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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by ZPB II

  1. Well, you could say that there is a certain tone in the posters who get slammed here. I don't remember civil and constructive posts getting the slamhammer recently. +1 for AI triggers.
  2. I am planning to start a petition where young women from Euro crisis countries are sent as a form of pledge to the money-lending countries.
  3. I laughed so hard at that. There is so much Euro crisis debate right now, last I heard is Spaniards saying us Finns are dikkhedz because we wanted the slightest guarantee that we will be hearing about those millions going down the drain. So sad. Spending someone else's money and then hating on them sounds a wee bit ungrateful to me. Those funny southern people and their utter lack of fiscal discipline. Back on topic, I was more than pleasantly surprised at the mere fee of 10 dollars. That'll be probably round about 15 000 euros by the time it comes out. Actually, I just read the feature list again since I had only briefly glanced it earlier. I now have the heebie-jeebies or whatever.
  4. You are not paying for patches. Patches are free. Upgrades cost money. There will be free patches for all versions of the games. If you want a new version of Windows it costs money. New version of Cubase costs money. New version of Office costs money. New version of Photoshop costs money. New version of Maya costs money. Enough examples for you? I would love to be polite but you are spreading lies.
  5. Niko3, in what country do you live where you don't have to pay for stuff? PATCHES FOR CMX2 WILL STILL BE FREE BUT UPGRADES WHICH MEANS NEW STUFF FOR THE GAME WILL COST MONEY. PATCHES WILL FIX OLD CONTENT SO IT WORKS AS INTENDED AND WILL BE FREE. UPGRADES WILL CONTAIN NEW CONTENT THUS YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS NEW CONTENT. When a new version of a product comes out, it costs money. This is how the world works. I would love to have a new car but those abusive, greedy Germans want me to pay for it EVEN THOUGH IT IS THE SAME MODEL OF THE CAR I HAVE I DO NOT UNDERSTAND???
  6. There has always been a demo for a new title so while I certainly don't know whether there will be a demo or not, I'm still going to say that yes, there will be one.
  7. I wouldn't have this forum any other way.
  8. I meant the forum behaviour I have observed from him. I haven't delved into his blog. Just the stuff on this site. I don't think we need to slam him for his blog in here.
  9. While I don't agree with all of John Kettler's opinions, atleast he presents them politely and seems like a nice guy. The same can't be said for everyone. (Myself included)
  10. Also, Redwolf. I believe BFC has stated that there is a marked difference between patches and upgrades. Patches will be free and they will contain the usual bugfixes etc. whereas upgrades will contain brand new features and thus will cost. Since it's new content being added instead of old content being fixed so it works as advertised. Ofcourse it is a grey area but that is the general gist of it.
  11. "Wake up! It's not 1996 anymore..." Hahaha, same can be said to you. All the major developers with the most money on the block are charging stuff like 20 dollars for 4 new maps for Call of Duty. Even a brand new CoD game is a lukewarm rehash of the previous ones with limited new features. 10 dollars for a new character for Mass Effect. 10 euros for a new skin in League of Legends. This is content that is significantly cheaper to develop and they charge more for it than BFC! This is how mainstream developers of today operate and you think that a niche developer with 2 programmers and a reliance on their fanbase for scenarios/campaigns could somehow make do without charging for stuff they make? You are hopelessly delusional. I don't think this community would have liked you anyway. We don't believe in getting games for free.
  12. I had no idea we had a psychic capable of mind control on this forum. Learn something new every day. I've been looking for a way to contact my home planet so I can return there. This message was written tongue-firmly-in-cheek, no offense intended. To stay on topic, I have a hunch that AP ammo fired from ATGs at infantry is a wee bit too effective.
  13. Hhmm, I find the CMx2 camera system to be splendid when used with the mouse, horrible if used with the keyboard. Using the, I'm not sure if I remember right since I haven't played in a bit, control key to move the camera the the location where you click and using the mouse to rotate/adjust the camera fits all my needs, quick and precise.
