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Everything posted by ZPB II

  1. Soft lunch. Some points to add to the discussion, the CMx2 engine tracks damage dealt to buildings but doesn't show it graphically, which is why you can see guys shooting through a wall, since the game might consider an autocannon having popped nice holes there. I assume the typical squads you see to be trained adequately as in they know the proper drill. Remember to cover those ears. Some rockets and missiles can be fired from buildings, some can't. I don't know if there's a compiled list somewhere out there. I play real-time exclusively so I don't get to analyze minutiae but I could almost swear you occasionally see RPG-related mishaps as the cause of friendly casualties or suppression. Speaking of which, here's a video from, apparently, the Iraq-Iran war that shows improper firing discipline result in the serious injury or death from backblast. It's not graphic, just morbid.
  2. There is a lot of confusion caused by the fact that a lot of the cinematics and dialogue is missing from the demo build. The farmhouse mission is one of the last ones in France and you cannot contact your dropship because the lobsters are jamming communications. Either that or you're talking about the earlier farmhouse mission, the one where you save that girl from the nazi zombies and she joins your party if you're Lawful Good or Chaotic Neutral. When you do take the farmhouse, a cinematic will play out where you receive a garbled message about Washington being attacked and all of a sudden lobster militia will rise from the nearby river. You spend a while fighting earthen lobsters trained and armed by their space cousins until you commandeer a fishing boat and sail to Mexico to fight the lobster invasion proper. Vark, I am trying to find a generator of the specs you mentioned, no luck yet. I had no idea there was subterranean warfare in the game! How do I order my men to dig?
  3. I tried most of the tips to no avail, only the bathtub one I could not attempt because the bathtub nearest to me, Cloudy Lake, is over 2km away and my extension cords ran out before I made it to the end of the street. Vark, I haven't gotten to actually play the mission but I watched a Let's Play -vid on Youtube. The outhouse on the western forest edge guarded by neutral creeps, a couple of satyrs and a Dark Samurai (vulnerable to flamers) contains some iridium ore that you can use to upgrade your Shermans in the actual campaign (tech tree is viewable but not usable in demo). When you come across a lava stream, combine 8 blocks of stone or harder material to create a furnace, a 3x2 block of smelted iridium can be used to create an armour plate. Anyway, what you can use is a thermal lance found in the same outhouse. It is very accurate and will melt the gun plate of a PaK as soon as the gunner spots it.
  4. I made a shortcut called "CMBN Demo" on my desktop and when I click it nothing happens, even if I try running it as admin. BFC please fix this or sumfink.
  5. This is one of the biggest additions in my opinion, since it allows you to play quick battles on large maps with small force sizes, leaving a lot of room to manouver, not to mention having so much more variety and control in general. CMSF and CMA, while having a reasonable amount of maps, in the end for me started to repeat itself quite badly when the force size was tiny or small. Having access to all the maps while keeping the amount of units as such so you can keep track of who dies and what vehicle is hit and when would have been great. The new QB system is going to revitalize tournament play. Heck, it's going to change the whole game for me. Occasionally when playing CMBO/CMBB via TCP/IP on the CMHQ chat room, I used to pick the cheesiest possible force, usually stuff like massing fast cheap autocannons, the Stuarts with 75mm etc. and rushing forward while hugging the very edge of the map and just blasting the opposing force to bits in the lamest possible way. I had a screenshot collection of the best chat responses, boy, old men can get really angry. I was like, 15 or 16 at the time so it was seemed like the fun thing to do!
  6. What? I thought the CMSF jingle was suberb! It reminded me a bit of the music for Desert Combat mod for Battlefield...I have a soft spot for this contemporary-ethnic fusion music. It really conveys the feeling of young men in a foreign country in an intricate fashion.
  7. A similar situation happened over here in Finland only it was winter and it was a Pasi wheeled APC covered by a camo net that got snowed over. Hell, a lot of stuff gets lost when it snows. A grunt in another squad found the crapping hole that the pioneers occupying the positions had used. The CV90 crews wouldn't let the poor smelly guy in so he had to walk some 6 clicks to the base for a shower.
  8. There is a lot of people online on Steam all the time, it's just that it doesn't automatically put everyone in the chat channel too. The chat channel is a bit quiet, which is a shame, but there's lots of people online to play with nevertheless. Find online people in the Steam group and ask them for a game.
  9. Just finished this victoriously, the last battle was brutal.
  10. SPOILER: That taxi was great. It exploded maybe 5-10 meters in front of my lead BMP stripping it of most it's options and it was subsequently hit by maybe 3 RPGs, yet it soldiered on through the mission.
