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Everything posted by ZPB II

  1. Yes, excellent. Someone should recreate the classic "Lost Temple" map from Starcraft for tournament play.
  2. Aaaah MikeyD you got me all pumped up! I play almost exclusively QBs and they are indeed lacking in CMSF...The kind of option to select a map and forces is a godsend...Imagine a TCP/IP quick battle where both sides agree to choose a scouting party type of force and the map is very large, several Km. The tension as you roam the large map in search of the elusive enemy! A single well-placed MG42 can turn the tide of the battle.
  3. This is starting to look so much better than I expected. I hope and believe CMBN will be a massive hit in Finland, just like CMBO & CMBB were. Yesterday I had one of those "oh hey, now that is really cool" moments in CMSF while I was playing a TCP/IP quick battle against my friend. It was a Red vs. Red mechanized ME, there was a small ridge in the middle with a building on top, both of us had infantry hugging the ridge...We were on Skype and he said "Hhmm I wonder what I should shoot at" as he believed I had already occupied the building and started peppering it with 14,5mm fire from BTRs. I was watching my troops and only noticed the fire as puffs of dust appeared on my side of the building and the occasional round ricocheted near my troops far away from it! The heavy caliber machine gun packs some mean punch, I can't wait to use the .50 caliber in Europe. Another one in this same battle was a sabot fired from my T-62 that hit my friend's T-62 and ricocheted into another one! It ended up scaring the first crew to bail and knocking out the last. Now that is just neat. I wish I could post it on Youtube, but it was Realtime, I just happened to lock on to the enemy tank with Tab when I saw my own tank fire.
  4. Congratulations on the promotion Mark!
  5. From a marketing point of view, you should do an AAR where a CMx1 player from the USA plays against a scheming, calculating evil Oberst in a feel good story of the year, involving a boy and his dog warning the Allies of a Jagdpanther ambush further up the road! The AAR concludes with a picture of a GI handing a chocolate bar to the boy while kneeling down and scratching the dog behind it's ear. Good boy!
  6. I did a bit of searching but didn't come up with anything, so... I'm not expecting this to be implemented since it's sort of unrelated to shooty bits and the problem with managing prisoners is you'd always need to delegate some troops to looking after them, but... I was playing a CMSF quick battle where my Abrams tanks shot up a company of Syrian reserve tanks and as I was moving past the burning hulks my tanks kept shooting the poor survivors. I felt bad, especially since I just finished watching a couple of those History channel tank battle docs and the Pershing-Panther duel clip from Cologne (the one which shows the legless American tanker trying to crawl to safety on top of his burning Sherman + the burning German tanker) Now my point was I couldn't really rein my tanks, because a covered arc would stop them from responding to threats behind the burning tanks. So maybe something like a prisoner arc, that tells the unit to try and force a surrender from units inside the arc, shoot if they fire back, engage anything outside the arc freely...Not really an A-list concern, maybe something for the C-list.
  7. I always thought of the Dutch as really liberal and automatically assumed strippers and dancers to be present.
  8. I'd guess that's because the contested areas were too hot for buddy aid to occur.
  9. Smoke, smoke and more smoke. Like it's 4:20. That and liberal area fire. Don't run out of ammo, though. Good luck.
  10. I will warn you that I was drunk for 9 consecutive days during the New Year's partying, I have the alcohol head typical of male university students. (I only had a hangover on the first morning and retained sexual functionality) Don't worry, I won't wreck the place.
  11. You hate me now, don't you. Anyway, sorry I can't make it but I hope it all goes down well and the resale value on your home doesn't take a terrible plunge.
  12. The previews just keep getting nearer. Now we're talking a couple of hours and a few euros. I'm interested. I will bring Finnish fighting vodka and toothpicks.
  13. Oh Steve you left yourself wide open...You forgot the CMSF 1.0 demo...
  14. A small update from me, in the last week things got rather deep with this girl I hooked up with on my skiing trip. This means I am now unsure whether this is the right time to leave everything behind for a couple of weeks to do stupid things with other women. Which is what time in the sun does to people. I would come with her if she didn't have work. I am now looking at preview options that would only take a day or two and take place in a damp, depressing climate. I will definitely be coming down there at some point, though.
  15. Well, I haven't booked the flight yet, but I've been looking into lodging and stuff to do as well as calling people up. Progress. I'm a single student with cash to burn and this is shaping to be quite the adventure.
  16. Hey, I'm not seeing my name on that list. 19th sounds good.
  17. You just need to connect the laptop to the TV with an HDMI cable and voilá. Just try it out beforehand, some screens and resolutions only display the desktop instead of CMSF.
  18. Speaking of Russians, there were two of them driving a convertible this morning.
  19. If the dates don't collide, why not attend both. I've had plans to go somewhere warm anyway. It is so much fun spending 30 minutes every morning outside in the freezing weather, digging and pushing your car out of the snow and when you hit the road you have to dodge black Mercedes and Land Cruiser SUVs in Russian plates driven by pretty ladies talking on the phone while reading a blin recipe on her iPad. It's dangerous out here, man.
  20. Had a brief look at what there is to see in and around Sydney and it seems promising. Can anyone point me to some backbacker/nightlife/stuff to do for young people resource in the area? Need to figure out how much lodging costs around there. Do post additional info as soon as it comes available, since the sooner I book the cheaper it will all be, most likely. I'm sitting here on Facebook looking at pictures people post of waterfalls and sunny beaches and crazy parties until sunrise. I have restless feet.
  21. Here is Finland, I'm getting pissed off with the winter weather. Everyone's fleeing somewhere warm. Like in the last week one mate went off golfing to the Canary Islands, another went to Buenos Aires and some to Thailand. I was planning on getting a tan anyway.
  22. I was surprised to see it's cheaper to fly to Sydney than to Chicago from here. The sights and weather would be better too, and a couple of mates backbacking might be around there...Hhmm...There's apparently elephants and giraffes in the Zoo there, never seen one of those with my own eyes. The absolutely cheapest package would mean flying in on monday the 14th and out on the 28th. I assume the city is full of cheap accommodation.
  23. Setting CMSF process priority to High, ensuring it runs on the main core instead of wandering, letting your graphics card control anti-aliasing instead of CMSF itself and turning multisampling on for CMSF have been reported to increase performance.
  24. I noticed this when I ran tests whether they could shoot out of buildings or not. They can't even though they should. But, indeed, there was a gross amount of misses, mostly the missile plunged directly into the ground halfway to the target. Range was around 600-800 meters. 1.31.
  25. I was wondering about the campaign, will the Queen of Lobsters make an appearance in the initial release or only in the modules? I read spoilers about a romance plot with a human, but it sounded cheesy. It also saddened me to read that the release has been pushed back due to difficulties in animating 8-legged walkers.
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