch the original game X times and then concentrate on the C-module or are they under work at the same time? Or are they even working with the module 2 and 3 already? And I think there's no (big) rush with the C-module as there is tons and tons still to play with the core game but would be nice to know even a bit about the work order of the patches and modules.
  9. While ago in one of the first pbem games I killed a pather with very ballistic bazooka shot! I think the range to that tank was over 250m and max height of the trajectory was maybe about 20m and the rocket landed and penetrated top turret! That was pretty amazing shot and have not seen like it after that incident
  10. Not fault of the patch. That barbed wire is mined and when the engineers blow the wire, they blow the mines also
  11. How will the saved game files react to new patch? Everything still working? And the patch affects the pbem games? does it check that both players have the same version? Does it let the game go if the versions differ?
  12. You must do whatever makes you happy. Are you still playing the CMBO v1.0?
  13. Would be quite silly to see a bazooka crew arguing in the bocage something like this: - G'damn put those papers away and reload this bazooka so I can try to kill that Panther that's going to kill us in 5 seconds... - No use shooting it, these papers say that when the angle of attack is x and the armour thickness is y and the heat penetration is z it's not going to kill it because there is 1mm too much armour... - BOOM!
  14. Just one question: Where in the h*ll you need all that info in the game?
  15. the video is here http://www.stara.fi/2011/07/15/toimittajia-ammuttiin-kovilla/ the bmp turret starts from around 2:10
  16. No, it's not In the video you could see it moving along with the jeep. It seems that there's some iron bars welded on the rear deck and the turret planted there. Quite nice design!
  17. Just saw this pretty weird technical in the news. Would be crazy addition to SF arsenal I think the turret can't be traversing but would be pretty cool if it was fully operational!
  18. The triggers would be really good! Just today I played one of the Road to Montebourg campaign scenarios and as usually i push my troops on quite narrow path and was able to flank a Pz IV which was just sitting on it's original place. It should have repositioned itself when hearing the battle sounds from it's flank. The Pz appearing to my flank would have been nasty surprise because most of my troops had passed it before i noticed it.
  19. How does the saved games from 1.0 version work with the patch? Or do they end up being corrupted as in some other games tend to happen?
  20. I have used them as relay stations for onboard mortars. If they have a radio just plant them near your tubes and you should be able to have your spotter anywhere. And I think I used them in one game so that mortar section hq was beside the mortars with radio, company hq a little bit further with radio and the Xo team close to the front near a platoon hq without a radio and that platoon hq was able to call support from those mortars.
  21. Sounds good, but can't find the mod. Or does it take a while to appear on the list?
  22. I just noticed that one of my squads used all of it's bazooka ammunition when I ordered it to area fire on a part of a bogace... I quess that target area light would be answer to avoid it but it seems quite silly anyways that the infantry blasts away it's AT ammo on to area target...
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