  14. Steve, can we get a checkable "Trusted Pause" box in the options when creating a game? By default the game would use the confirmation pause, but if the host knows the opponent he can choose the trusted option. This would be really close to WEGO TCP/IP which is the number one most requested feature in the Finnish gaming community! Please, in a patch? Pretty please with a cherry on top, some whipcream and a topless waitress? PS: I have bought all Combat Mission titles and will continue to do so in the future. I'd like to take this moment to thank you guys! All the best, Toni
  15. No! No! No!!! Please don't suggest these highly optimized task specific engines for CMx2! They look polished but will never work! There's a reason why I can't play a run-of-the-mill RTS (not a magnum opus like Starcraft/Warcraft) for more than 10 minutes before dying out of lack of stimuli other than lens flares. You need to understand that the CMx2 engine is a rare beast on a fundamental level. It takes nowhere near as many shortcuts as other engines to deliver you the experience it currently does. This is why it is so good. A single entity in the CMx2 world is smarter and more aware of his self and his surroundings. A single soldier in CMx2 vs. generic RTS/FPS is just so much more complex. Exponentially more complex. It boggles my mind to think of the LOS calculations in this game. I absolutely love the fact that CMx2 has it's own look and does not utilize the same filters and lighting as every other game. Visually, if we'd get a bit tweaked ambient lightning, more fluid infantry run/walk animation, tanks made out of steel instead of rubber and decals + deforming vehicle models the graphics would be perfect IMO. A tall order though. The current filter/lighting setup in graphics is like Autotune in music, it's killing creativity and blending everything into an unrecognizable mass of excrement. Not saying CMx2 graphics couldn't be improved but please, in the right direction! I'm really surprised that a game so heavily focused on number-crunching and made by such a small team for a niche crowd has graphics this good. Relative spotting is a really, really intensely big thing. You need to understand it's weight and overhead. Il-2 engine doesn't do it. Arma2 engine doesn't do it. CMx2 does it. It's bleeding edge in this regard. But since it's not related to graphics the ignoramus will only think of it as a nifty feature. BTW: I play a metric fckton of games and fiddle around with their engines. Easytarget and his lack of knowledge and understanding regarding a topic he expresses such strong opinions towards amuses me greatly. I guess he will think of me as an uneducated fanboy. Perhaps one day he will understand how games work.
  16. I'm fond of the Achilles, 25 pounder howitzers, Vickers MG and the 2 inch mortar. Lovely kit, by Jove!
  17. I started running a series of test duels between a King Tiger and a Jagdpanther at 1200 metres. The KT soundly trumped the JP, which was a bit of a surprise since I thought the JP featured a better optics suite. Then I noticed the JP was facing directly towards the sun, which I only assume impacts the spotting quite a bit...
  18. The first thing I did to my CW was to install this. Great stuff, loving all of it, especially the sonic snaps. The only thing I'm on the fence about is the "chomp" sound associated with smaller explosions, but I definitely need to play more. Thanks for this great mod!
  19. Well he is a beta tester so he had some time to prepare it beforehand. Thanks for this!
  20. I haven't been all over the place, but I found a King Tiger available for the Heer in August. It now lies smoking on a road somewhere in Normandy, cursed shot trap...
  21. So I bought a King Tiger in a QB. First shot fired in the battle is a 6 pounder hitting the shot trap and causing a penetration. No joke.
  22. When someone insinuates that tanks are kings in urban warfare because that's how it is in CM, my fanboy alarm goes off. I mean, seriously?
  23. They say I've got ADHD and even I find this too twitchy. It's got something to do with pretending to be realistic. I play a lot of FPS/RTS/Moba games that have an insane tempo and that's fine. They don't advertise themselves as having "NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN REALISM IN A REAL-TIME STRATEGY GAME." I found the pace ludicrous. It's just tanks and infantry racing from place to place with their triggers stuck. I like it how terrain doesn't seem to have any effect since tanks and infantry didn't slow down or avoid any obstacles. They appear to glide through everything. While pumping out serious amounts of ordnance without bothering to aim. You could shoot out crewmen from vehicles in the RTS "Z" and that came out in 1996! Not to mention vehicles having weaker side and rear armour has been an RTS staple for, uhh, I don't know, many many years? Dawn Of War & Company of Heroes had morale. And so on... It just seems mediocre. It's got very little to do with realism and the cynic in me assumes that it doesn't have the same kind of polish and balance as eSports-oriented clickfests like Starcraft 2 or League of Legends. The only saving grace I can think of is nukes. It looks exactly like World in Conflict and what made that game fun was dropping Daisy Cutters, carpet bombings and nukes all over the map. A Cold War game without nukes would suck.
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