  11. Damn, I had the rebels surrendering with 10 minutes on the clock with almost all their troops dead, me having lost 5 KIA 4 wounded but I didn't have enough guys on the objectives so I got a draw.
  12. Woot! My CMSF time these days is almost exclusively company sized battles as Red so this has me jizzing my pants! I hope it's somesort of fiendish Lost Vikings -style gameplay with puzzles that require you to construct barricades out of the remains of your comrades while Communazi zombies block all routes to the satellite control center! Hyvä homma, raportoin lisää kun oon polttanut näppini näitten kanssa.
  13. Yeah this is my number one wish for multiplayer!
  14. I have a faint recollection of maybe reading something that might have been Steve's post that just perhaps hinted that there was some enhancements being done. Perhaps it suggested the machine being used was quite a few years old and the battle being run was somewhat complex yet ran smoothly on some devilish debug code that slows things down?
  15. Looks like we got a more sexually liberal crowd than one would expect from a bunch of wargamers. But it does seem like we have a few panties grogs in the house, nice! I'm warning you guys that there are pictures of me french kissing 2 dudes. You guys have any idea how many birds a stunt like that pulls? I can say lots. The end result was a cousin catfight followed by ladies slapping me and calling me an *******, yet at the end of the night one of them ran in high heels 2km in freezing weather to catch the bus I was going home on. Excavated both of them. Nothing pushes a girl over the ledge than a guy who at first is interested in her, but then starts becoming interested in another guy! That is beautiful wingman work in action right there. I won't even mention the fact that this occurred on my birthday party and there were a few people present that I hadn't seen in 5-10 years looking on and wondering wtf is going on. My ego is growing into a monster that I am desperately trying to reign. Emrys, your link does nothing but mock my geographical location and say "You can't watch this, na na na!" Pešadija, I only eat what she tells me to. I came looking for honey, but I got caught in the web. Now I am naught but a mindless drone. The Queen must be obeyed...
  16. I am pretty slick with the ladies. Ever since dropping some *cid last autumn I found near-infinite confidence and insight into the female mindset. You know what it's like to read Cosmopolitan and articles on psychology while *ripping? It took that to fully understand the fundamental differences in how the two sexes perceive this world and act accordingly. It's not really about what you say to a girl (she won't remember specifics, that is how males think, that is why males are perceivedly the romantic-sender gender and females the recipient. She will remember how you made her feel.), but how, why and at what point during the encounter you say it. The trick is to be utmostly relaxed so you can think on your feet, good breathing technique is essential to maintain your cool. Learn the basics of body language and it becomes, by time easy to tell if you should proceed or not. Just remember the first 3 second reaction will almost always be positive unless she finds you blatantly disgusting, after that you can start to tell apart true sexual interest. Speak softly. Remember when you walk and posture that the shoulders and hips define your stance, focus on those. Smile naturally so it tenses the muscles around your cheek bones. This highlights them and tightens the jawline, creating a very attractive facial feature. Women love men who use their face. It radiates confidence. Use that smile, think of yourself as an actor, make faces. Listen intently to her story. This cannot be highlighted enough! And always remember to be hard to get. The more ladies around you, the more will come. 100% rate of pick-up success in roughly 5 months, then I stopped because I found a really nice girl.
  17. I'm expecting something as awesome as the NV goggles and RC car with C4 that the Call of Duty special editions came with.
  18. Anyone going to take photos? I can't attend a preview so it'd be nice to live vicariously. Plus I've always wondered what the CM crowd looks like, myself being a lot younger than average. (24) Although I do understand the privacy aspect, this being the Internet and all. After all it's taking place at someone's home and there's people with military postings etc. Just thought I'd bring it up.
  19. Yeah, like for example, even though the chance is very slim but if the grenade explodes right next to the turret ring it can cause it to jam entirely.
  20. Seconding akd's sound mod as a must-have. Made the game 7 times more immersive for me.
  21. Reading this surely isn't easing the anticipation one bit.
  22. It's used to disassemble the rifle. Like this: Like the guy on the video says, hold the spring very carefully. A guy next to me disassembled a PKM carelessly and the spring flew from one end of the hallway to another smacking another guy in the forehead causing a nice gash.
  23. I post this after witnessing for the nth time how frustrating BMPs are to use...You deploy them in nice ambush positions only to look as a Hummvee parks right infront of it for 30 seconds with it's side exposed, spots it and nails it with it's .50 cal...If only the commander was in his vehicle calling targets! Please give us the missing 3rd crewmember on BMPs so they're not blind like this, it's not fun at all. Right now they're just a terrible waste because they can't spot effectively.
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