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Everything posted by ZPB II

  1. Did some quick testing and it seems the Gill cannot be fired from inside a building.
  2. Remember to run it as admin, that fixes a lot if weird little issues.
  3. Ok, I'm using the exact same mod but thought it sounded a bit different. Might be the compression.
  4. Ah, the firepower of Dutch engineers. Magnificent to behold, that is a lot of rounds going downrange. Whose sound mod, by the way?
  5. As mentioned, you can download extremely good quality sound mods from the repository. They really change the atmosphere of the game 100%. In the army I spent a lot of time around automatic weapons, cannons and rocket launchers so I dare say my CMSF sounds pretty authentic now. I am hoping that the stock sounds would pack more punch so people who don't know about mods will experience the immersion too. C) There is the problem of quantifying exactly what gives experience and so forth. Troops staying in reserve most of the battle wouldn't really get that much out of it. Then you'd have to track other units outside the battlefield and their exp so you have the correct experience from reinforcements you get from them. Replenishment troops would dilute the overall experience level. All in all I'd say it is well out of the scope of a tactical simulator. I feel most ways to abstract this would be very lacking.
  6. Well, engineers can mark mines and you can use direct and indirect smoke to block the IED spotters view to the bridge.
  7. But if a real life commander knew the men were there, he would order his men to area fire it too.
  8. This does happen occasionally, but I find that most of the time when the squad makes contact, the NCO yells at his men and they take better firing positions aligned at their target. I witnessed the beauty of this when playing a small British module scenario yesterday where 2 Challanger 2s are stuck in the mud inside a city. You only have a handful of squads racing to the rescue and setting up the perimeter. I didn't have to assign covered arcs because the AI automatically adjusted to threats from different directions and kept 1 guy covering the other approaches. :cool: In another vanilla CMSF scenario, assault on a factory, I only had to "Quick" an FO team, MG team and sniper team to a ridge and they automatically took positions on the ridgeline.
  9. There's only so far you can push a desk until the rubbers give away.
  10. Yep, you collect weapons (not sure about ammo) and you score better points. I can't remember exactly how many points it is. One would also think collecting the wounded and the dead would improve morale, but I have not done testing to determine if the game models this.
  11. Yeah, light vehicles do naturally go pop under artillery, I remember a battle in CMA where my opponent shot mortars into my deployment and destroyed 2 platoons of BMDs. But my concern was mainly heavier tanks vs. heavy artillery, since I very rarely see that happen. JDAMs and other air munitions do make T-90s very sad. Testing is still ongoing to get 155mm to destroy an M1A2 SEP.
  12. Hhmm, that is odd. One of the things I have witnessed very rarely in CMSF had been artillery knocking out heavy vehicles. Sure, tracks get damaged always and optics get smashed, but...I played a recent QB in which I laughed to my opponent how his opening barrage of heavy mortars managed to directly hit the top deck of each of my 3 BMP-2s yet caused no damage. The visual representation showed the explosion on the top deck, I'm not sure but I reckon a 120mm mortar should penetrate the top of a BMP-2. I also did testing where I shot tonne after tonne of 155mm rounds at a M1A2 SEP Abrams platoon and they barely suffered track damage...
  13. Ah, I had this feeling that some of the anecdotes were rather high-flying. Especially the one about the US TD commander who knocked out 2 Panthers at 25 yards and subsequently died as he was trying to pull out Germans from the burning tanks and the ammo exploded. Can you point me somewhere where I could find out more? I'm not going to judge the fellow right away, since in my short life I've had curious chains of events occur that nobody would believe but I know better.
  14. So, I'm reading "Death Traps" and it mentions that one of the best weapons against German Panthers and Tigers in the bocage were the M7 Priest and the 155mm artillery. It mentions the very thin top armor and it's vulnerability to fire coming in an arc. In CMSF vehicles generally take very little damage from artillery, I am hoping this has changed a bit?
  15. Are you talking about Bradleys not reloading TOWs? I thought if you unbutton it in a safe place they reload the launcher.
  16. Noone's saying it's perfect, just that it's nowhere near as bad and gamebreaking as some people who haven't even really played CMx2 make it out to be.
  17. If you're facing older, wire-guided ATGMs you can try moving very fast perpendicular to their position with cover arcs. Overwatch can then eliminate the gunners before the missiles land. Doesn't work against never ones, you'll only expose your vulnerable side.
  18. I'll repeat myself and say please keep in mind that in CMx2, you very rarely have long, continuous line of sight to the same target. The target ducking behind cover will drop him out of LOS unlike in CMx1. This means that before you even start to think about cherry targeting in PBEM, you need to have all the units you want to be doing shooting with see and ID the target and when if and when you get to do this, the target will highly likely drop to the ground and relocate, going back to a ? -contact. In RT H2H battles with no pause you have no time to do cherry targeting. But the AI in CMx2 is excellent in taking care of itself. Trust me, you need not worry about this. I have played CMx2 games to death especially TCP/IP RT and I know what I'm talking about. Hell, I played 6 straight hours vs. my friend yesterday and you know how many times the thought of gamey cherry targeting popped up in my head? You know how long a target ID'd as a HQ (this didn't happen often) lingered in line of sight of several units and enabled me to focus on him? I can say not very long. While at the same time the forest and village was full of ?-contacts and I could not establish a clear picture of what was going on at a hill that became the grave of 100 soldiers and 20 AFVs in a Red vs. Red battle. All this while artillery was raining down from spotters that I COULD NOT IDENTIFY INSTANTLY FROM 2KM AWAY unlike some posters make it out to be (infact I never identified the spotters). It was hectic, intense, realistic and buckets of fun.
  19. Just some thoughts, but try setting your CMSF.exe to always Run as administrator if that would help. Also the lack of German Panzerfausts is a bug that was introduced in the latest NATO patch. It is getting fixed in the next patch AFAIK.
  20. I use Vista and all my saved games are in the Saved Games folder, but maybe W7 stores them in your user profile folder? Try searching for *.bts files on your computer.
  21. I tried We-Go initially but have been 100% RT ever since. It really delivers the most authentic experience. I do admit to pausing generously when playing solitaire, though. EDIT: Damn I love technology. Here I am watching my Strykers in overwatch grenading enemies while reading Death Traps on my iPad.
  22. I don't know what game you guys are playing but I just finished a 6 hour TCP/IP gaming marathon with my friend (we probably smoked 5g of buddah) and in not one game did I have solid, gamey spotting info that I could readily use. If I got a HQ flag instead of ? it would either dive into cover or disappear in smoke or whatever. I didn't identify a spotter even once. It was a sea of ? ? ? appearing and disappearing, I was really impressed since we paid special attention to Fog of War & spotting. We played real time exclusively, and mostly rely on units themselves do the targeting. If you start manually targeting you won't have time before it disappears. For those of you complaining about lack of fidelity, play real time. When you master the camera hotkeys for super quick moving around the battlefield, things get really intense.
  23. Played 5 TCP/IP quick battles with my friend and we witnessed no anomalies (apart from Canucks and Dutchies getting profane amounts of units in QBs.) All weapons caused casualties, some very bloody fighting. Played lots of Red vs. Red mechanized battles. Fun! Played Prophet and the Mountain where RPG-29 thermobaric rounds wrecked havoc on marines inside buildings from 60m away at almost point blank range. Intense.
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